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Comment and Opinion

Phazx Systems BodyScan 2010
(It's gone. Another scam bites the dust.)

These people sell a very expensive instrument to measure electrical resistance across the skin. It seems that this technique can be used to greatly increase the income of people who buy the machine and then use it to test "patients" who come in complaining of various ailments. Or even to find ailments that the "patients" didn't know they had.

You can read what the US Federal Drug Administration thought about this machine here.

By the way, when you go to this page a JavaScript program creates an email message to Phazx Systems. This is to get your email address (all the other information it collects is available from the server log). Whether your are informed of this may depend on which email program you are using as your default and how your browser is set up. In my case, I received a dialogue box which informed me that an email was to be sent and gave me the option to continue or cancel. If you see this, I advise you to click on the "Cancel" button. When I clicked on "OK" a message was created in my email program (Pegasus Mail) and I had the option to send the message or cancel it. If you are using the embedded mailer in Netscape, you will not be given this option and your details will be sent to Phazx without any further input from you. If you are using Outlook Express, a message will be placed in your outbox and either sent immediately or the next time you click on "Send/Receive", depending on your options settings. Again, my advice is to click on the "Cancel" button when you get the message in your browser.


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