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International Chiropractors Association's Pediatrics Council\
As this site was a contributor to the vile "Free Yurko" campaign, it shared a Highly Commended award in the 2001 Millenium Awards.
The citation read:
On November 24, 1997, Alan Yurko murdered a ten-week-old child. He is now serving a life sentence for the murder. At the time of the murder, Yurko was on parole from a 10-to-25 year sentence for four cases of burglary with violence. As the baby was born about five months after Yurko was released from prison it was probably not his child anyway, and the severity of the sentence suggests that the judge felt that this was not a case of impulsive shaken baby syndrome but was a deliberate killing by someone removing the inconvenience of someone else's child. The baby's mother married Yurko after he was convicted of beating her son to death. Yurko has been adopted by the anti-vaccination liars and chiropractors as a hero and role model and they want to get him out of prison. This award is given generically to all of the "Get the killer out of prison" sites which have sprung up to exploit this atrocity.
I came across this page while following up on the outrageous scandal of the anti-vaccination liars exploiting shaken baby syndrome to spread their mental disease around. I had sarcastically suggested that the anti-vaccination liars would call someone who murdered his child a "hero". Imagine my surprise when I found out that somebody had done just that. The following excerpt is from an article about the 10th Annual Conference of the ICA Pediatrics Council. (The Council's web site was revamped in 2005 and the report of the 2000 conference was removed. You can see what the page said here.) Background on Dr Buttram can be found here.
The Council also announced its support of another cause during the Conference ...the mother of a baby who died on Thanksgiving Day in 1997 following DPT vaccination. One of the speakers, Dr. Harold Buttram, a medical doctor from Pennsylvania who is against mandatory immunization, brought with him the mother of a child whom he believes died from a vaccine reaction and not from shaken baby syndrome as prosecutors said. The father however, was accused of murder and is now serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Since the parents could not afford to pay an attorney they had to depend on the services of a public defender. The mother's story touched everyone, especially when she related the indignities, accusations and injustice she has had to endure from the public, the media and the courts. However, instead of bemoaning the injustice of it all she has taken the courageous step of establishing a website devoted to educating other parents about the dangers of vaccines and to gather more information about vaccine-related deaths which can be used for research. At the conclusion of the session, at the suggestion of many of the doctors present, Dr. McMullen announced that the Council was establishing a Chiropractor's Hero Fund to raise money for the mother to pay for the father's defense. He has one appeal left. Donations should be made out to: Chiropractor's Hero Fund, c/o Dr. Warren Bruhl, 630 Vernon Avenue, Suites F and H, Glencoe, IL 60022. |
That's right, folks. The ICA Pediatrics Council has officially declared as "Hero" a man who beat a ten-week-old child to death.
Child murderer update (14/4/2001)
Chiropractor Bruhl, who manages the fund for the "hero", wrote to me about Alan Yurko, in prison for killing a ten-week-old child by holding him up by the feet and bashing him to death, to tell me that I should research things before I accuse someone of murder. I don't think I will answer the email. After all, it was a Yurko supporter who told me about the bleeding in the child's brain, eyes and spinal column.
Date sent: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 17:28:00 EDT
Subject: You should research the facts before you make pages about people who are impriso
To: rsoles@ratbags.com
Dear whoever,
I am Dr. Warren Bruhl and you should research this case before you make judgements. Please call me.
Dr. Warren Bruhl
Mr Bruhl should research the facts about who he is writing to so that he doesn't have to rudely say "Dear whoever". Perhaps if he researched intracranial bleeding and other signs of physical child abuse he wouldn't be so quick to start collecting money for an animal who murdered a child.
Touchy, touchy, chiropractor (17/6/2001)
Someone I know (it wasn't me) wrote to the chiropractor who is collecting the money for murderer Alan Yurko and received the following polite reply:
Before you start spouting offf about something you know nothing about. I will not tolerate any of your innappropriate misinformed and petty diatribe on this issue. Do not e mail ever again or I will report your harrassment to the authorities. You are dangerous and potentially lethal. Keep your distance from me and do not ever contact me again. I repeat. Do not ever contact me again in any way, shape or form. In case you did not hear this. DO NOT CONTACT ME, E MAIL ME OR ENGAGE IN ANY WRITING TO ME OR I WILL REPORT YOUR HARRASMENT TO THE GLENCOE POLICE.
Dr. Warren Bruhl Diplomate International Council Chiropractic Pediatrics
I guess Mr Bruhl doesn't want to talk about this matter.
And something about the parent body:
Rebellion in the ranks (16/5/2020)
You would expect a journal with the title Chiropractic & Manual Therapies to be reasonably sympathetic to the nonsense of chiropractic, but an article published on May 4, 2020 broke the mold. It had the title "A united statement of the global chiropractic research community against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity" and was signed by 140 chiropractors and fellow travellers. It was a response to a claim by the International Chiropractors Association that spine twiddling could be a useful way to prevent infection, with special relevance to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. (The ICA leapt to prominence in 2001 when its Pediatric Council awarded hero status to a man who beat a baby to death.)
Here is the abstract of the article.
Background: In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) posted reports claiming that chiropractic care can impact the immune system. These claims clash with recommendations from the World Health Organization and World Federation of Chiropractic. We discuss the scientific validity of the claims made in these ICA reports.
Main body: We reviewed the two reports posted by the ICA on their website on March 20 and March 28, 2020. We explored the method used to develop the claim that chiropractic adjustments impact the immune system and discuss the scientific merit of that claim. We provide a response to the ICA reports and explain why this claim lacks scientific credibility and is dangerous to the public. More than 150 researchers from 11 countries reviewed and endorsed our response.
Conclusion: In their reports, the ICA provided no valid clinical scientific evidence that chiropractic care can impact the immune system. We call on regulatory authorities and professional leaders to take robust political and regulatory action against those claiming that chiropractic adjustments have a clinical impact on the immune system.
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