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Home >History > Front page updates September 2022
More nostalgia while the site is "resting", as we thespians say.
Quintessence Nook (15/9/2022)
My birthday in September reminded me that I was born before time was invented. Looking back to September 2002 I found things in Quintessence of the Loon that might be of interest to historians.
Where have all the web sites gone? Long time passing Where have all the web sites gone Long time ago? Where have all the web sites gone? Gone four zero four every one Oh, when will you ever learn? Oh, when will you ever learn? (Thanks, Pete Seeger) |
~ GUTH Venus ~
It's the first thing to appear in the sky after sunset and the last to disappear before sunrise. Scientists tell us that we can see Venus so clearly and brightly because it has high "albedo", but perhaps there is "libido" there as well among the creatures who lived there in the past (before the greenhouse effect set in) and may even be there today. Of course, government instrumentalities like NASA are not interested in the prospect of life on Venus. Or are they? Perhaps they know the truth and want to hide it from us, which is why they explore the place with high-powered lasers "offering little if anything towards humanitarian communications worthy aspects, is obviously having little if anything to do with calling upon our lizard folk neighbors, as those situated on Venus".
Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork & Science Today
One of the theories about why the pyramids were built is that they were the tombs of rulers. Well, it looks like Egypt didn't just have impressive political rulers but it had some awesome measuring rulers as well. How else could you explain the fact that the sides of the pyramids can be accurate to within one ten-millionth part of a foot? Of course, the Egyptians had to have this sort of accuracy if they were going to be able to make pyramids with square bases that were exactly the same area as some circles, because nobody else can make a circle and a square with the same area because they all think that pi is transcendental or something. Then there's the Aztec calendar ...
Ethical Raw Veganism
I feel sorry for plants, and now people want to eat them alive! If it wasn't plantist talk, I would say that this is nuts.
Something new that's actually something old
I've written a lot of short articles and news items here over the last two decades. Each month a couple of these pieces will be randomly selected. They might not always still be relevant, but that's the way history works.
Chiropractors are not happy. This makes everyone else happy. (17/8/2019)
I had to wait until after Saturday to build this update because I had to wait until I could get a recording of Channel 7's Sunday program. The word on the street was that the show was going to look at some of the excesses of the "medical specialty" known as chiropractic, and my friend Mr (he's a surgeon) John Cunningham would be there to provide some sense.
The whinges and complaints were many. One of them was that the noise of cracking a baby's back had been added by the show's producers, but in reality the scenes at the start of the program came directly from a video made by a chiropractor and included the sounds of the torture. It was publicity raised by this video some months ago that drew the attention of authorities to chiropractors endangering babies with useless and potentially dangerous "manipulations". Of course, chiropractors mistreating children is not anything new and action was promised by the professions "regulatory body" back in 2013, but as could be reliably predicted at the time nothing was done, because regulation of the industry is done by the people who need regulating. I predict that there will be more smoke and murmurs of concern from the Chiropractic Board of Australia and in a few short years from now we will again be shocked by chiropractors doing things that have no science backing them to treat medical conditions which chiropractic has no plausible way of curing.
As a side note, how can any profession take itself seriously when Mr (he's a chiropractor, not a doctor) Billy DeMoss is lauded as a spokesman for the industry? The man is either barking mad or an actor in the Olivier class. Oh, and he sells cannabis oil to cure things, although this would seem to suggest that there are things that chiropractic can't cure and which need chemicals. Oh, wait – CBD oil is chemical free. Just ask an expert.
See everything that appeared in 2019 here.
A compliment (4/8/2007)
I have found myself listed with some very illustrious names. The location is a blog devoted to extolling the virtues of Amway and defending the right of people to lie to others about how much money can be made as a brick in a pyramid. Apparently my sin was to criticise multi-level marketing and the Amway motivational organisations without ever being a victim myself. (On this basis, the only crimes I can offer a credible opinion about are mugging, car theft and corporate fraud because I have experienced them personally. Anything I say about rape, murder, armed robbery or slave trafficking has no value. For some reason analogies like this don't go down too well with true believers, and even less well with those who pretend to believe in order to deceive others.)
Here is the list of evil anti-MLM campaigners:
It is interesting to note that two people in the list, Steve Hassan and Rick Ross, are actually anti-cult campaigners. I guess that the Amway Motivational Organisations feel their ears burning when anyone mentions cults. The blogger (who is of course anonymous, going by the name "IBOFightBack" on his blog and "insider" in at least one other place) has annotated some of the names, and this is what he had to say about me:
Runs the "ratbags" site in Australia. I wrote to him a year or so ago pointing out, with independent sources, where a number of his claims were flat out wrong. His only response? he'd already addressed the issues (he hadn't) and that I was obviously impervious to logic since I was writing from a domain mlmfacts.com (which I wasn't – it was mlmfacts.net)
Firstly, I am appalled at the egregious error I committed of typing "com" instead of "net". I have, of course, rushed to correct this dreadful departure from the truth, and I apologise to all my visitors for carrying such deceptive material on this site for more than a fraction of a nanosecond.
The second thing I noticed was his claim that I hadn't previously addressed the issues to which he was responding. This raises the interesting philosophical point of how he had anything to respond to, unless he thinks that simply denying something removes all previous mention of it and therefore it is necessary to start again. He would not be alone in this opinion, as anyone who has ever tried to debate a creationist will know.
I went back and had a look at his email, and, yes, it was full of the same old rubbish that I had heard many times before, but one thing caught my eye that I hadn't noticed the first time around. I had mentioned that every time anyone from Network 21 had shown me the plan they had denied any Amway connection except for some drivel like "Amway is one of our suppliers". Here is what an "insider" had to say:
N21 does not sell *any* Amway products. Network 21 is a for-profit company that sells books, tapes, cds, and other business aids, and promotes and sells tickets to seminars and other events.
So there you have it, folks. An admission from the inside that Network 21 exists not to sell Amway products, not to support "Independent Business Owners" in their quest for wealth, not to help IBOs to build their downlines and spread the wealth creation, but to sell tools and seminars. And it does it for a profit, too (so there goes "we provide these services at cost to help you build your business" and other lies). This is probably the only occasion on which I have ever detected an iota of honesty in anyone involved with one of these organisations. Perhaps he didn't understand what he was writing. Perhaps he thought that I was the sort of person who would believe what he said because he said it in a nice voice. He was wrong.
(In 1982, Amway founder Rich de Vos described making money from tools and seminars as "illegal". Listen to Rich's edict, something which he said but never enforced. But as lying was his business model, why would anyone expect him to stop illegal activity?
See everything that appeared in 2007 here.
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