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February 22, 2017

I'm back!!! (22/2/2017)
Well, I'm not really back but I will be shortly. What was going to be a two month break from updating this site turned into a year's sabbatical. As the site had been running since March 1999, I sort of felt entitled to have some time off to do something else.

Over the last year I've been settling into my new home in the country and developing a new hobby. Many years ago I used to be a participant in forest rallying and during 2016 I went back into the game but as a journalist, not a competitor, so I have spent some time during the year learning this new trade and finding outlets for publishing my work. I'll be doing a lot more of that this year, but now I'm more organised in how I go about it. During 2016 I kept up my regular contributions to Australasian Science magazine and also spoke at a couple of conferences. The words and even some videos of these will appear here in the next month or so.

Behind-the-scenes, all video and audio content on this site has been changed from Flash or links to external sites like YouTube to use the HTML5 method of display. This should not be a problem to any visitors using the most recent versions of the more popular browsers, but if anything goes wrong please email me. Right now I'm fixing all the broken and changed links on the site that have collected over the last twelve months. This was enough of a problem when I used to do it monthly so the job now is a bit like trying to mow a golf course using nail scissors, but it all should be done in a week or two.

I don't know exactly when the relaunch will happen but feel free to befriend me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter where announcements will be made.

I'm looking forward to starting up again, and old foes like Stan Burzynski, ex-Dr Andrew Wakefield, the cesspit of the Australian Vaccination Network and others are still around so I'm sure I'll have something to talk about.

See more Nonsequitur here.

As part of moving from near a city out into the real country with cows and sheep across the road from my house, I will probably have to adjust my taste in music. Here's something appropriate from the sadly now gone Atheist Cartoons site.

This was all a bit premature. Look forward to March 2019 when this site will be 20 years old.
I'm planning a birthday rebirth.


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