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Comment and Opinion

North American Man-Boy Love Association

This pack of child rapists were highly commended in the 1999 Millenium Awards. Here is what I said at the time:

It's hard to go past NAMBLA, those champions of paedophilia. It would be particularly hard to go past if you were carrying, say, a flame thrower or a grenade or a small automatic weapon. Like the anti-vaccinationists, these vermin say they are acting in the interests of children. Like the anti-vaccinationists, they lie. As NAMBLA members would probably enjoy a Rectinol treatment, it will be applied to the prize recipient with a chain saw.

Late in 2000 the perverts at the North American Man-Boy Love Association closed the doors on their execrable site. This was done to protect themselves because some child rapist was in court claiming that he only molested children because the NAMBLA site told him how good it was.

I will relink to the site if they ever have the courage to put it back on line. Sane people need to see what sort of filth these vermin claim is good and educational for our children.

Come back, NAMBLA. All is unforgiven.

After hiding out with a German web site for some time, the perverts came back to in 2004.


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