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Comment and Opinion

Christian City Church

This site won an Encouragement Award in the 2003 Millenium Awards. The award citation read:

Services from this holy roller church are broadcast on late-night cable television, with much singing, hand waving and heavy-duty exhortations to observe the power of prayer. There appears to be a disparity, however, between the appearance of Pastor Phil on television and his picture on the web site. On television his hair seems to be, how shall I put this, a little more silvery than it used to be. Hair colour is important to evangelists, and one of Pastor Phil's local competitors has hair of such blackness that it invites suspicion of chemical interference with nature. Not that there's anything wrong with that, and I encourage Pastor Phil to dab on a bit of Grecian 2000 to restore his image in this competitive marketplace. With his face shape, however, he should avoid any hairdresser who suggests a Benny Hinn Bouffant.


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