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Of what will he die? - Plate 40 from Los Caprichos, Goya 1799Health Fraud 1 to 50

The illustration is Of what will he die? - Plate 40 from Los Caprichos, Goya 1799

Health fraud falls into two broad classes - telling people lies that may kill them or someone else, and stealing from people by selling bogus medicines.

The Green LightSee some answers to Health Fraud here.

You can go here to see  articles I have written which are relevant to health fraud and quackery, and here to see  articles by other people.

The Millenium Bookshop has  books about Health Fraud.

Books relating to other categories can be found here.

My state government set up a committee in 2002 to look at medical quackery. You can see some of the reactions here.

Thank you, Mitchell and Webb

There are sites listed in this category.


1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 410-450 | 451-500 | 501-550 | 551-
(The symbol Comment shows that there are some comments here about the site.)

International Tribunal for Natural Justice
The Budwig Protocol The Budwig Diet – Johanna Budwig
Abha Light Foundation
Ability Chiropractic
The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy
Activator Methods
Acupuncture Today online resource for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Adrian Mathews Secrets of Creating a Home Business in Health Products
Advanced Allergy Elimination
Advanced Lifestyle International
Advanced Medical Institute Pty Ltd
AECC Chiropractic College
Affinity Laboratory/Labeling Technologies – Boyd Haley
Age of Autism
Alive and Well AIDS Alternatives – Christine Maggiore
Alka Power
Alliance For Chiropractic
Alliance for Human Research Protection
Alliance for Natural Health
Allocca Technology and Healthcare Research – John Allocca
Alpha Omega Labs
Alternative Cancer Treatment Cancell
Alternative Cancer Treatments Information Center
Alternative Medicine
Alternative Medicine by Dr. Bertha L. Veronneau
Alternative Mental Health
Alternative Therapies for Children with Brain Injury and Developmental Disorders
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
Alternative Treatment for Cancer | An Oasis of Healing | Comprehensive Cancer Care – Thomas Lodi
Alternative, Complementary and Holistic Veterinary Medicine
Alternatives to Conventional Wisdom for Inquisitive Minds – Helen Tucker
Amalgam Mercury Poisoning Sufferers – Lyn Rennick
The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
The American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture
American Anti-Vivisection Society
American Anti-Vivisection Society
American Chiropractic Association
American College for Advancement in Medicine
The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
American Iatrogenic Association – Nicolas Martin
American Veterinary Chiropractic Association – Daniel Kamen
Animal Research TAKES Lives – Humans and Animals Both Suffer
Anomalous Trauma – Eve Lorgen
Anti aging, Longevity, Diet, Weight Loss, Body Cleansing – Mikhail Tombak
The Anti-Aging Medical Clinic – Ron Kennedy MD
AntiBio Technologies
Archway House Natural Health Centre


1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 410-450 | 451-500 | 501-550 | 551-
(The symbol Comment shows that there are some comments here about the site.)

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