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No truth. No courage. No value.A very sad tribute

I received the following message from the Gutless Anonymous Liar:

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 19:06:03 -0500
To: <>
From: DecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberxxx <>
Subject: Check out this site!

DecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberxxx came across this great site and thought you might want to check it out. We hope you enjoy it!

DecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberxxx wrote:

hey mr. "mother-ficker-ditch" do seem to inspire such great favour and admiration in broadcasting your insanity over the internet...i note that for some unknown reason god has allowed to to spawn?...i have a really great idea!...why don't you set up an icq for your "lovely" wife, children and of course yourself to chat real time with all of of your fans...!?...that is if your not too busy masturbating in front of your computer or butt-fucking your......

So I had a look, and this is what I found:

Brain vacuum

That's all there was. Tragic.


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