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Highly Commended 2000Comment and Opinion

BoyLove Forum
(This site seems to have disappeared. For another site with a very similar appearance and values, see Free Spirits. PB 3 March 2001)

This site was highly commended in the 2000 Millenium Project Awards. The award was announced in the following words:

Following on from last year's winner, the execrable NAMBLA, here is the BoyLove Forum. It really strains the concept of freedom of speech to allow vermin like this to have a public voice. Unfortunately one of the prices of freedom is that rights extend to people whose views are absolutely worthless or, as in this case, worth less than nothing. Luckily, sensible legislatures around the world make a distinction between words and actions and throw people who do what is suggested here into prison where, with any luck, the perverts get just what we all want them to get. One of life's great pleasures is imagining a rock spider's first day in the exercise yard.


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