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Vaccination Information Serving Australia
This excrescence finally imploded in March 2021
Vaccination Information South Australia
The South Australia part disappeared in early 2015

These two are actually the same organisation, but the incredible mess of a web site that they use makes this hard to see. The "South Australia" site consists of a set of almost disconnected pages which link back to "Serving Australia" as "Home". The "Serving Australia" page seems to contain no links going the other way, and none of the image links work. None of it has been updated for years, so we can only hope that in fact it is defunct and the web site is just some sort of fossil record.

Anti-vaccination liars get their wish (24/11/2012)
This story appeared in the press this week:

Alert over baby girl contracting measles virus in Adelaide

A FOUR-MONTH-OLD Adelaide girl has contracted the highly infectious measles virus, SA Health says.

It is the second case of measles in South Australia in the past two months.

SA Health chief medical officer Paddy Phillips said measles was highly contagious among people who were not fully immunised and was spread through coughing and sneezing.

It must have brought a warm glow to the insides of members of an organisation called Vaccination Information Serving Australia (formerly Vaccination Information South Australia). Here they are in the media a few years back:

SA disease unit condemns measles exposure advice

South Australia's Human Services Department is urging people to ignore an anti-vaccination group's call for children to be deliberately exposed to people sick with measles.

Vaccination Information South Australia wants a register of current measles cases so that children who have not been immunised can catch the infected and acquire immunity, that it says will protect them for life.

Robert Givney from the Communicable Diseases Unit says in the last 30 years there have been almost 100 deaths in Australia from measles .

"I can only reiterate we would not do this, even if we were given permission, we would not involve ourselves in what we see as a really dangerous activity," he said.

"We really wouldn't recommend to anyone that they try to acquire measles."

By the look of this disgusting organisation's web site they are in complete disarray. That can only be a good thing, however I think they need a Kind and Gentle email offering my professional services.

He offers to help (24/11/2012)
I'm An olive brancha great believer in reconciliation and extending a metaphorical olive branch to people in order to establish communication and rapport with them. When I saw the hideous mess of a web site belonging to Vaccination Information Serving Australia I felt that I just had to help them to move beyond 1997 and actually start communicating their agenda of harming children instead of having site visitors cry out "What the ...?" and go elsewhere to find information about putting their children at risk of death and disability. Thus this Kind and Gentle email:

Dear Ms Scarborough,

I was looking over the VISA web site and I notice you have some problems. All the image links on the front page are broken. The original "South Australia" pages all have links back to the "Serving Australia" front page, but there does not seem to be any links back the other way. This makes it very confusing for visitors as they might not be able to find the valuable information you have on the site. It also makes it difficult for search engines to index the site, reducing the number of potential visitors

I do web site maintenance as part of my IT consultancy business, and even though I might not agree with you about vaccination I'm sure we could come to some suitably agreeable arrangement. As I am in Sydney and I assume you are in Adelaide we could communicate by Skype and email, as I can do this work from anywhere.

I hope this offer of help is not taken badly. I once made a similar offer to Ms Dorey at the Australian Vaccination Network and she interpreted it as a threat and a form of harassment which was obviously never my intention.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to helping VISA to more effectively communicate with your target market.


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