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The Millenium Project Bookshop - books about Philosophy

This is a collection of books related to the aims and interests of The Millenium Project and which are related to philosophy

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Critical Thinking

100 Questions (and Answers) About Research Methods
100 Questions (and Answers) About Research Methods by Neil J. Salkind

Against All Gods
Against All Gods by A. C. Grayling

The Age of Reason
The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine

Atheism : The Case Against God
Atheism : The Case Against God by George H. Smith

The Borderlands of Science : Where Sense Meets Nonsense
The Borderlands of Science : Where Sense Meets Nonsense by Michael Shermer

Bullshit and Philosophy
Bullshit and Philosophy by Gary L. Hardcastle and George A. Reisch (Editors)

But Is It Science? : The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy
But Is It Science? : The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy by Michael Ruse (Editor)

Crisis of Conscience
Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz

Darwin's Dangerous Idea : Evolution and the Meanings of Life
Darwin's Dangerous Idea : Evolution and the Meanings of Life by Daniel C. Dennett

The God Delusion
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

The Human Question
The Human Question by Hervey Peoples

Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

A Little History of Philosophy
A Little History of Philosophy by Nigel Warburton

The Matryoshka Doll
The Matryoshka Doll by Eugenia Miroshnikoff

Why do people believe in astrology? In these uncertain times many long for the comfort of having guidance in making decisions. They would like to believe in a destiny predetermined by astral forces beyond their control. However, we must all face the world, and we must realize that our futures lie in ourselves, and not in the stars.

Research Methods - The Key Concepts
Research Methods - The Key Concepts by Michael Hammond and Jerry Wellington

Science and Religion : Are They Compatible?
Science and Religion : Are They Compatible? by Paul Kurtz, Barry Karr and Ranjit Sandhu (Editors)

The Science of Good and Evil
The Science of Good and Evil by Micheal Shermer

Skepticism And The Possibility Of Knowledge
Skepticism And The Possibility Of Knowledge by A. C. Grayling

Skeptics and True Believers
Skeptics and True Believers by Chet Raymo

Teach Yourself Philosophy
Teach Yourself Philosophy by Mel Thompson

Thinking About Social Thinking
Thinking About Social Thinking by Antony Flew


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