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National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center
This site won the Anus Maximus Award in the 2004 Millenium Awards. The citation read:
I think that this may be the most offensive web site in the world. Its reason for existence is to deny the reality of Shaken Baby Syndrome and other forms of child abuse and to offer support and succour to anyone accused of child abuse. To the mad woman who runs it, Barbara Bryan, there seems to be no possibility that anyone could harm a child, except the evil vaccine manufacturers of course. In her insanity, she says things like "physics-based research in varying disciplines" shows that "SBS theory does not comport with laws of nature". What is "SBS theory"? It is not a theory that shaking a child is harmful, it is not a theory that certain damage to children is caused by rapid acceleration. The laws of nature might be different in her universe, but out here in the real world violence kills children. How could anyone hate children as much as vermin like Bryan does? How can she look in a mirror without vomiting?
What's lower than a nadir? (4/10/2003)
I think I may have found the most offensive web site in the world. It is called the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center, and its reason for existence is to deny the reality of Shaken Baby Syndrome and other forms of child abuse and to offer support and succour to anyone accused of child abuse. To the mad woman who runs it, Barbara Bryan, there seems to be no possibility that anyone could harm a child, except the evil vaccine manufacturers of course. In her insanity, she says things like "physics-based research in varying disciplines" shows that "SBS theory does not comport with laws of nature". What is "SBS theory"? It is not a theory that shaking a child is harmful, it is not a theory that certain damage to children is caused by rapid acceleration. The laws of nature might be different in her universe, but out here in the real world violence kills children. How could anyone hate children as much as vermin like Bryan does? How can she look in a mirror without vomiting?
Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy (31/1/2004)
I have been invited to attend a seminar this weekend which will deal with the dreadful problem of Dr Roy Meadow, the person who first identified the condition known as Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy. (Unfortunately I cannot attend due to a subsequent prior engagement, as Oscar Wilde said.) This is where parents continually present children for medical treatment in order to meet a need in the parent for attention. Sometimes the parents will even hurt the child so that there is something for the doctors to look at. The anti-vaccination liars have taken a particular dislike to Dr Meadow because he acts as an expert witness for the prosecution in Shaken Baby Syndrome trials, and it is now an article of faith for these people that all cases of damaged children are caused by vaccines so Dr Meadow must be vilified at every opportunity. Last October I mentioned a particularly execrable outfit called the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center which exists to assist anyone charged with shaking a child to death, regardless of any evidence. The person who runs this organisation made the following comment on an anti-vaccination liar mailing list this week:
Only by chance did I find last night I had made Ratbags in a big way in October. The man comes by his name honestly.
I notice yet again the powerful juju that prevents these people using my name. I sent the following email to Barbara Bryan, but I have not yet received a reply:
I noticed that in a message to the AVN mailing list you said:
P. S. Only by chance did I find last night I had made Ratbags in a big way in October. The man comes by his name honestly.
If you think that a single mention on my site is making it "in a big way" then you are overestimating your importance. I may, however, decide to make a bigger issue in the future about your disgusting agenda and your malice towards children.
By the way, perhaps you could directly answer the question I put there. How do you look in the mirror without vomiting?
Child Abuse Prevention Month 2004 (3/4/2004)
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. This news was greeted by one of the filthiest child abusers in the world in a message to an anti-vaccination liar mailing list with the subject line "April Fool's Day begins Child Abuse Prevention Month". She then went on to refer to "the myths of MSP, SBS". This evil woman is Barbara Bryan who runs an organisation which exists solely to support any and all people charged by the police with shaking babies to death. This is someone who calls Shaken Baby Syndrome a "myth". This is someone who has never met a child killer that she didn't like. She got quite excited back in January when she discovered that she had been mentioned here. I sent her a kind and gentle email at the time asking her how she held back the vomiting reflex when she saw herself in the mirror, but she didn't answer. Perhaps I should write again and ask if she gets a stirring in the loins when she reads about children with blood in their brains, detached retinas and healing broken bones.
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