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The Millenium Project Bookshop

This is a collection of books related to the various categories in The Millenium Project.

There is also a list of books which are not recommended. These are by authors featured elsewhere on the site or deal with topics mentioned here. There will not be many of them, and they are here because I don't want to be accused of ignoring opposing points of view and, as people are going to buy them, I rather like the irony of the situation anyway.

Book of the Week

The Health Robbers : A Close Look at Quackery in America The Health Robbers : A Close Look at Quackery in America by Stephen Barrett. If someone takes your money or your life with a gun they can end up in prison. If they do it with magic potions or impossible electrical devices they get book contracts and web sites.

Recently added books

Please click on a category name to be taken to a list of books.

Health Fraud







Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid Schemes, Scams and Frauds

Critical Thinking

Books that don't fit anywhere else

Magazine Subscriptions

Books related to the Art Collection

Books which are not recommended



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