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From: "Speed Of Light" <speedoflight@ifrance.com>
Subject: It's time to get serious about this
Date sent: Sun, 27 May 2001 01:46:01
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You're receiving this because you have either identified yourself as one who is interested in internet based businesses, or a friend or associate visited our sites and suggested we share what we do with you by providing us with your e-mail address. It will take less than 2 minutes to read, yet it could provide a lifetime of positive impact. We're not kidding, and we're not making empty promises. ---------------------------------------------------------
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Making money is serious business – that's why people who have earned a lot of money rarely joke about it.
With proper implementation of the Internet's technology and capabilities you can make a lot of money very quickly, but you've got to take action – and please don't kid yourself that your method of taking action is to delete this letter.
Procrastination is the BIGGEST killer of dreams, and research has proven that the reason people procrastinate isn't because they don't want to do something – it's because they think it has to be the 'right' thing. The truth of the matter is is just has to be the PROVEN thing.
'Someday Isle' is that wonderful place where it's always warm and sunny, where money is plentiful, and love is all around. The challenge with living on Someday Isle is that you've got to get past the "Someday I'll..." mentality – you know, "Someday, I'll find just the right thing for me...", or "Someday, I'll hit the lottery...".
What holds us back isn't the lack of opportunity, or even the lack of money. The root of our challenge is in the way we think and the way we spend our time.
Are you at that magical place where you realize that doing what you're doing now isn't going to get you where you want to be tomorrow? Or, are you in a rut?
It's time to get serious about financial independence. Look around you – is the life you're living today the life you thought you'd be living at this point in your life? If it's not, the only way it'll change is if you change.
If you're committed to bringing about a change in your life, we'll show you how. You see, in one minute anything can happen. You can change everything – just stop eating what you're eating; or tell the right person you love him or her; or decide RIGHT NOW to make a change!
This is not the answer you've been looking for. This is the solution.
60 days is all it will take to have you on track for the achievement of your financial goals.
If you could earn more, wouldn't you? Of course you would - you owe it to yourself.
So, if you want it, you can have it...but, you've really gotta want it.
Do you?
If you'd like more information, send an e-mail to:
You must enter the words 'please send more information' in the subject line.
Life is meant to be an experience of abundance. We can help you get there – and we can guarantee your success.
*************** *****************
If you don't want to receive future opportunities from us, send an e-mail to:
We reconcile our database daily, so your request will be honored immediately. ********************************************************
************** *****************
Check this out – this is real and it works. The investment required is minimal (we can share a strategy that you could make thousands from for as little as $1.95), and the work involved is practically zero. What we do is legal, moral, and ethical.
The emphasis is on making money quickly.
Please don't let your skepticism keep you trapped – only you can take action to change your life. Don't blow it by deleting or ignoring this letter.
To: <Undisclosed.Recipients>
From: eg1cd53@freemail.globalsite.com.br
Subject: Work at Home & Make Great Money! 466
Date sent: Sun, 27 May 2001 04:21:43 -0400
Tired of the 40 X 40 X 40 Plan? You know:
Work 40 hours per week for someone else for 40 years, then receive a 40% reduction in pay!
Is working for a "boss" too demeaning and unrewarding?
Are you sick of depending on a job with too little pay and too many hours with no personal reward and even less future?
If you're determined to retire in the next 2 – 5 years with enough income to have REAL Financial Independence and Freedom, and are not afraid to work for it, I can help you.
I am looking for people with a Good Work Ethic and extraordinary Desire to Earn at Least $10,000 per Month Working From Home!
NO SPECIAL SKILLS OR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. We will give you all the training and personal support you will need to ensure your success!
This LEGITIMATE HOME-BASED INCOME OPPORTUNITY can put you back in Control of your Time, Your Finances, and Your Life!
If you've tried other opportunities in the past that have failed to live up to their promises, THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN ANYTHING ELSE YOU'VE SEEN!
1-800-533-9351 (Free, 24 hour, 1 minute recorded message)
" The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforseen incidents, meetings and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help." -Napoleon Hill
To be removed from future mailings, send an email to: a3emx3@yahoo.com and type "Remove" in the subject line.
From: K.Pittman
Date sent: Sun, 27 May 2001 11:51:11
Subject: If you really read this a few times,you will have to decide to do it...
Hello- I am a General Manager for a manufacturing company and a steadily working musician, really "busting my tail" to earn a 6 figure income annually, but, I want to show you what I do for fun, which will make me an ADDITIONAL $250,000 THIS YEAR....... and it takes only a fraction of the time that my regular profession consumes..... I send out these emails, as many as I can, and people send me cash in the mail for information that I just email back to them. It is all completely legal, and I get to make that walk to the mailbox every day knowing that it is full of $5 bills for me!!! LISTEN TO THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE YOU CAN NAME. When we finally make the agreement with ourselves, that in order for us get what we want and need from life, WE MUST HELP OTHERS to get what they want and need to be successful! This business is the perfect vehicle to do just that. I am going to help as many people as I can to be as wealthy as they want to be. In return, I get to realize my goals and live a comfortable life involved in the business of my choice. Do the math.... If you send out 100,000 emails (which you can do for free, the reports will show you how) and only 1 in 1,000 people participate, you just made $500.... and that was only on the first level ! ! ! At the fifth level, you are at just over $500,000 ! ! ! And that is ONLY ONE person participating out of 1,000 at each level ! ! ! Report #2 will even show you where you can get ONE MILLION ebay email addresses and all of the software you will need to send emails to them, and how ! ! ! Realize FAST how much money there is to be made, and how EASY it is to do over and over again . . . then act. Make this the one email like this you decide to act on. Do you HONESTLY think you won't see your meager, one-time $25 returned to you a hundredfold AT LEAST ? ? ? PLUS, look at the value of the informational reports you are getting for your money, and understand that you will be able to sell them over and over forever, even AFTER you have used them for your own monetary gain ! ! ! And then you can run the whole program over and over for FREE ! ! If you have been looking for a little fun in your life, wait till you try this fun . . . the kind that puts cash in your mailbox ! ! Good Luck ! ! !
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
As seen on National TV:
Making over half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from your home for an investment of only $25 U.S. Dollars expense one time... THANKS TO THE COMPUTER AGE AND THE INTERNET ! Be a MILLIONAIRE like others within a year ! ! ! ! Before you say "BULL" please read the following. This is the letter you have been hearing about on the news lately. Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, a national weekly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below, to see if it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are "absolutely NO Laws prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can – follow the simple instructions, they are bound to make some mega bucks with only $25 out of pocket cost". Due to the recent increase in popularity and respect this program has attained, it is currently working better than ever. This is what one person had to say: "Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so glad I finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received a total of $610,470.00 in just 21 weeks, with money still coming in". Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this email again I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple instructions and walaa.... 3 weeks later the money started to come in. The first month I only made $240.00 but the next two months after that I made a total of $290,000.00 and I am playing it again. The key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change anything". More testimonials later but first, PRINT THIS NOW FOR
YOUR FUTURE REFERENCE If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5 months easily and comfortably, please read the following. . . . Then read it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN ! ! ! ! Follow the simple instructions below and your financial dreams will come true, GUARANTEED ! ! ! ! ! ! ! INSTRUCTIONS: Order all 5 reports shown on the list below. For each report, send $5 cash, the name and number of the report you are ordering and your email address to the person whose name appears on that list next to the report. Make sure your return address is on your envelope top left corner in case of any mail problems. When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports. You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5 reports = $25.00 U.S. Within a few days you will receive, via email, each of the 5 reports from these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happens to your computer. IMPORTANT ! ! ! Do not alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed below in steps 1 through 6 or you will lose out on the majority of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not work if you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter it, IT WILL NOT WORK ! ! ! ! People have tried to put their friends/relatives names on all five reports thinking they could get all the money. But it does not work this way. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened. So do not try to change anything other than what is instructed. Because if you do, it will not work for you. Remember, HONESTY REAPS THE REWARD ! ! ! ! ! 1. After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE the name and address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune. 2. Move the name and address in REPORT # 4 down to REPORT # 5. 3. Move the name and address in REPORT # 3 down to REPORT # 4. 4. Move the name and address in REPORT # 2 down to REPORT # 3. 5. Move the name and address in REPORT # 1 down to REPORT # 2. 6. Insert your name and address in the REPORT # 1 position. Please make sure you copy every name and address ACCURATELY. Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES. Save this on a disk as well just in case you lose any data. To assist you with marketing your business on the internet, the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk emails legally, where to find thousands of free classified ads and much much more. There are 2 primary methods to get this venture going: METHOD # 1 --- BY SENDING BULK EMAILS LEGALLY Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we will assume you and those involved send out only 5,000 e-mails each. Let's also assume that the mailing receive only a 0.2% response (the response could be much better but lets just say it is 0.2%. Also many people will send out hundreds of thousands e-mails instead of only 5,000 each). Continuing with this example, you send out only 5,000 e-mails. With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for report #1. Those people responded by sending out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000. Out of those 50,000 e-mails only 0.2% responded with orders. That's0 people responded and ordered Report #2. Those 100 people mail out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report #3. Those 1000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 5 million e-mails sent out. The 0.2% response to that is 10,000 orders for Report #4. Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50 million) e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for Report #5 THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $5 EACH=$500,000.00 (half Million) Your total income in this example is: 1... $50 + 2... $500 + 3... $5,000 + 4... $50,000 + 5... $500,000 .... GRAND TOTAL= $55,550.00 NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. GET A PENCIL & PAPER AND FIGURE OUT THE WORST POSSIBLE RESPONSES AND NO MATTER HOW YOU CALCULATE IT, YOU WILL STILL MAKE A LOT OF MONEY !!
REMEMBER FRIEND, THIS IS ASSUMING ONLY 10 PEOPLE ORDERING OUT OF 5,000 YOU MAILED TO. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one 4th of those people mailed 100,000 e-mails each or more? There are over 150 million people on the internet worldwide and counting. Believe me, many people will do just that, and more ! METHOD # 2 --- BY PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET ========================================
Advertising on the net is very, very inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE places to advertise. Placing a lot of free ads on the Internet will easily get a larger response. We strongly suggest you start with Method #1 and add Method #2 as you go along. For every $5 you receive, all you must do is e-mail them the report they ordered. That's it. Always provide same day service on all orders. This will guarantee that the e-mail they send out, with your name and address on it, will be prompt because they can not advertise until they receive the report. =================AVAILABLE REPORTS=========== ORDER EACH REPORT BY ITS NUMBER & NAME ONLY. Notes: Always send $5 cash (U.S. CURRENCY) for each Report. Checks not accepted. Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper, Write the number & the name of the Report you are ordering, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS and your name and postal address. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THESE REPORTS NOW: ===============================================
REPORT #1: " The Insider's Guide to Advertising for Free on the Net" Order Report # 1 from:
K. Pittman 6625 Hwy. 53 East Suite 410 #10 Dawsonville, GA 30534 USA ______________________________________________________
REPORT # 2: "The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk e-mail on the Net" Order Report # 2 from:
Mark Lee 3315 Avenue L Galveston, TX 77550 USA ______________________________________________________
REPORT # 3: "The Secret to Multilevel marketing on the net" Order Report # 3 from:
Mike White 4323 W. Tiller Ave. Orange, Ca. 92868 USA ______________________________________________________
REPORT # 4 : "How to become a millionaire utilizing MLM & the Net" Order Report # 4 from:
Mike Nichols P.O. Box 270061 Flower Mound, TX 75027 USA ______________________________________________________
REPORT # 5: "How to send 1 Million E-mails for FREE" Order Report # 5 from:
Jack Zampell 4511 Rockford Ln. Chattanooga, TN 37411 USA
$$$$$$$$$$$ YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success: === If you do not receive at least 10 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks, continue sending e-mails until you do. === After you have received 10 orders, 2 to 3 weeks after that you should receive 100 orders or more for REPORT #2. If you did not, continue advertising or sending e-mails until you do. === Once you have received 100 or more orders for Report #2, YOU CAN RELAX, because the system is already working for you, and the cash will continue to roll in !! THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front of a different report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you. IF YOU WANT TO GENERATE MORE INCOME SEND ANOTHER BATCH OF E-MAILS AND START THE WHOLE PROGRESS AGAIN. There is NO LIMIT to the income you can generate from this business !!!
FOLLOWING IS A NOTE FROM THE ORIGINATOR OF THIS PROGRAM: You have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life, with NO RISK and JUST A LITTLE BIT OF EFFORT. You can make more money in the next few weeks and months than you have ever imagined. Follow the program EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED. Do Not change it in anyway. It works exceedingly well as it is now. Remember to e-mail a copy of this exciting report after you have put your name and address in Report #1 and moved others to #2 .......#5 as instructed above. One of the people you send this to may send out 100,000 or more e-mails and your name will be on every one of them. Remember though, the more you send out the more potential customers you will reach. So my friend, I have given you the ideas, information, materials, and opportunity to become financially independent. IT IS UP TO YOU NOW !! ============MORE TESTIMONIALS================== My name is Mitchell. My wife, Jody and I live in Chicago. I am an accountant with a major U.S. Corporation and I make pretty good money. When I received this program I grumbled to Jody about receiving "junk mail". I made fun of the whole thing, spouting my knowledge of the population and the percentages involved. I "Knew" it wouldn't work. Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and few days later she jumped in with both feet. I made merciless fun of her, and was ready to lay the old "I told you so" on her when the thing didn't work. Well, the laugh was on me! Within 3 weeks she had received 50 responses. Within the next 45 days she had received a total $147,200.00........all cash! I was shocked. I have joined Jody in her "hobby". Mitchell Wolf, Chicago, Illinois
Not being the gambling type, it took me serveral weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan. But conservative that I am, I decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that I wouldn't get enough orders to at least get my money back"." I was surprised when I found my medium size post office box crammed with orders. I made $319,210.00 in the first 12 weeks. The nice thing about this deal is that it does not matter where people live. There simply isn't a better investment with a faster return and so big". Dan Sondstrom, Alberta Canada
"I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later wondered if I should have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed again by someone else.........11 more months passed then it luckily came again... I did not delete this one! I made more than $490,000 on my first try and all the money came within 22 weeks". Susan De Suza, New York, N.Y.
" It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money with little cost to you. I followed the simple instructions carefully and within 10 days the money started to come in. My first month I made $20,560.00 and by the end of the third month my total cash count was $362,840.00. Life is beautiful, Thanks to the internet". Fred Dellaca, Westport, New Zealand
If you have any questions of the legality of this program, contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C. ****THE FACT THAT YOU ARE READING THIS EMAIL, IS PROOF THIS PROGRAM WORKS!!! _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
THE END This message is sent in compliance of the new e-mail bill: SECTION 301. Per Section 301, Paragraph (a) (2) (c) of S. 1618 Under Bill s. 1618 Title III passed by the 105th Us Congress this letter CANNOT be considered spam as long as the sender includes contact information & a method of removal. This is a one time only insolicited commercial email. Further transmissions to you by the sender of this email may be stopped at no cost to you by sending a reply to this email address with the word "remove" in the subject line.
From: rex@aol.com To: millbiz@aol.com Date sent: Mon, 28 May 01 22:52:25 EST Subject: ADV
Dear Friends & Future Financial Independents
Thanks to the computer age and the internet, a $25(U.S. Dollars)investment can have you making over a half million dollars every 4 to 5 months!!! Remember, thousands of people a day and millions yearly are signing up to the internet. 150million on today, will be close to a 350 million next year. The internet has limitless potential, read on and learn how it can help you change your life forever!
BE A MILLIONAIRE LIKE OTHERS WITHIN A YEAR!!! Before you say ''Bull'', please read the following. This is the letter you have been hearing about on the news lately. Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, a national weekly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below, to see if it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are ''absolutely NO Laws prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can -follow the simple instructions, they are bound to make some mega bucks with only $25 out of pocket cost''. DUE TO THE RECENT INCREASE OF POPULARITY & RESPECT THIS PROGRAM HAS ATTAINED, IT IS CURRENTLY WORKING BETTER THAN EVER. This is what one had to say: ''Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so glad finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received total $ 610,470.00 in 21 weeks, with money still coming in." Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.
Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this again in the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple instructions and walaa ..... 3 weeks later the money started to come in. First month I only made $240.00 but the next 2 months after that I made a total of $290,000.00. So far, in the past 8 months by re-entering the program, I have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing it again. The key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change anything.'' More testimonials later but first, ===== PRINT THIS NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE REFERENCE === $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5 months easily and comfortably, please read the following...THEN READ IT AGAIN and AGAIN!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
FOLLOW THE SIMPLE INSTRUCTION BELOW AND YOUR FINANCIAL DREAMS WILL COME TRUE, GUARANTEED! INSTRUCTIONS: =====Order all 5 reports shown on the list below ===== For each report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT YOU ARE ORDERING and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IS ON YOUR ENVELOPE TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems. When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports. You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5=$25.00. Within a few days you will receive, vie e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happen to your computer. IMPORTANT – DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed below in step '' 1 through 6 '' or you will loose out on majority of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not work if you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter, it will NOT work !!! People have tried to put their friends/relatives names on all five thinking they could get all the money. But it does not work this way. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened. So Do Not try to change anything other than what is instructed. Because if you do, it will not work for you. Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!! 1.... After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE the name & address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune. 2.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT # 5. 3.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT # 4. 4.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT # 3. 5.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT # 2 6.... Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position. PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY! ==========================================================
**** Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES. Save this on a disk as well just in case if you loose any data. To assist you with marketing your business on the internet, the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e-mails legally, where to find thousands of free classified ads and much more. There are 2 Primary methods to get this venture going: METHOD # 1: BY SENDING BULK E-MAIL LEGALLY
Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we will assume You and those involved send out only 5,000 e-mails each. Let's also assume that the mailing receive only a 0.2% response (the response could be much better but lets just say it is only 0.2%. Also many people will send out hundreds of thousands e-mails instead of only 5,000 each). Continuing with this example, you send out only 5,000 e-mails. With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for report # 1. Those 10 people responded by sending out 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 50,000. Out of those 50,000 e-mails only 0.2% responded with orders. That's=100 people responded and ordered Report # 2. Those 100 people mail out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report # 3. Those 1000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 5 million e-mails sent out. The 0.2% response to that is 10,000 orders for Report # 4. Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50 million) e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for Report # 5 THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $5 EACH=$500,000.00 (half million). Your total income in this example is: 1..... $50 + 2..... $500 + 3..... $5,000 + 4 ..... $50,000 + 5..... $500,000 ........ Grand Total=$555,550.00 NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. GET A PENCIL & PAPER AND FIGURE OUT THE WORST POSSIBLE RESPONSES AND NO MATTER HOW YOU CALCULATE IT, YOU WILL STILL MAKE A LOT OF MONEY ! ========================================================= REMEMBER FRIEND, THIS IS ASSUMING ONLY 10 PEOPLE ORDERING OUT OF 5,000 YOU MAILED TO. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one 4th of those people mailed 100,000e-mails each or more? There are over 150 million people on the Internet worldwide and counting. Believe me, many people will do just that, and more! METHOD # 2 : BY PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET ======================================================= Advertising on the net is very very inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE places to advertise. Placing a lot of free ads on the Internet will easily get a larger response. We strongly suggest you start with Method # 1 and add METHOD # 2 as you go along. For every $5 you receive, all you must do is e-mail them the Report they ordered. That's it. Always provide same day service on all orders. This will guarantee that the e-mail they send out, with your name and address on it, will be prompt because they can not advertise until they receive the report. =========== AVAILABLE REPORTS ==================== ORDER EACH REPORT BY ITS NUMBER & NAME ONLY. Notes: Always send $5 cash (U.S. CURRENCY) for each Report. Checks NOT accepted. Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper, Write the NUMBER & the NAME of the Report you are ordering, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS and your name and postal address.
PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THESE REPORTS NOW : ====================================================
REPORT # 1: "The Insider's Guide to Advertising for Free on the Net" Order Report #1 from:
John England 1155 Baldwin Gulf Rd. Clarkrange, TN. 38553 USA __________________________________________________________ REPORT # 2: "The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk e-mail on the Net" Order Report # 2 from:
C.K. Propp P.O. Box 1624 Maryland Heights, MO. 63043-1624 USA ___________________________________________________________ REPORT # 3: "Secret to Multilevel Marketing on the Net" Order Report # 3 from :
Doreen Foley 168 Uruguay Punta Gorda FL. 33983 USA ___________________________________________________________ REPORT # 4: "How to Become a Millionaire Utilizing MLM & the Net" Order Report # 4 from:
Carl Phillips P.O. Box 142386 St. Louis, MO. 63114-0386 USA ___________________________________________________________ REPORT #5: "How to Send Out 0ne Million e-mails for Free" Order Report # 5 from: Adrian Veloz 124 York Rd. #103 Elmhurst,IL.60126 USA ___________________________________________________________ $$$$$$$$$ YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES $$$$$$$$$$$ Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success: If you do not receive at least 10 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks, continue sending e-mails until you do. After you have received 10 orders, 2 to 3 weeks after that you should receive 100 orders or more for REPORT # 2. If you did not, continue advertising or sending e-mails until you do. Once you have received 100 or more orders for Report # 2, YOU CAN RELAX, because the system is already working for you, and the cash will continue to roll in ! THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front of a Different report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you. IF YOU WANT TO GENERATE MORE INCOME SEND ANOTHER BATCH OF E-MAILS AND START THE WHOLE PROCESS AGAIN. There is NO LIMIT to the income you can generate from this business !!! ======================================================
FOLLOWING IS A NOTE FROM THE ORIGINATOR OF THIS PROGRAM: You have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life, with NO RISK and JUST A LITTLE BIT OF EFFORT. You can make more money in the next few weeks and months than you have ever imagined. Follow the program EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED. Do Not change it in any way. It works exceedingly well as it is now. Remember to e-mail a copy of this exciting report after you have put your name and address in Report #1 and moved others to #2 ...........# 5 as instructed above. One of the people you send this to may send out 100,000 or more e-mails and your name will be on every one of them. Remember though, the more you send out the more potential customers you will reach. So my friend, I have given you the ideas, information, materials and opportunity to become financially independent. IT IS UP TO YOU NOW !
============ MORE TESTIMONIALS ================
"My name is Mitchell. My wife, Jody and I live in Chicago. I am an accountant with a major U.S. Corporation and I make pretty good money. When I received this program I grumbled to Jodyaboutreceiving ''junk mail''. I made fun of the whole thing,spoutingmy knowledge of the population and percentages involved. I ''knew'' it wouldn't work. Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and few days later she jumped in with both feet. I made merciless fun of her, and was ready to lay the old ''I told you so'' on her when the thing didn't work. Well, the laugh was on me! Within 3 weeks she had received 50 responses. Within the next 45 days she had received total $ 147,200.00 ........... all cash! I was shocked. I have joined Jody in her ''hobby''. Mitchell Wolf M.D., Chicago, Illinois ======================================================
''Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan. But conservative that I am, I decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that I wouldn't get enough orders to at least get my money back''. '' I was surprised when I found my medium size post office box crammed with orders. I made $319,210.00in the first 12 weeks. The nice thing about this deal is that it does not matter where people live. There simply isn't a better investment with a faster return and so big." Dan Sondstrom, Alberta, Canada =======================================================
''I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered if I should have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed again by someone else.........11 months passed then it luckily came again...... I did not delete this one! I made more than $490,000 on my first try and all the money came within 22 weeks." Susan De Suza, New York, N.Y. =======================================================
''It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money with little cost to you. I followed the simple instructions carefully and within 10 days the money started to come in. My first month I made $20,560.00 and by the end of third month my total cash count was $362,840.00. Life is beautiful, Thanx to internet.". Fred Dellaca, Westport, New Zealand =======================================================
ORDER YOUR REPORTS TODAY AND GET STARTED ON 'YOUR' ROAD TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM ! =======================================================
Remember, you will be getting valuable information from each report. So as long as you send the report for the five dollars you received there are no laws being broke. People wanting to launch there new E-commerce business could use the this information to reach millions of people. There is nothing illegal about helping people live there dreams of financial freedom! If you have any questions of the legality of this program, contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C.
P.S. I received your e-mail as someone interested in Internet Business Opportunities. If I received your e-mail in error, or you are no longer interested, click here to be removed. Be sure REMOVE is in the Subject Title and you will not be contacted again: mailto Terry@prontomail.com Please understand that any effort to disrupt, close or block the REMOVE account can only result in difficulties for others wanting to be removed from our mailing list.
Under Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th US Congress this letter cannot be considered spam as long as the sender includes contact information and a method of removal. **********************************************************
Date sent: Wed, 30 May 2001 08:09:45 +1000
From: Charley <N7K30W61@trbo.com>
Subject: Work From Home and Make BIG $$$$ – EASY!!!
Dear Friends & Future Millionaire:
AS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV: Making over half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from your home for an investment of only $25 U.S. Dollars expense one time THANK'S TO THE COMPUTER AGE AND THE INTERNET !
BE A MILLIONAIRE LIKE OTHERS WITHIN A YEAR!!! Before you say ''Bull'', please read the following. This is the letter you have been hearing about on the news lately. Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, a national weekly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below, to see if it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are ''absolutely NO Laws prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can -follow the simple instructions, they are bound to make some mega bucks with only $25 out of pocket cost''. DUE TO THE RECENT INCREASE OF POPULARITY & RESPECT THIS PROGRAM HAS ATTAINED, IT IS CURRENTLY WORKING BETTER THAN EVER. This is what one had to say: ''Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so gladI finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received total $ 610,470.00 in 21 weeks, with money still coming in." Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey. ===================================================
Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this again in the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple instructions and walaa ..... 3 weeks later the money started to come in. First month I only made $240.00 but the next 2 months after that I made a total of $290,000.00. So far, in the past 8 months by re-entering the program, I have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing it again. The key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change anything.'' More testimonials later but first, ===== PRINT THIS NOW FOR YOUR FUTUREREFERENCE ====== $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5 months easily and comfortably, please read the following...THEN READ IT AGAIN and AGAIN!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
FOLLOW THE SIMPLE INSTRUCTION BELOW AND YOUR FINANCIAL DREAMS WILL COME TRUE, GUARANTEED! INSTRUCTIONS: =====Order all 5 reports shown on the list below ===== For each report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT YOU ARE ORDERING and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IS ON YOUR ENVELOPE TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems. === When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports. You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5=$25.00. Within a few days you will receive, vie e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happen to your computer. IMPORTANT – DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed below in step '' 1 through 6 '' or you will loose out on majority of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not work if you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter, it will NOT work !!! Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened. So Do Not try to change anything other than what is instructed.
Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!! 1.... After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE the name & address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune. 2.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT # 5. 3.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT # 4. 4.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT # 3. 5.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT # 2 6.... Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position. PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY! ========================================================== **** Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES. Save this on a disk as well just in case if you loose any data. To assist you with marketing your business on the internet, the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e-mails legally, where to find thousands of free classified ads and much more. There are 2 Primary methods to get this venture going: METHOD # 1: BY SENDING BULK E-MAIL LEGALLY ========================================================== Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we will assume You and those involved send out only 5,000 e-mails each. Let's also assume that the mailing receive only a 0.2% response (the response could be much better but lets just say it is only 0.2%. Also many people will send out hundreds of thousands e-mails instead of only 5,000 each). Continuing with this example, you send out only 5,000 e-mails. With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for report # 1. Those 10 people responded by sending out 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 50,000. Out of those 50,000 e-mails only 0.2% responded with orders. That's=100 people responded and ordered Report # 2. Those 100 people mail out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report # 3. Those 1000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 5 million e-mails sent out. The 0.2% response to that is 10,000 orders for Report # 4. Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50 million) e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for Report # 5 THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $5 EACH=$500,000.00 (half million). Your total income in this example is: 1..... $50 + 2..... $500 + 3..... $5,000 + 4 ... $50,000 + 5..... $500,000 ........ Grand Total=$555,550.00 NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. GET A PENCIL & PAPER AND FIGUREOUT THE WORST POSSIBLE RESPONSES AND NO MATTER HOW YOU CALCULATE IT, YOU WILL STILL MAKE A LOT OF MONEY ! ========================================================= REMEMBER FRIEND, THIS IS ASSUMING ONLY 10 PEOPLE ORDERING OUT OF 5,000 YOU MAILED TO. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one 4th of those people mailed 100,000e-mails each or more? There are over 150 million people on the Internet worldwide and counting. Believe me, many people will do just that, and more! METHOD # 2 : BY PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET ======================================================= Advertising on the net is very inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE places to advertise. Placing a lot of free ads on the Internet will easily get a larger response. We strongly suggest you start with Method # 1 and do METHOD # 2 as you go along. For every $5 you receive, all you must do is e-mail them the Report they ordered. That's it. Always provide same day service on all orders. This will guarantee that the e-mail they send out, with your name and address on it, will be prompt because they can not advertise until they receive the report. =========== AVAILABLE REPORTS ==================== ORDER EACH REPORT BY ITS NUMBER & NAME ONLY. Notes: Always send $5 cash (U.S. CURRENCY) for each Report. Checks NOT accepted. Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper, Write the NUMBER & the NAME of the Report you are ordering, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS and your name and postal address. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THESE REPORTS NOW : ====================================================
REPORT # 1: "The Insider's Guide to Advertising for Free on the Net" Order Report #1 from:
C.K.Woodring 615 W. Addison St. #1 Chicago, IL 60613 USA __________________________________________________________ REPORT # 2: "The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk e-mail on the Net" Order Report # 2 from:
V.M 307 Dalgliesh Drive Regna, Sask. S4R 7M6 Canada __________________________________________________________ REPORT # 3: "Secret to Multilevel Marketing on the Net" Order Report # 3 from :
S. Todorov 1850 Victoria Park Ave, Apt#1103 Toronto, Ontario M1R-1T1 Canada __________________________________________________________
REPORT # 4: "How to Become a Millionaire Utilizing MLM & the Net" Order Report # 4 from:
R.D. Listen 4100 Westheimer Rd., #148 Houston, Texas 77027 USA _________________________________________________________
REPORT #5: "How to Send Out 0ne Million e-mails for Free" Order Report # 5 from:
C.J. Kalata P.O. Box 130157 Roseville, MN 55113-0002 USA _________________________________________________________
$$$$$$$$$ YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES $$$$$$$$$$$ Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success: === If you do not receive at least 10 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks, continue sending e-mails until you do. === After you have received 10 orders, 2 to 3 weeks after that you should receive 100 orders or more for REPORT # 2. If you did not, continue advertising or sending e-mails until you do. === Once you have received 100 or more orders for Report # 2, YOU CAN RELAX, because the system is already working for you, and the cash will continue to roll in ! THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front of a Different report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you. IF YOU WANT TO GENERATE MORE INCOME SEND ANOTHER BATCH OF E-MAILS AND START THE WHOLE PROCESS AGAIN. There is NO LIMIT to the income you can generate from this business !!! ======================================================
FOLLOWING IS A NOTE FROM THE ORIGINATOR OF THIS PROGRAM: You have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life, with NO RISK and JUST A LITTLE BIT OF EFFORT. You can make more money in the next few weeks and months than you have ever imagined. Follow the program EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED. Do Not change it in any way. It works exceedingly well as it is now. Remember to e-mail a copy of this exciting report after you have put your name and address in Report #1 and moved others to #2 ...........# 5 as instructed above. One of the people you send this to may send out 100,000 or more e-mails and your name will be on every one of them. Remember though, the more you send out the more potential customers you will reach. So my friend, I have given you the ideas, information, materials and opportunity to become financially independent. IT IS UP TO YOU NOW !
============ MORE TESTIMONIALS ================
"My name is Mitchell. My wife, Jody and I live in Chicago. I am an accountant with a major U.S. Corporation and I make pretty good money. When I received this program I grumbled to Jody about receiving ''junk mail''. I made fun of the whole thing, spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved. I ''knew'' it wouldn't work. Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and few days later she jumped in with both feet. I made merciless fun of her, and was ready to lay the old ''I told you so'' on her when the thing didn't work. Well, the laugh was on me! Within 3 weeks she had received 50 responses. Within the next 45 days she had received total $ 147,200.00 ........... all cash! I was shocked. I have joined Jody in her ''hobby''. Mitchell Wolf M.D., Chicago, Illinois ====================================================== ''Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan. But conservative that I am, I decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that I wouldn't get enough orders to at least get my money back''. '' I was surprised when I found my medium size post office box crammed with orders. I made $319,210.00in the first 12 weeks. The nice thing about this deal is that it does not matter where people live. There simply isn't a better investment with a faster return and so big." Dan Sondstrom, Alberta, Canada =======================================================
''I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered if I should have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed again by someone else.........11 months passed then it luckily came again...... I did not delete this one! I made more than $490,000 on my first try and all the money came within 22 weeks." Susan De Suza, New York, N.Y.
''It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money with little cost to you. I followed the simple instructions carefully and within 10 days the money started to come in. My first month I made $20,560.00 and by the end of third month my total cash count was $362,840.00. Life is beautiful, Thanx to internet.". Fred Dellaca, Westport, New Zealand =======================================================
ORDER YOUR REPORTS TODAY AND GET STARTED ON 'YOUR' ROAD TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM ! =======================================================
If you have any questions of the legality of this program, contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C.
From: "thinkerdoer" <thinkerdoer1@excite.com>
Subject: Astonishing Results ! !
Date sent: Wed, 30 May 2001 00:15:54
Dear peter@ratbags.com,
DO NOT DELETE IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THIS. Please PRINT – then READ. You can earn $46,000 or more in the next 90 days sending e-mail, for an investment of only $25 US dollars. Seem impossible? THIS HAS WORKED SO WELL, THIS IS MY THIRD TIME AROUND! You, too can use the power of the Internet to become wealthy! This program is working for thousands. (Read the testimonials in this message). . then read on – You're bound to be convinced! ================================================== AS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV
Thank you for your time and Interest. This is the letter you've been reading about in the news lately. Before you say ''Bull'', please read the following.
Due to the popularity of this letter on the internet, a major nightly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of the program described below, to see if it really can make people money.
The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are absolutely NO laws prohibiting the participation in the program.
The results of this show has been truly remarkable!
So many people are participating that those involved are doing much better than ever before. Since everyone makes more as more people try it out, its been very exciting to be a part of lately. You will understand once you experience it. ======================================================= This is what one had to say: "'Thanks' to this profitable opportunity. I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so glad I finally joined, just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received a total $610,470.00 in 21 weeks, with money still coming in."
Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey. ================================== Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this again in the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple instructions and walaa ..... 3 weeks later the money started to come in. First month I only made $240.00 but the next 2 months after that I made a total of $290,000.00. So far, in the past 8 months by re-entering the program, I have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing it again. The key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change anything.''
More testimonials later but first,
===========Order ALL 5 reports shown on the list below=====
For each report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT YOU ARE ORDERING AND YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IS ON YOUR ENVELOPE TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems. When you place your order, make Sure you order each of the 5 reports. You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them.
YOUR TOTAL COST... $ 5 X 5 = $ 25.00. Within a few days you will receive, via e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happens to your computer.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, or their sequence on the list in any way, other than what is instructed below in each step "1 through 6" or you will lose out on a majority of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not work if you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter it, it will NOT work!! Do Not try to change anything other than what is instructed. Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!!
1. After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE the name & address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune.
2. Move the name & address in REPORT # 4 down to report # 5.
3. Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down to report # 4.
4. Move the name & address in REPORT # 2 down to report # 3.
5. Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down to report # 2.
6. Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position.
PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY!
***Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES. Save this on a disk as well just in case if you lose any data. To assist you with marketing your business on the internet, the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e-mails legally, where to find thousands of free classified ads and much more.
There are 2 Primary methods to get this venture going:
METHOD #1: BY SENDING BULK E-MAIL LEGALLY ========================================= (Here's your 1st tip: position your cursor over the right border of this opened e-mail – then drag to the right until the text falls into better alignment!)
Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we will assume you and those involved send out only 5,000 e-mails each.
Let's also assume that the mailing receive only a 0.2% response (the response could be much better but lets just say it is only 0.2%. Also, many people will send out hundreds of thousands of e-mails instead of only 5,000 each).
Continuing with this example, you send out only 5,000 e-mails. With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for report # 1. Those 10 people responded by sending out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000. Out of those 50,000 e-mails, only 0.2% responded with orders. That's 100 people responding to and ordering Report # 2. Those 100 people mail out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails.
The 0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report # 3. Those 1000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 5 million e-mails.
The 0.2% response to that is 10,000 orders for Report # 4. Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50 million) e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for Report # 5.
THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $5 EACH = $ 500,000.00 (half million).
Your total income in this example is: 1 $50 2 $500 3 $5,000 4 $50,000 5 $500,000 $555,550 Grand Total
REMEMBER FRIEND, THIS IS ASSUMING ONLY 10 PEOPLE ORDERING OUT OF 5,000 YOU MAILED TO. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one 4th of those people mailed 100,000 e-mails each or more? There are over 150 million people on the Internet worldwide and counting. Believe me, many people will do just that, and more!
METHOD # 2: BY PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET =============================================== Advertising on the net is very, very inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE places to advertise. Placing a lot of free ads on the internet will easily get a larger response.
We strongly suggest you start with Method # 1 and add METHOD # 2 as you go along.
For every $5 you receive, all you must do is e-mail them the Report they ordered. That's it. Always provide same day service on all orders.
This will guarantee that the e-mail they send out, with your name and address on it, will be prompt because they can not advertise until they receive the report.
=============AVAILABLE REPORTS ======================
Always send $5 cash (U.S. CURRENCY) for each report.
**Checks NOT accepted.
Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper, write the NUMBER & NAME of the Report you are ordering, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS and your NAME and POSTAL ADDRESS.
======================================= PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THESE REPORTS NOW! =======================================
Report #1: "The Insider's Guide to Advertising Free on the Internet"
John Lenaerts 47 Pacific Ave. Middletown, NJ 07748 ================================================ Report #2: "The Insider's Guide to Bulk Emailing on the Internet"
Dan Jurden 402 N. Dixie St. Brenham, TX 77833 =============================================== Report #3: "The Secret to Multilevel Marketing on the Internet"
T.A.N. PMB #103 6915 Crumpler Blvd. Suite C Olive Branch, MS 38654 ================================================ Report #4: "How to Become a Millionaire Utilizing MLM and the Net"
A A Techs P.O. Box 381887 Germantown, TN 38183 =============================================== Report #5: "How to send 1,000,000 Emails for Free" ORDER REPORT #5 from:
BC Productions P.O. Box 2404 Cordova, TN 38088 ================================================
Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success:
If you do not receive at least 10 orders for Report # 1 within 2 weeks, continue sending e-mails until you do. After you have received 10 orders, 2 to 3 weeks after that you should receive 100 orders or more for Report # 2. If you did not, continue advertising or sending e-mails until you do. Once you have received 100 or more orders for Report # 2, YOU CAN RELAX, Because the system is already working for you, and the cash will continue to roll in!
THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front of a DIFFERENT report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you.
IF YOU WANT TO GENERATE MORE INCOME, SEND ANOTHER BATCH OF E- MAILS AND START THE WHOLE PROCESS AGAIN. There is no limit to the income you can generate from this business!!!
You have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life, with NO RISK and JUST A LITTLE BIT OF EFFORT. You can make more money in the next few weeks and months than you have ever imagined. Follow the program EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED. Do not change it in anyway. It works exceedingly well as it is now. Remember to e-mail a copy of this exciting report after you have put your name and address in Report # 1 and moved others to #2, #3, #4,and #5 as instructed above. One of the people you send this to may send out 100,000 or more e-mails and your name will be on every one of them. Remember though, the more you send out the more potential customers you will reach.
So my friend, I have given you the ideas, information, materials and opportunity to become financially independent.
=================MORE TESTIMONIALS======================= "My name is Mitchell. My wife, Jody and I live in Chicago. I am an accountant with a major U.S. corporation and I make pretty good money. When I received this program, I grumbled to Jody about receiving "junk mail". I made fun of the whole thing, spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved. I "knew" it wouldn't work. Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and a few days later she jumped in with both feet. I made merciless fun of her, and was ready to lay the old "I told you so" on her when thething didn't work. Well, the laugh was on me! Within 3 weeks she had received 50 responses. Within the next 45 days she had received $147,200.00.. all cash! I was shocked. I have joined Jody in her "hobby".
Mitchell Wolf, M.D., Chicago, Illinois ================================================= "Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan. But conservative as I am, I decided that the initial investment was so little, that there was just no way that I wouldn't get enough orders to at least get my money back. I was surprised when I found my medium sized post office box crammed with orders. I made $319,210.00 in the first 12 weeks. The nice thing about this deal is that it does not matter where people live. There simply isn't a better investment with a faster return and so big."
Dan Sondstrom, Alberta, Canada ================================================ "I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered if I should have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was emailed again by someone else. Eleven months passed. Then it luckily came again. I did not delete this one! I made more than $490,000 on my first try and all the money came within 22 weeks."
Susan De Suza, New York, N.Y. ================================================ "It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money with little cost to you. I followed the simple instructions carefully, and within 10 days the money startedto come in. My first month, I made $20,560.00 and by the end of the third month, my total cash count was $362,840.00. Life is beautiful., thanks to the Internet."
Fred Dellaca, Westport, New Zealand
================================================ ORDER YOUR REPORTS TODAY AND GET STARTED ON "YOUR" ROAD TO FIANANCIAL FREEDOM! ================================================
If you have any questions of the legality of this program, contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C.
This message is not intended for residents in the State of Washington; screening of addresses has been done to the best of our technical ability. __________________________________________________________
This is being sent to you in compliance with current e-mail regulations. We have used a valid e-mail address & a removelink.
I'm thrilled with this program, but if you haven't an interest, you may send an e-mail to removefromreports@excite.com, and any further transmissions to you by the sender of this e-mail will be stopped promptly.
Be of good cheer! Smile and be tolerant of others (especially while driving)
From: dkwsi@hotmail.com
To: sraok@CyberFriends
Send reply to: t3mo1@bigfoot.com
Subject: Wanted! Motivated Individuals! [ujhso]
Date sent: Thu, 31 May 2001 20:48:34 -0500
GroundFloor Opportunity!
Could you use and extra $6,000 a month? If you are the type of person who, desires financial independence. Has Vision, is interested in earning an income part time or full time. Has interest in distributing products that every woman uses every single day.
Now you can work with a company that offers the most lucrative compensation plan and unlimited earning potential never before realized.
Want to learn more? Reply with your mailing address for a FREE Information package delivered to your home, for your personal review. Just put in the subject line "Yes Send Free Package".
Cordially yours, Marlies
PS: Please put "Remove" in subject line to get out of this list. Thanks.
From: TerryPerry@Janhoo.com
Sent: Saturday, 19 May 2001 3:13
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Thanks for responding, Here is the Amazing New System.....
------ ------------------------- This mail is never sent unsolicited. You received this "auto respond" email because you or someone you know submitted your address to our list page. Upon submission you agreed to receive emails from us. If you did not request this information please accept our apology. If you no longer wish to receive our emails please see the instructions at the end of this email. -----------------------------------------------------------
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AMAZING new system – MUST SEE to believe!!
The most important thing about this message is that you do not have to drop your efforts in your other programs, because this only take an hour to set up! Then you watch it work!!
***VERY IMPORTANT***Please read this message entirely at least once. Leave it for a few minutes, then come back and read it once or twice more. You will then really realize the potential that lies ahead of you. I didn't believe this at first, but I had a friend making a heap of money, coming in DAILY, so I said what the heck, it's just four FIVE dollar bills. Maybe 2 drinks at the pub, not even a movie! If it appears familiar to you, NOTE that there are RADICAL and MAJOR changes incorporated here.
IT'S NEW!……………..HELLO!…………………………..
If you want to make a few thousand dollars QUICKLY, then please take a moment to read this simple program I am sharing with you….You will not have to invest more money later to get things going. This is a one time effort, and then you leave it and watch the $$$ come in. I have SEEN IT for myself!!!!
This is the FASTEST and EASIEST PROGRAM YOU WILL EVER DO. Spend a few hours on it and you will never forget the day you first received it.
REMEMBER, you can continue ALL your programs you are currently in, this will only take an hour or so to set up!
This is a very exciting opportunity, you only invest a little bit of time, and your reward could mean thousands of dollars! ALL THE BEST!
THIS IS HOW IT WORKS. – You can do This!! It can't fail - Figure It out.
This is a four level program that is much faster, because it is so easy, the response rate for this program is VERY HIGH AND VERY FAST and you will see results in two weeks or less! Just in time for next month's bills! No more waiting for months on end to see if this really works. NOW a BUILT-IN MECHANISM against CHEATING has been introduced!
Even if you are already in a program, stay with it, but do yourself a favor and DO THIS ONE as well. START RIGHT NOW! It's simple and takes a very small investment. It will pay off long before other letters or programs even begin to trickle in! Follow the simple instructions and in a couple of weeks you will have THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in your bank account! Because of the LOW INVESTMENT, SPEED, and HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL, this program has a VERY HIGH RESPONSE RATE! Just four (4) US $5 bills. That's your investment!!!
First, yes this is legal! (Read at bottom of message, for more details)
1) Write on a piece of paper, Enclosed you will find $5.00 to pay for "How to get free email addresses week after week" fold it around a U.S. $5.00 bill. And mail it along with a #10 self-addressed stamped envelope to the person listed in position # 1. Do the same for each one of the people in position # 2, 3, and 4 writing the order for the 3 subjects of information that you are purchasing from them. (then write the subject below each of the 4 people listed. You are purchasing information. This is done everyday from many different companies. Once each person receives your order they will send you the information you purchased in the self addressed stamped envelope, which you supplied. Once you receive this information you are also given the copyrights so that you may make copies for the customers you acquire, as you will learn in step #2.
2) RETYPE the list. Move the SECOND (#2) NAME to the FIRST (#1) position. Move the THIRD (#3) to the SECOND (#2) position. Move the FOURTH (#4) NAME to the THIRD (#3) Position and ADD YOUR NAME to the list in the FOURTH (#4) position. NOTE: Only the FIRST (#1) Name in the original list is dropped.
3) Begin collecting addresses (Both email and postal addresses). Do not worry if you don't have many because one of the packets of information you are acquiring will show you how to get email addresses and another will show you how to get your customers to pay for you to send them information.
4) Once you have collected enough addresses begin sending out this program with your name in the number 4 position. As people begin to order you will start to ENJOY your trip to the mailbox EVERYDAY! Watch the envelopes start coming in virtually EVERYDAY, not once a fortnight, or once a month. Just place the information your customer purchased from you in the self addressed stamped envelope and mail away. AND THAT'S IT! How simple is that?
You mail out 200 and 9 respond 9 X 5 = $45.00 (4.9% is the average response) Each of those 9 mail out 200 and 81 respond 81 X 5 = $405.00 Each of those 81 mail out 200 and 729 respond 729 X 5= $3645.00 Each of those 729 mail out 200 and 6561 respond 6561 X 5 = $32805.00
That's a grand total of $36,900.00
Which should come your way in 30 – 90 days!
And imagine what would come in if you sent out 400 or even 1000 mailings?
*********** **
Here are the products you are purchasing along with the vendor information
# 1 Global Marketing 1900 Empire Blvd Suite 243 Webster, NY 14580 How to get FREE E-mail Addresses Week after Week!
#2 Bobby C. P.O. Box 822 Solvay, NY 13209 USA How to advertise for free on the Internet!
#3 Jimmy B P.O. Box 103 Williamson, NY 14589 USA How to have your customers pay for you to send them information!
#4 INTEC (Intellectual Solutions) P.O. Box 37205-7205 University Station Syracuse, NY 13235 USA How to make any program work, especially an MLM! ******************************************************
Consider this, MILLIONS of people surf the Internet everyday, all day, all over the world!
Fifty thousand new people get on the Internet every month! It boggles my mind to think of all the possibilities! E-mail, your letter TODAY! It's so easy.
THERE'S NOTHING MORE TO DO. By the time your name reaches the first position in 14-30 days, your mailbox will turn into a money machine. It will be your turn to collect. Remember, this multi-level marketing at its finest. IF you get an order you must fill it. If you do not, then you are violation U.S. Postal Laws and you can be prosecuted. Keep it simple, keep it legal, if you receive an order, send out the information after all it will only help you because that person is going to find you more customers. That's ALL!
I think it's WORTH IT, don't you?
- – - – - – - – - TRUE STORY – - – - – - – - – - -
Cindy Allen writes: I ran this product summation for the first time last year. The first time I received over $15,000 in cash in less than two weeks and over $35,000 in cash in the first 30 days I ran it. I can't begin to tell you how great it feels not to have to worry about money anymore! I thank God for the day I received this letter! It has truly changed my life! Don't be afraid to order products from strangers--they'll come back to you in ten-fold. So, let's keep it going and help each other out in these tough and uncertain times.
- – - – - – - – - CAN I DO IT AGAIN? – - – - – - – - – -
OF COURSE YOU CAN--this plan is structured for everyone to send only 200 letters each. However, you are certainly not limited to 200. Mail out as many as you can. Every 200 letters you send has an average return between $10,000 and $40,000. You can mail hundreds, thousands or whatever you want you can continue to mail this over and over, GO FOR IT! THE MORE YOU PUT INTO IT THE MORE YOU GET OUT OF IT.
Why not? It beats working! Each time you receive an MLM offer, respond with this letter! Your name will climb to the number one position at dizzying rates. Follow the simple instructions, and PLEASE PLAY FAIR, unless you will only hinder yourself. The BUILT -IN MECHANISM against cheating will FRUSTRATE the cheaters! So please, play by the rules and the $$$ will come!!!
- – - – - – - – - – - – - TRY THE PROGRAM TODAY – - – - -
$$$ Together we will prosper! $$$
GOOD LUCK!!! Wishing you the best in all you do!
You probably don't believe this will work, but if you don't try it you will never know. That's the way I felt. Try it. You won't be sorry. You will receive this email only once...
Let's get back what we spend in the Internet...
===================== TESTIMONIALS =====================
IT'S OUTRAGEOUS!!! With two hours of work I have made over US$12,000 in the last two weeks....and my investment was just $20!!! I LOVE IT!
Thank you, 12,000 x's!
- Julie M. St. Louis
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - -
Don't laugh! Try this for a change while you wait for the others to start working. One hour of work to get started and no mailing lists!
****************************************************** **
This service is 100% legal (Refer to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341, or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state a product or service must be exchanged for money received)
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