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Comment and Opinion

Life Extension®

Oh, yeah? (25/7/2020)
An advertisement for this product popped up somewhere unannounced. It raised certain questions in my mind, but first here are the claims made about it in the advetisement.

  • Promotes Healthy Cellular Renewal
  • Non GMO LE Certified
  • Scientifically Formulated By Life Extension
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Insilico Medicine

Stem cells are invaluable to your continued health and vitality. This is because stem cells can transform into other kinds of cells when your body needs them, a process called differentiation. Stem cells can also create more copies of themselves, which is called self-renewal. Both of these properties are essential to tissue rejuvenation.

A healthy balance between these two actions promotes healthy tissue maintenance, growth, and longevity. But aging can cause stem cells to no longer function optimally — often losing the ability to self-renew, or differentiate into other cells, or both. We’ve created GEROPROTECT® Stem Cell to help maintain youthful, healthy stem cell function.

Firstly, I'm not sure what "Insilico Medicine" is and why it would be listed as an advantage for these pills, but the real question is how ingestion of vegetable stem cells can cause regeneration of human animal stem cells once the pills have broken down in the stomach and how these vegetable stem cells know which human cells need replenishing. Maybe the pills don't actually contain vegetable stem cells but just some plant things that trigger stem cell reproduction in the human gut. Or maybe they do nothing at all except move money from someone's wallet to a scamster's bank account.

As well as being vegetarian and suitable even for vegans I note that the product seems to have been given the approval of the farcical Non-GMO Project (or maybe some other fake certification outfit), so it must be good. I also note that the pills have been "scientifically formulated" (but not "scientifically tested"?) by some outfit called "Life Extension". As they say on the Life Extension web site:

Our clinical researchers continually push the envelope of scientific innovation in an effort to unlock new gateways to extraordinary wellness and vitality. We’re here to guide you through the hype and hysteria by translating science into everyday insights so you can make informed decisions and live your healthiest life. Here you will find in-depth protocols on a variety of health conditions and articles on the latest in health and nutrition science.

Who could argue with that?

Life Extension have additional information about the pills:

GEROPROTECT® Stem Cell uses three plant-based nutrients identified by artificial intelligence to support a healthy balance of stem cell self-renewal and differentiation for optimum cell health and longevity.

"Identified by artificial intelligence"! Well, I'm convinced. There is another way of processing vegetable matter and the picture below shows one result that can be found in paddocks all around where I live. It represents my opinion about these pills.


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