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Pentagon Space Aliens

This site was given an Encouragement Award in the 2020 Millenium Awards. The citation said:

This site bounced to the top of the memory stack when it went all secure and HTTPS at the end of 2020. Anybody glued to the site design principles from the Geocities era possibly doesn't need any encouragement to do anything (because they wouldn't listen), but it has an actual flying flying saucer. And blinking dots!

What. The. Eff. Question mark. (6/11/2010)
Web oldtimers will have fond memories of Geocities, home of some of the most kooky ideas expressed with the craziest web designs that colour-blind people could come up with. All is not lost, because there is still Tripod, and a wonderful example was offered to me this week. I found it because someone offered as proof that homeopathy works the quote "The Second Law of Thermodynamics contradicts the First Law of Thermodynamics". Apparently this comes form a book called Occult Science Dictatorship, in which the evil of orthodox science is revealed. I went looking for the perpetual Nobel Prize winner who had discovered this and found William Lyne. This web site is kook gold


The site is named "Pentagon Space Aliens", but that's just the start. After that it gets weird. I can't really do it justice here, so you will have to go see for yourself. Go ahead, look at it. But please, don't drink coffee while you are looking and keep your asthma medication handy so you don't die laughing. I want you to come back here, and I would hate to have your deaths on my conscience.

Synapses exploding when exposed to idiocy:


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