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Comment and Opinion

Immunizations: Make an Informed Choice!
(The University has removed this from their servers.)

One of the methods of lying is lying by association. This technique involves creating a deception that some authority or august body supports or approves of the lie. Of all the places you might expect to find an anti-vaccination site called "Immunizations: Make an Informed Choice!", probably the least likely would be on a site belonging to the microbiology department of a university, yet this very thing exists under the domain of the School of Microbiology & Immunology at the University of New South Wales, one of Australia's most prestigious educational institutions.

I have no idea how it could have got there as I would assume that students and staff of that school would at least have a modicum of scientific knowledge. The content appears to be copied from somewhere else (hence the spelling of the word "immunization"), but it is probably considered to be a public relations success by the liar community because of its obvious connection with the University and the implied approval that its positioning suggests.

The University may have been unaware that this travesty exists (it can't be reached from the School's home page), but they know about it now.

You can see what the site looked like here.


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