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A collection of pictures

In a message posted to several Usenet newsgroups on 3 August, 2001, the President of the Australian Vaccination Network asked people to send her pictures. Here are some I collected to remind her of the results she can expect to achieve from her work. Click on any picture to see it in full living (and sometimes not-still-living) colour.


The Google newsgroup archive seems to have lost some entries, including the one referred to here. Luckily, I kept a copy.

From: (Meryl)
Subject: How you can help support free choice
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2001 23:51:12 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Now for the second part of this most important message! Nobody can make the government change its mind on their own. Everyone needs to help make the system fairer, more accountable and more just. That's where all of you come in. Everyone's assistance is needed – whether you are in Australia or not! Please everyone, take the time to give us a hand here and we will succeed in accomplishing what we have set out to do for everyone!

1- A picture is worth 1,000 words – so we need 1,000 pictures! It is very easy for people to dismiss names and numbers. But when they see the pictures of children and adults who have reacted to vaccines, it really hits home. I know that our Gallery pages on the AVN's website get the most comment and affect people deeply. So, I am asking all of you, whether you live in Australia or elsewhere, to send either via post or email, a picture of any children or adults who have reacted to vaccines. If you email them please send them to By post, you can mail them to: AVN PO Box 177 Bangalow NSW 2479 Include a brief paragraph about the reaction – only first names will be used so there will be no way to identify who this particular child is. If you don't want a first name used, please note that and we will make up a name. This is so vital – the government has consistently said that nobody reacts to vaccines – let's show them how wrong they are! Please send these in TODAY!

2- Letters DO influence politicians This is only for those Australians on our list. We need all of you to write a letter to your local and federal MPs, to the Federal and State Ministers for Health and to anyone else you can think of (natural therapy organisations, etc.) asking them to support these changes to the legislation. Feel free to use the wording on the last message that was sent to you or use your own words. If you or your child or someone else you know has reacted to a vaccination and this reaction was not reported, please mention this as well. I will be updating the political contacts section of the website over the weekend and should have it finished by Monday so please write your letters now, and then, check out the page on Monday to get the addresses, fax numbers and email contacts of whoever you need to reach with your letter. You have no idea how powerful a grassroots effort like this can be. Be part of it!

3- Your Membership of the AVN is vital! If you are not already a financial member of the AVN, please consider joining today. We are true Davids fighting the Pharmaceutical/AMA Goliaths and we need all the help we can get. For those of you who don't already know, our 40-page quarterly newsletter, which gets sent to all members, contains the most up-to-date information on vaccination and health. As a new feature, the AVN Newsletter can now be delivered to our overseas readers as an Adobe Acrobat document. Membership with electronic delivery to overseas subscribers is only $20 AUD (no GST necessary) so consider joining even if you live overseas. We need your support, we need your help – let's make Australia sit up and take notice to the tragic toll vaccinations are exacting on families everywhere.

4- Got a bright idea? If you know of some information that may be helpful, please don't keep it to yourself. The AVN is run by simple mums and dads without any special skills. Please let us know if you have an idea or two that might make us more effective at what we do.

Take care and thanks in advance for your help.

Meryl Dorey
On behalf of the AVN National Committee

Meryl W. Dorey,
The Australian Vaccination Network, Inc.
PO Box 177
Bangalow NSW 2479
02 6687 1699 Phone 02 6687 2032 FAX

"All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." (Schopenhauer)

Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you implement that decision is yours and yours alone.


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