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Encouragement Award 2006Comment and Opinion

Vaccinations Harm Psychic Abilities
this used to be part of the bigger Metatech web site. It gives an idea of the flavour of the site. Sadly, the Metatech site went 404 in 2021.

This site won an Encouragement Award in the 2006 Millenium Awards. The citation read:

This site needs our full support to reveal a hidden danger of vaccination. While most campaigners are telling us of the health dangers of vaccines, someone has at last pointed to an even greater danger – the loss of psychic powers. Children die every day from spider bites, drowning and being run over by cars. Now we can attribute these deaths to vaccines as well, because without the vaccines the kids would know what was about to happen and would not have to constantly remember to avoid creepy crawlies, stay out of rivers and to look both ways before crossing the road.

What a load of insanity!

Evidence of madness


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