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The Millenium Project Bookshop - books about Religion

This is a collection of books related to the Religious Bigotry category in The Millenium Project.

There are some books about Religion which are not recommended. You can see the list here.

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Against All Gods
Against All Gods by A. C. Grayling

The Age of Reason
The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine

All That Glitters Is Not God : Breaking Free from the Sweet Deceit of Multi-Level Marketing
All That Glitters Is Not God : Breaking Free from the Sweet Deceit of Multi-Level Marketing by Athena Dean

Atheism : The Case Against God
Atheism : The Case Against God by George H. Smith

Atheist Manifesto : The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
Atheist Manifesto : The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam by Michel Onfray

The Australian Book Of Atheism
The Australian Book Of Atheism by Warren Bonnett (Ed)

Bare-faced messiah : the true story of L. Ron Hubbard
Bare-faced messiah : the true story of L. Ron Hubbard by Russell Miller

Blind Faith
Blind Faith by Ben Elton

Breaking the Spell : Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
Breaking the Spell : Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by Daniel C. Dennett

Bullshit! Season 1 DVD
Bullshit! Season 1 DVD by Penn & Teller

Bullshit! Season 2 DVD
Bullshit! Season 2 DVD by Penn & Teller

Bullshit! Season 3 DVD
Bullshit! Season 3 DVD by Penn & Teller

Bullshit! Season 4 DVD
Bullshit! Season 4 DVD by Penn & Teller

The Caged Virgin : An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam
The Caged Virgin : An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The Cartoons That Shook the World
The Cartoons That Shook the World by Jytte Klausen

Christian Science
Christian Science by Mark Twain

This is a hilarious expose of one of the silliest (and most dangerous) combinations of religious nonsense and medical misconception. A classic that is still relevant after a century. (This is a downloadable free version of the book, courtesy of Project Gutenberg.)

The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Hell)
The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Hell) by Dorothy L. Sayers

The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Paradise)
The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Paradise) by Dorothy L. Sayers

The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Purgatory)
The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Purgatory) by Dorothy L. Sayers

Conspiracy : How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From
Conspiracy : How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From by Daniel Pipes

Creationism's Upside-Down Pyramid : How Science Refutes Fundamentalism
Creationism's Upside-Down Pyramid : How Science Refutes Fundamentalism by Lee Tiffin

Crisis of Conscience
Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz

Cults in Our Midst
Cults in Our Midst by Margaret Thaler Singer and Janja Lalich

Everyone knows that they are too smart to ever get sucked in by a cult, but when you look at the victims there are some smart people there who believed the words of conmen and liars. The difference with most conmen is they only take your money but the cults can take your family, your sanity and your life.

Denying History : Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It
Denying History : Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It by Michael Shermer, Alex Grobman and Arthur Hertzberg

There are people who deny that the Holocaust happened; there are people who say that if it happened, nobody high up planned it; there are people who say it might have happened but it wasn't really that bad. Underlying all of this is a barely-disguised foundation of racism.

The End of Faith : Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason
The End of Faith : Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason by Sam Harris

Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds
Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay

This book was first published in 1841 and told about panics and hysterias of the past. Updating the book to today would just require the addition of a chapter on the Internet stock craze, an update to the witchcraft chapter to include mention of recovered memory syndrome, satanic ritual abuse and alien abductions, and a new chapter about Y2K madness.

The Faith Healers
The Faith Healers by James Randi

It is bad enough that charlatans hawk untested medicines and techniques to sick people, but there seems to be something particularly evil about people who claim to have magic healing powers or who claim to be using powers delegated to them by God. At least some of the quack medicine salespeople believe in what they are doing.

Finding Darwin's God
Finding Darwin's God by Kenneth Miller

The Five Gospels : What Did Jesus Really Say? The Search for the AUTHENTIC Words of Jesus
The Five Gospels : What Did Jesus Really Say? The Search for the AUTHENTIC Words of Jesus by Robert W. Funk

Free Expression Is No Offence
Free Expression Is No Offence by Lisa Appignanesi (Editor)

The book that helped to win a battle! Edited by Lisa Appignanesi, the PEN/Penguin book with thought-provoking essays by Salman Rushdie, Hanif Kureishi, Monica Ali, Hari Kunzru, Howard Jacobson, Helena Kennedy and many more was published on December 1 2005.

The Future of an Illusion
The Future of an Illusion by Sigmund Freud

God : The Failed Hypothesis. How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist
God : The Failed Hypothesis. How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist by Victor Stenger

The God Delusion
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

God Is Not Great : How Religion Poisons Everything
God Is Not Great : How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens

Goddess Unmasked : The Rise of Neopagan Feminist Spirituality
Goddess Unmasked : The Rise of Neopagan Feminist Spirituality by Philip G. Davis

Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathon Swift

H.L. Mencken on Religion
H.L. Mencken on Religion by H. L. Mencken (Author) and S. T. Joshi (Editor)

Has Science Found God? The Latest Results in the Search for Purpose in the Universe
Has Science Found God? The Latest Results in the Search for Purpose in the Universe by Victor Stenger

The Healing Revelations of Mary Baker Eddy : The Rise and Fall of Christian Science
The Healing Revelations of Mary Baker Eddy : The Rise and Fall of Christian Science by Martin Gardner

The Hidden Hand : Middle East Fears of Conspiracy
The Hidden Hand : Middle East Fears of Conspiracy by Daniel Pipes

How We Believe : The Search for God in an Age of Science
How We Believe : The Search for God in an Age of Science by Michael Shermer

Shermer makes the distinction between belief, non-belief and unbelief, and describes his own transition from one state to another. Religion and science have different roles in society, and this book looks at the boundaries and overlaps which are legitimate for each.

The Human Question
The Human Question by Hervey Peoples

In Pursuit of Satan : The Police and the Occult
In Pursuit of Satan : The Police and the Occult by Robert D. Hicks

In the Path of God : Islam and Political Power
In the Path of God : Islam and Political Power by Daniel Pipes

Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Jesus for the Non Religious
Jesus for the Non Religious by John Shelby Spong

L. Ron Hubbard : Messiah or Madman?
L. Ron Hubbard : Messiah or Madman? by Bent Corydon

You might think the title of this book is a rhetorical question, but the criminal cult of Scientology is out there as a testament to Hubbard's madness so there are obviously still some people who can't work out the right answer for themselves. If you are unfamiliar with the cult, Operation Clambake is a good place to start.

Letter to a Christian Nation
Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris

Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

The Long Shadow : Culture and Politics in the Middle East
The Long Shadow : Culture and Politics in the Middle East by Daniel Pipes

Militant Islam Reaches America
Militant Islam Reaches America by Daniel Pipes

Miniatures : Views of Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics
Miniatures : Views of Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics by Daniel Pipes

Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
Miracle Mongers and Their Methods by Harry Houdini

Misquoting Jesus : The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why
Misquoting Jesus : The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why by Bart D. Ehrman

A Modest Proposal and Other Satires
A Modest Proposal and Other Satires by Jonathan Swift

The Myth of Islamic Tolerance
The Myth of Islamic Tolerance by Robert Spencer (Editor)

The Natural History of Religion
The Natural History of Religion by David Hume

Nothing : Something to Believe in
Nothing : Something to Believe in by Nica Lalli

A Piece of Blue Sky : Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed
A Piece of Blue Sky : Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed by Jon Atack and Russell Miller

The Political Teachings of Jesus
The Political Teachings of Jesus by Tod Lindberg

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer

You just know that the author of this book is hitting the target right in the middle when you see that an Islamist web site referred to him by using the words: "May Allah rip out his spine from his back and split his brains in two, and then put them both back, and then do it over and over again. Amen". Apparently the writer of that comment was upset about Spencer's view that Islam is not all about peace and light.

The Portable Atheist : Essential readings for the unbeliever
The Portable Atheist : Essential readings for the unbeliever by Christopher Hitchens (Editor)

The Praise of Folly
The Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus

The Reasonableness of Christianity As Delivered in the Scriptures
The Reasonableness of Christianity As Delivered in the Scriptures by John Locke

Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement
Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement by Michael Barkun

The Root of All Evil?
The Root of All Evil? by Richard Dawkins (TV program)

The Rushdie Affair : The Novel, the Ayatollah, and the West
The Rushdie Affair : The Novel, the Ayatollah, and the West by Daniel Pipes

The Satanic Verses
The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie

Science and Religion : Are They Compatible?
Science and Religion : Are They Compatible? by Paul Kurtz, Barry Karr and Ranjit Sandhu (Editors)

The Science of Good and Evil
The Science of Good and Evil by Micheal Shermer

Science Versus Religion
Science Versus Religion by Tad S. Clements

Second Mencken Chrestomathy
Second Mencken Chrestomathy by H. L. Mencken

The Sins of Scripture
The Sins of Scripture by John Shelby Spong

Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast : The Evolutionary Origins of Belief
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast : The Evolutionary Origins of Belief by Lewis Wolpert

Slave Soldiers and Islam : The Genesis of a Military System
Slave Soldiers and Islam : The Genesis of a Military System by Daniel Pipes

South Park : The Hits Volume 1
South Park : The Hits Volume 1 by Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Buy this just for the "Tom Cruise - Trapped in the Closet" episode!

Spinoza : Theological-Political Treatise
Spinoza : Theological-Political Treatise by Jonathan Israel and Michael Silverthorne (Eds)

The Structure of Evolutionary Theory
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory by Stephen Jay Gould

Superstition : Belief in the Age of Science
Superstition : Belief in the Age of Science by Robert Park

Things I Think About - Volume 1
Things I Think About - Volume 1 by Peter Bowditch

Things I Think About - Volume 2
Things I Think About - Volume 2 by Peter Bowditch

Tom Cruise : An Unauthorized Biography
Tom Cruise : An Unauthorized Biography by Andrew Morton

The Trouble with Science
The Trouble with Science by Robin Dunbar

The title of this book might suggest that it is anti-science, but in fact the author posits that science is a natural part of human existence (and even that of some animals) because it is about how organisms explain and interact with the world around them. The author has produced a very good summary of the philosophical path through Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend, and there is commentary about the relationship between religion and science which mightn't please Richard Dawkins but which provides a credible explanation for the ubiquity of religion across societies (and which allows for religion to be abandoned when better knowledge comes along).

A Universe From Nothing
A Universe From Nothing by Lawrence Krauss

The Varieties of Scientific Experience : A Personal View of the Search for God
The Varieties of Scientific Experience : A Personal View of the Search for God by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan

Who Wrote the Gospels?
Who Wrote the Gospels? by Randel McCraw Helms

Why I Am an Agnostic and Other Essays
Why I Am an Agnostic and Other Essays by Clarence Darrow

Why I Am an Atheist : Including a History of Materialism
Why I Am an Atheist : Including a History of Materialism by Madalyn O'Hair


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