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This tape is banned – Mark Yarnell
The particular site I had listed here has disappeared, but this thing is all over the web. I didn't bother to find a replacement.

Brain-dead MLMer of the week (7/4/2001)
Why would anyone who could read send me an invitation to join a pyramid scheme, especially one to sell some quack medicine? (Why would anyone who could count join a pyramid scheme anyway?) I received an invitation which told me:

Ground Floor Opportunity!

Hear for yourself the complete UNCENSORED story "they" don't want you to hear! So controversial some doctors banned "the tape" and information about the product from their practices.

Mark Yarnell says, "The Genie is now out of the bottle". This information will alert you to what could be the most important health breakthrough of our lifetime! Discover what many world-renowned doctors already know!

Mark Yarnell was the scamster who admitted to looting $13 million out of Nu Skin. Now he wants more of your money. The tape mentioned in the email is available at many places on the web, usually with the statement "This tape is banned". (It's so banned that you can get it at hundreds of places!) But be warned! Mark says it is so dramatic that you should not listen just before bed or you will not be able to sleep!


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