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Catch The Fire Ministries
In 2020 Catch the Fire Ministries changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

Australia has its own version of the Westboro Baptist Church, it seems.

True madness (7/2/2009)
People with access to reasonable news services in almost all parts of the civilised world would be aware that the state of Victoria in Australia has been facing a disaster over the last few days with bushfires killing 173 people (at the time of writing) and destroying a huge number of homes, farms and businesses. A couple of less-reputable politicians have tried to use the fires to attack the government but as this has been coming from the usual loons nobody has been taking much notice. There have also been attacks on environmentalists, who are said to oppose hazard reduction burning even when they say they are in favour of it, but again these attacks have been written off as the expected rantings of troglodytes.

Now, however, we have been told the real reason for the fires. They were not caused by the Prime Minister's overseas travel or the Greens opposing the damming of rivers and the culling of quokkas, but by the recent action of the Victorian Government to effectively decriminalise abortion. And this must be true, because a group of Christians have told me and Christians never lie. You can read "Media Release – Abortion Laws To Blame For Bush Fires?" right there on the Catch the Fire Ministries' web site. Or here.

Media Release – Abortion Laws To Blame For Bush Fires?

February 10th, 2009

Media release – For immediate release from Catch The Fire Ministries Inc.

Abortion laws to blame for bush fires?

Churches throughout Victoria have rallied together to assist the bush fire ravaged communities of Victoria. Coordinated by Catch the Fire Ministries (CTFM), four trucks have been booked to distribute essential relief items such as clothes and food to consolidate the efforts of the Salvation Army in assisting suffering families. CTFM is calling on all people, Christians and non-Christians alike, to donate blood via the Red Cross. Please visit their website at for more details.

We at CTFM, along with the rest of the Christian community, are in absolute shock, grieving at the loss of life, property, and the immense suffering of all those affected. We offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of all those who have lost loved ones, homes, businesses, and their livelihood.

CTFM leader, Pastor Danny Nalliah said he would spearhead an effort to provide every assistance to devastated communities, although he was not surprised by the bush fires due to a dream he had last October relating to consequences of the abortion laws passed in Victoria.

He said these bushfires have come as a result of the incendiary abortion laws which decimate life in the womb. Besides providing material assistance, CTFM will commence a seven day prayer and fasting campaign for the nation of Australia tomorrow Wednesday the 11th February.

CTFM has called upon all Australian Bible-believing God-fearing Christians to repent and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for His mercy and protection over Australia once again.

"Yesterday (Monday 9th February 2009), the front page of the Herald Sun newspaper reported "The Darkest hour for Victoria". A few months ago the news media should have reported "The darkest hour for the unborn" but unfortunately the "Decriminalization of Abortion bill" went through parliament and was passed, thus making many people call Victoria 'the baby killing state of Australia,'" Mr Nalliah said.

He said on November 7 last year we had sent out an email to our national network and a posting on our website ( carried an urgent post titled, 'STOP PRESS. URGENT PRAYER NEEDED REGARDING AUSTRALIA, ESPECIALLY THE STATE OF VICTORIA' following a dream he had on the 21st of October 2008, which he shared with his team on 22nd October.

Following is an excerpt from the dream which was published in the article.

"In my dream I saw fire everywhere with flames burning very high and uncontrollably. With this I woke up from my dream with the interpretation as the following words came to me in a flash from the Spirit of God.

That His conditional protection has been removed from the nation of Australia, in particular Victoria, for approving the slaughter of innocent children in the womb."

"We at CTFM have spent the last few days in prayer and weeping, watching the news and learning that more than 170 people have perished and more than 750 houses have gone up in flames with much property and personal belongings of people all wiped out within hours," he said.

 "Australia is based on Judeo-Christian values. How far have we as a nation moved from these principles instilled in our nation's inception. How much does it take for a nation to return to God? The Bible is very clear, if you walk out of God's protection and turn your back on Him, you are an open target for the devil to destroy.

"Can we stop the fires? Yes we can! But it will take God's children to rally together and repent and cry unto Him as in 2 Chronicles 7:14 (The Holy Bible). We at CTFM have seen this happen several times in the past in Australia, which was also covered by many mainstream media outlets."

"In our prayer and fasting campaign, we are particularly repenting for the passing of the 'Decriminalization of Abortion Laws of Victoria' in addition to other unrighteous, ungodly, and unjust laws and practices which have seen a holocaust of some of the most helpless members of the human race, the unborn.

The seven day national prayer and fasting campaign will culminate on Wednesday 18th of February with a united prayer and repentance solemn assembly from 12pm to 2pm at the Victorian State Parliament building. (venue is subject to confirmation – see for details)

Pastor Nalliah urged Christians to attend the gathering at the Victorian State Parliament on February 18 to stand in solidarity in this hour of crisis for the nation. CTFM calls on all Australians to declare the 18th February as a National Day of Prayer, Repentance, and Mourning.

CTFM will be collecting the following relief items tomorrow on Wednesday the 11th of February from 10am to 8pm at the church located at 23 Melverton Drive, Hallam Melways ref 96 G 2.

Items needed include: Dry Rations – Sugar, Milk Powder, Coffee, Tea bags, Canned food, Cereals, etc., Clothes – Under wear (NEW), Shorts, T/Shirts etc – New or good as new., Toiletries – Towels, Tooth Paste, Tooth Brushes, Soap, Shampoo, Toilet Paper., Bed Linen – Pillows, Pillow Cases, Sheets etc., Crockery – Plates, Cups, Mugs, Knifes, Spoons, Folks etc.

The goods would be distributed on Thursday 12th February throughout various bush fire effected areas.

May God Bless Australia with His Rains of Mercy!

Danny Nalliah is available for interview on 03 9794 8211
Media contact: Jason Golden on 0404 952 768

Oh, damn! How am I ever going to get the vomit out of this keyboard?

The sewer keeps flowing (15/1/2011)
With an area under water that exceeded the size of most countries, Australians were united as one to help the victims of the floods in Queensland. Donations flowed in, people offered their homes as refuges, more volunteers turned up than could be usefully employed. (A friend of mine who is a nurse is about to give up his holidays to travel interstate at his own expense to work for nothing in a hospital.)

I exaggerated when I said we were united, because Australia's answer to Fred Phelps had something to say. Pastor Danny Nalliah from Catch The Fire Ministries knew exactly why all those people were dying or having their possessions and livelihoods destroyed – the Foreign Minister had made a speech in Israel recommending that Israel become a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and open its nuclear facilities to UN inspectors. The Israelis were not offended by this, but apparently God decided to punish everyone in the home state of the most overtly religious political leader that Australia has had in living memory. Pastor Danny's last foray into comment about natural disasters was to blame the 2009 Victorian bushfires (in which 197 people died) on God's wrath at a modification to the abortion laws in that state.

You can read Pastor Danny's vileness here, but don't wear your best clothes because dry cleaners find it hard to get vomit out. I posted a comment congratulating Pastor Danny on his similarity to Rev Fred Phelps. The comment was there for a few days but has disappeared now. I assume that this is just a case of them exercising their right to freedom of speech when it comes to making absurd and offensive statements while simultaneously denying me the right to object. I am not surprised.


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