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The Amaz!ng Meeting 2The Bear's Progress

SkeptoBear's trip to James Randi's Amazing Meeting 2004

In January 2004, Peter Bowditch, Alynda Brown and SkeptoBear travelled a long way to represent Australian Skeptics at James Randi's Amazing Meeting. The story can finally be told.

The travellers

You can read all about it here.

It took a decade, but the story that was here for a while was finally published as a book in 2014.

In January 2004, at the invitation of Mr James Randi, I was a speaker at The Amazing Meeting in Las Vegas. At the time I was Vice President of Australian Skeptics and I went as a representative of that organisation, accompanied by the other Vice President. Also in the party was SkeptoBear, a bear of little repute, who insisted on coming as a neutral observer. This is the story of the trip around the bottom left-hand corner of the USA and the top left-hand corner of Mexico.

Get your copy from Amazon.

The Amaz!ng Meeting 2


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