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Comment and Opinion

Brunner Professional Services – Health Coach & Nutritional Consultant

This is just your average medical quackery site. It gets a special mention and an inclusion in the Buffoonery category for announcing itself to, of all places, an anti-quackery mailing list with the following innocent-sounding message:

Date sent: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 08:53:45 -0800
From: Karen Brunner <>
Subject: [healthfraud] Great North American Slim Down

Does anyone know about the informercial "The Great North American Slim Down"?

It advertises using food to increase your metabolism, along with an exercise regime. Very tempting. Just wanted to know if anyone ever used or looked into this program.

Another incredibly important message from:

Karen Brunner, RNC, CNM
To Improve Your Health:


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