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Comment and Opinion

The Role of Colon Cleansing in a Natural Treatment Program for the ADD/ADHD Child
(When Geocities ceased to exist in late 2009, this site went with it. If it finds a new home the link will be restored.)

This site was Highly Commended in the 2005 Millenium Awards.

The award citation read:

It is almost an article of religious faith among proponents of alternative medicine that there is no such thing as Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. These are considered to be inventions of the pharmaceutical industry to sell the drug Ritalin, which is always described as "untested" despite having been in use for decades. (Strangely, using something for a long time is proof of its effectiveness if it is quackery.)

Rather inconsistently, the quacks like to tell us that even though these conditions don't exist, they can be treated by the application of the appropriate nostrums and techniques. In this case, the treatment consists of sticking a hose into the child's rectum and pumping in some fluids with magical qualities. Of course, no "cure" is claimed (because that might invite examination by regulatory authorities) and therefore the enema-giver has no responsibility beyond the timely deposit of the child's parents' money into the bank.


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