Home > Categories > Health Fraud 101-150
Health fraud falls into two broad classes – telling people lies that may kill them or someone else, and stealing from people by selling bogus medicines. The sites listed here provide useful information in the battle against quackery and for people just wanting to find out more about how real medicine works. (A list of sites offering suspect or fraudulent medical advice, products and services can be found at The Millenium Project.)
Books relating to this category can be found here.
There are sites listed in this category. Please click here for a condensed listing without descriptions of the entries.
1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-
The National Council Against Health Fraud
National Fraud Information Center
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Library of Medicine, Medlineplus Health Fraud
"NPS provides practical tools and information about medicines, health conditions and medical tests. This helps individuals and health professionals be medicinewise, making better informed choices about their health"
The New England Journal of Medicine
"[T]he Division's mission is to increase basic knowledge of the pathogenesis, natural history, and transmission of HIV disease and to support research that promotes progress in its detection, treatment, and prevention."
Nutra-Smart.net (Stuart Adams)
"The intelligent guide to good health and longevity through optimal nutrition".
Nutrition and Lifestyle for Mesothelioma Patients
Operation Cure.All (US Federal Trade Commission)
This website offers information for consumers on how to recognize health fraud, guidance for businesses on how to market health products and services truthfully, and information about the FTC's initiatives.
PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health)
PATH's mission is to improve health, especially the health of women and children. An emphasis is placed on improving the quality of reproductive health services and on preventing and reducing the impact of widespread communicable diseases. PATH identifies, develops, and applies appropriate and innovative solutions to public health problems. This is accomplished by exchanging knowledge, skills, and technologies with governmental and nongovernmental partners in developing countries and with groups in need elsewhere.
Persiflagers Annotated Compendium of Infections Disease Facts, Opinion and Dogma (Mark Crislip)
"The PACID is an electronic guide to Infectious Diseases for use by all medical people. It is a series of hyperlinked pages covering antibiotics, pathogens and diseases"
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
This web site contains information on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme including details of the medicines subsidised by the Australian Government as well as information for consumers, carers, health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry. The PBS is part of Australia's broader National Medicines Policy (NMP).
Potential Forensic Significance of Traditional Herbal Medicines
"Traditional herbal substances may contain highly toxic chemicals and heavy metals, in addition to naturally occurring organic toxins. These substances may cause illness, exacerbate pre-existing ill health or result in death, particularly if taken in excess or in an unusual manner …"
Probability and Statistics -- from MathWorld
The abuse or misunderstanding of statistics is endemic in pseudoscience. This site explains many of the tests and terms used in statistics. (Warning – lots of maths, but generally understandable by a lay person.)
Sir Thomas Browne's great 1646 treatise on fallible thinking and self-deception.
Public Health Reseach & Practice (NSW Health Department)
Public Health Research & Practice is an open-access, quarterly, online journal with a strong focus on the connection between research, policy and practice.
PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 12 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
"The Quack Doctor, a collection of panacean powders, pills, potions, procedures and pamphlets, as advertised in historical newspapers"
"A podcast review of Quacks, Frauds and Charlatans. Oops. That's not right. That should be Complementary and Alternative Medicine i.e. CAM"
"Experiments and Thoughts on Quackery, Health Beliefs and Pseudoscience"
The granddaddy of all the anti-quackery sites.
Quantum Quackery (Victor J. Stenger)
Recovered Memory Therapy in Australia
"Unregulated counsellors and psychotherapists present a real threat to ordinary Australian families. RMT is nothing less than 'trial by therapy'. Mothers and fathers are presumed guilty: there is virtually no defence".
Regulation of advertising of therapeutic goods in Australia
Reporting a criminal offence (AHPRA)
"As well as managing concerns about the conduct of registered health practitioners, there are a number of criminal offences that people can report to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) under the National Law."
Respectful Insolence (David Gorski)
Rosemary Jacob's argyria introduction page (Rosemary Jacobs)
Read this before you believe anyone who tries to sell you "colloidal silver" as a treatment for anything.
A science teacher's way to spread education about science.
Science Business (David Shaywitz)
Science, Reason and Critical Thinking (Crispian Jago)
The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice
The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice (SRMHP) is the only peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to distinguishing scientifically-supported claims from scientifically-unsupported claims in clinical psychology, psychiatry, social work, and allied disciplines.
Senior Care Resources – Cancer
"Promoting good science and evidence for the public"
The Skeptical OB (Dr Amy Tuteur)
"A Skeptical Raptor's native environment is the jungles of the internet, where junk science, pseudoscience, myths, logical fallacies, and outright lies survive unchecked. The Raptor has evolved over several million years to hunt down these anti-science prey, attempting to remove them from the internet gene pool. Remember, a Raptor is missing some table manners, so the prey may not be treated very nicely"
The Skeptic's Dictionary – Alternative Medicine (Robert T. Carroll)
This is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for scientific skepticism.
"A skeptical look at alternative medicine and related issues"
Taubman Medical Library Homeopathy Collection
Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia)
The Australian community expects that medicines and medical devices in the marketplace are safe and of high quality, to a standard at least equal to that of comparable countries. The objective of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, which came into effect on 15 February 1991, is to provide a national framework for the regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia and ensure their quality, safety and efficacy.
Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (Australia)
"The Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (the Code) ensures that the marketing and advertising of therapeutic goods is conducted in a manner that promotes the quality use of the product, is socially responsible and does not mislead or deceive the consumer."
This book, originally published in 1961, chronicles the rise of the patent medicine trade from its beginnings in colonial America until passage of the first federal food and drug law. Dr. Young (1915-2006) was a social historian whose special interest was the development of food and drug regulation in America. He served for many years as a professor of history at Emory University and also wasas a member of the FDA National Advisory Food and Drug Council. The book is reproduced with the kind permission from him and the publisher, Princeton University Press.