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Comment and Opinion

Life Force International

While we're on the subject of MLM … (2/9/2006)
When I did my regular link check this week I found that the scamsters at Life Force International seem to have disappeared. Well, the corporate site has disappeared but there are lots of distributor sites still out there. The first one I looked at obviously belonged to a very successful distributor indeed (perhaps in the Piaget class, rather than Rolex), and displayed this set of awards.

Great results!!!

I was trying to find a link to the mother ship's site, so I looked at a few more distributor sites. I soon came across this:

More awards

Hmmmm. It looks like the makers of expensive Swiss watches and Italian sports cars will have to increase production. Surely the MLM outfit wouldn't be handing out the same awards to different people and hoping that nobody noticed. That would be deceptive.


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