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The Eagle Foundation

If you are looking for Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum, please click here.

These people asked to be included in The Millenium Project. I am very glad to comply with their wishes. You will note that they mention Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan and seem proud of the mental association.

From: "Jason Stevens"
Subject: Please add our website to your list of nazi -Ku Klux Klan anti-vaccine proponents
Date sent: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 19:04:20 -0500


My name is Rose Stevens and I belong to the Association for Vaccine Damaged Children in Canada. Our web site for the Eagle Foundation is and we would like to be added to your list of "anti-vaccine flea bags" Proud to be one of them!!! Please have a look at our web site--especially click on "Latest News" and then on "Vaccine Controversy" You will absolutely love the picture that is being used as a poster for the Health and Wellness Expo we will be speaking at here in Winnipeg. These posters are all over Winnipeg. We actually got the thumbs up to use the front cover of a Canadian Newsmagazine for our Vaccine Risk Awareness Posters. Maybe you would like the address of the magazine so that you can add them to your list of "nazi--Ku Klux Klan" anti-vaccine proponents. It is obvious from your web site that you must have had too many vaccines in your life time. Sincerely Rose Stevens--P. S. Are you really a Proctologist?? Maybe you have had your head in the wrong place for too long and it has clouded your prospective.


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