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This site was Highly Commended in the 2020 Millenium Awards. The citation read:
Sometimes someone comes along who is so unhinged that, like Humpty Dumpty, it would be impossible to put him back together. Solihin Millin is just such a person. It is difficult to do justice to his state of mind, except to say that he probably doesn't believe in "the State" (unless it's the "Deep State" that really rules the world) and using the word "mind" in the same sentence (day?, month? year?) as his name is probably committing an oxymoron. Sol obviously possesses something like a mind, but I predict that after his death there will be much competition to study his brain from neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists and philosophers, all trying to work out how it worked, how it was different to a human brain and how epistemology might have to be modified to accommodate delusions as facts.
It's deja vu all over again (22/2/2020)
Back in 2003 I reported on what might have been seen as the silliest and most useless waste of the time and resources of the High Court of Australia that anyone could imagine, but all these years later there is a new contender.
A loon wants to sue the Commonwealth of Australia and has applied to the High Court to try to get it to rule that vaccination is both unconstitutional and illegal under international law. Anti-vaccination liars are wetting their pants about this, even going so far as to claim that the High Court has endorsed their insanity. Those of us of sound mind realise that asking a court to look at something is not the same as the court looking and agreeing. At the time I'm writing this the Court has not even agreed to read the writ let alone empanelled some expensive judges to consider its worth, but facts have never bothered the opponents of vaccines. If the Court does decide to amuse themselves by actually having a hearing I might have to take a trip to Canberra to watch the fun, although I imagine that eating popcorn in the courtroom is probably discouraged.
I could go though the thing line by line offering criticism and comments, but there are only so many hours in a week. You can read the masterpiece here,, but I will extract some parts to give the flavour.
It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.
That High Court writ (21/3/2020)
Back in February I mentioned that someone was asking the High Court of Australia to rule on the legality and constitutional validity of vaccines. Actually, he was asking the High Court if they would consider doing this. At the time I predicted that the Court would not bother wasting its time on such nonsense. Was I right?
I'm sure this loon really believes that the High Court convenes a full bench to look at applications to appear, but out here in the real world we know that the Court has a filter to prevent it wasting its time. I can confidently predict that if Sol does actually apply to appeal, his application will receive the same treatment as his original writ. I also predict that the anti-vaccination liars who were wetting themselves a month ago about how the High Court was giving legitimacy to their delusions by hearing his claim will now be saying that it has obviously changed its mind about rejecting the writ and has accepted his appeal.
I do like the irony of someone who demands that the Court does things it can't and won't do warning people about the offence of Contempt of Court. What could be more contemptuous than wasting the Court's time and resources on trivial idiocy?
As I said at the time: 'It would be sad if it wasn't so funny".
Sol suddenly supersizes the silliness (9/5/2020)
Here is just the beginning of Sol's latest rant.
I checked with University Microfilms and found Sol's qualifications.
Speaking of whom ... (5/9/2020)
Earlier this year I paid some attention to Solihin Millin, a kook showing weapons grade stupidity by trying to sue the Australian government over vaccination policies, claiming that vaccination is unconstitutional and illegal under international law. He wasn't very happy when the High Court flicked his complaint into the bin, but that's life. Finding himself flat on his face he followed the advice in the Frank Sinatra song "That's Life" and picked himself up and got back in the race by organising massive protests against any and all restrictions placed on the citizenry because of the COVID-19 outbreak.
On this very day, September 5, millions of people were going to take to the streets across the country, defying the police and the politicians who made the rules. To make sure that the rest of the population took notice, one of the sites chosen for the protest was the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, because nothing is more certain to attract sympathy to a cause than a rabble rousing desecration of a war memorial.
Protestors turned up in their tens, but Sol wasn't among them because he had been arrested for inciting people to break the law. He was obviously not happy about this, and has now decided to take legal action against the Victorian police for among other things "misprison (sic) of treason.
Spelling the name of the supposed offence incorrectly twice (it's "misprision") suggests that no lawyers were harmed in the production of the legal claim. Also as "misprision of treason" is an offence of inciting treason I'm not sure how the cops were actually doing that, as Sol and his associates seem to be suggesting that they committed treason, not asked other people to do it. Or something. Treason is, of course, a federal offence, not a state one, but let's not get all nitpicky here.
By the way, treason is quite clearly defiled in the Commonwealth Criminal Code:
I'm not sure how the Victorian state police enforcing state regulations fits any of these criteria, but I'm not a lawyer. And neither are Ben Shaw or Solihin Millin.
We look forward to the next chapter in the continuing saga of Sol's legal battle to overturn centuries of case, constitutional and statute law and lead us into a world where the law is based on opinion, feelings and whatever you want it to be today.
The madness not only continues, it escalates (3/10/2020)
Back in September I updated the continuing saga of überarchkook Solihin Millin and how he had been joined by another refugee from the asylum, Brian Shaw, in a continued legal attack on the instruments of government in Australia. Brian has taken it a step further and has issued paper accusing the police in the state of Victoria of doing dreadfulness.
A few points:
I look forward to this major development in Australia's jurisprudence, although I would hope that we don't return to the days when men convicted of treason were hung, drawn and quartered and women were burnt at the stake. Surely being forced to discuss the law with Sol Millin and Brian Shaw would be a sufficiently horrible punishment.
By the way, if you believe Wikipedia nobody has ever been convicted of the crime of treason in Australia. Some have been charged (for example the "Sydney Twelve") but the charges were later changed to other offences.
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