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Diphtheria – liars tell us it is harmless

• child has diphtheria
• thick grey coating over back of throat
• coating can eventually expand down through airway
• if not treated, the child could die from suffocation

• can cause serious illness
• kills 1 of 10 people infected with it

Diphtheria germ
• lives in mouth, nose, and throat of an infected person
• spreads through direct contact with an infected person

Once infected
• takes 2-5 days to get sick

• some people might not feel or look sick
• others might have
• sore throat
• fever
• chills
• difficulty swallowing
• thick grey coating over the back of the throat

• within 6-10 days serious problems can occur
• suffocation
• paralysis
• heart failure
• coma
• death

• child has "bullneck diphtheria"
• neck very swollen
• might eventually be unable to breathe

Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Thank you to the Immunization Action Coalition


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