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No truth! No courage! No value!GAL wants to meet me!

The Gutless Anonymous Liar sent me the following challenge:

Date: 30 Jan 2002 00:55:25 -0000
Subject: let's meet!

hey motherfucker!

post on your site a date and time where we can't meet!

we know you're not a coward, so you will post and you will be there, Right?

6pm, Roseville Services Club, Wednesday 6 February, 2002. Oh, sorry, GAL wanted a place where we can't meet. Then again, it won't be there (but I will) so I guess it is a place where we can't meet.

GAL then said:

Date: 6 Feb 2002 00:04:01 -0000
Subject: it's time to play!

i really hope you're up to it....'cause it's payback time!

it's kinda of interesting that you're such a brave man when hiding behind your keyboard.....we'll see how fucking brave you are!

You can guess the result:

The GALless club entrance at 6:00pm
The GALless club entrance at 6:00pm

The GALless reception area at 6:01pm
The GALless reception area at 6:01pm

The ticket I got when I signed in.
The ticket I got when I signed in.


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