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Streamline International

Streamline International was added to the list of MLM scamsters here in September 2000. It sometimes takes a little while to get at these crooks and not enough of them are properly dealt with, but this one was.

FTC Sues Nationwide Internet Scam – June 20, 2001

"Health-Care" Products Sold To Mask Pyramid Operation; Safety of Products Misrepresented

The Federal Trade Commission has brought suit against a fraudulent Internet operation posing as a legitimate multi-level marketing business. The FTC charges that the scheme is actually an illegal pyramid that uses phony promises of easy income to scam consumers from across the country. ... (more)

Pyramid Promoter Settles FTC Charges – January 31, 2002

A participant in a pyramid scheme that posed as a multi-level marketing business has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that the scheme violated federal law. The settlement bars Robert Waitkus from engaging in illegal marketing schemes in the future and requires that he give up $30,000 in ill-gotten gains. The settlement also will bar him from making false or unsubstantiated safety or efficacy claims for dietary supplements. ... (more)


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