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Randi Index

(This site has been thrown off a number of hosting services for violation of their terms of service. The latest was Angelfire. If it ever turns up again, I will link to the new (temporary) home.)

Someone wrote to me asking why I had James Randi listed in the Liars category when he was one of the good guys. This is the site that is listed there, and it is an attack on Randi by someone who believes that all you have to do to prove that your nonsense is valid is to say it is and all you have to do to claim Randi's $1 million is to ask for it. In the real world, things are different. You can see the real James Randi web site by clicking on the picture of Pigasus.

The backing for the $1 million challenge has changed now, but I was one of the people who pledged money to the cause when the amount was first raised from $10,000. If you click on the image at the left, you can see my official pledger's card.


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