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The Millenium Project Bookshop - books about Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid Schemes, Scams and Frauds

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Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid Schemes, Scams and Frauds

200% Of Nothing : An Eye-Opening Tour Through the Twists and Turns of Math Abuse and Innumeracy
200% Of Nothing : An Eye-Opening Tour Through the Twists and Turns of Math Abuse and Innumeracy by A. K. Dewdney

One of the common threads through racism, medical quackery and pseudoscience is the abuse of statistics. Sometimes this is deliberate, sometimes it is just an indication of the ignorance of the speaker, but always it is a means of confusing or deceiving the listener. This guide to the absurdities of some mathematical claims helps to level the playing field.

All That Glitters Is Not God : Breaking Free from the Sweet Deceit of Multi-Level Marketing
All That Glitters Is Not God : Breaking Free from the Sweet Deceit of Multi-Level Marketing by Athena Dean

Amway Motivational Organizations : Behind the Smoke and Mirrors
Amway Motivational Organizations : Behind the Smoke and Mirrors by Ruth Carter

Ruth Carter spent 15 years as an Amway distributor. During most of that time she was completely immersed in her upline's Motivational Organization. She also spent nearly five years working for her upline Diamond in his office. Only then did she witness the trickery, deception, and unethical behavior that pervades the Amway Motivational Organizations, or AMOs. This book reveals the truth behind the smoke and mirrors of the Amway motivational business.

Complete Idiot's Guide to Frauds, Scams and Cons
Complete Idiot's Guide to Frauds, Scams and Cons by Duane Swierczynski

Consumed By Success : Reaching The Top and Finding That God Wasn't There
Consumed By Success : Reaching The Top and Finding That God Wasn't There by Athena Dean

Consumed By Success is the story of a highly articulate Christian woman who became caught up in the glitz, glamor and hype of Multi-Level Marketing. While telling her own tale of involvement in MLM, Athena Dean points out the traps and dangers that MLM sets for the believing Christian. If you are concerned about MLM activities within your church community, this book is a must-read.

False Profits : Seeking Financial and Spiritual Deliverance in Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes
False Profits : Seeking Financial and Spiritual Deliverance in Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes by Robert L. FitzPatrick and Joyce K. Reynolds

False Profits provides an excellent discussion of the inherent fallacies and deceptions in any Multi-Level Marketing business. Fitzpatrick clearly makes the point that MLM is predicated on the failure of many.

How to Think about Weird Things : Critical Thinking for a New Age
How to Think about Weird Things : Critical Thinking for a New Age by Theodore Schick and Lewis Vaughn

The Little Black Book Of Scams
The Little Black Book Of Scams by Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

The little black book of scams highlights a variety of popular scams that regularly target Australian consumers and small business in areas such as fake lotteries, internet shopping, mobile phones, online banking, employment and investment opportunities. It also offers consumers tips on how to protect themselves from scams, what they can do to minimise damage if they do get scammed and how they can report a scam.

Merchants of Deception
Merchants of Deception by Eric Scheibeler

Eric Scheibeler was a big pin in Amway and this book documents the way he and his wife were drawn into the cult by false promises, lies and psychological tricks - the same tactics used by all cults to gain control over members.

Spellbound : My Journey Through A Tangled Web of Success
Spellbound : My Journey Through A Tangled Web of Success by Robert M. Styler

This is part of Rob Styler's account of his first 'Training' with Bill Gouldd. His journey with Equinox lasts seven years, during which he becomes one of Gouldd's top producers. Finally, realizing he can't continue with Equinox, he tries to gather his courage to make the break. He gets a phone call from a friend, Val, another Equinox distributor. Rob finally tells Gouldd he is leaving. Gouldd immediately starts publicly slandering him at sales meetings. 'His actions make me wonder how I blindly followed him for so many years.' Rob Styler's account of the man and the company which held him spellbound is a compelling read. Those who have been involved in Equinox, Amway, or a score of other MLM businesses will find pieces of themselves in this book.

Things I Think About - Volume 2
Things I Think About - Volume 2 by Peter Bowditch

Why People Believe Weird Things : Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
Why People Believe Weird Things : Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time by Michael Shermer

I am continually amazed by the sorts of things that people can believe without any evidence to support the belief, and often in spite of comprehensive evidence against the belief. Faith is a wonderful thing, but it can't make facts disappear.


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