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The Millenium Project Bookshop - books relevant to the Art Collection

This is a collection of books related to The Millenium Project Art Collection.

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Art | Creationism | Critical Thinking | Cults | Health Fraud | Magazines | MLM | Pseudoscience |
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Art Collection

The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Hell)
The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Hell) by Dorothy L. Sayers

The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Paradise)
The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Paradise) by Dorothy L. Sayers

The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Purgatory)
The Comedy of Dante Alighieri the Florentine (Purgatory) by Dorothy L. Sayers

Goya - Los Caprichos
Goya - Los Caprichos by Philip Hofer

Things I Think About - Volume 1
Things I Think About - Volume 1 by Peter Bowditch


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