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Comment and Opinion

North Shore Health & Fitness Associates
(This site has disappeared)

The first time I heard about this outfit was in a message to Usenet that said:

Thought the group would appreciate a great new workout that I found online at

It shows how in only 10 minutes you can get in a firming, toning and strenghtening program for every major body part. I did not believe it until I tried it. Using only dumbells I cannot believe the feeling you get from the very first workout.

I find that only 2-3 workouts a week really keeps me in shape. Check it out for yourself at

Getting firm in minimal time, Sally :)

Please note the words "a great new workout that I found online". When you look at the details of the person who sent the message you see:

From: "North Shore Health & Fitness Associates" <>

This email address just happens to be the same as the one which appears on the "Contact us" page on the site. So, in the very first communication that this place had with me they lied, but the lie was so transparent that the only inference can be that they don't care if they get caught lying. Perhaps that is a necessary qualification for being in the business of selling fraudulent medical "cures" and "treatments".


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