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NextUpdates made to The Millenium Project in July 2000

July 8, 2000

It's everywhere … (8/7/2000)
Last week I promised that every time someone announced that this site was about to be closed down, it would be mirrored elsewhere on the web. As I received two such messages during the week, this site has been reproduced in two more places and both have been loaded into the major search engines. That makes four copies. The harder Mr O'Nonymous and his friends work to silence me, the easier it will get for people to see this site.

Harassment update (17/8/2000)
No truth! No courage! No value!Showing a fine grasp of reality, the Gutless Anonymous Liar told me to give up smoking and miscounted my children. Perhaps it knew me back in 1975. For an additional dose of fun, it (or a close approximation) even pretended to be me and issued a statement on my behalf. The foolishness builds at The GAL Chronicles. In a totally-unrelated incident, some fool rang my ISP and said that they were a client of mine and I had told them to change ISPs because this one was going broke. What the idiot hadn't figured out was that he had to be their client as well as mine for the story to be true. He wasn't, and we all had a good laugh.

The 99 names of … (8/7/2000)
Mr William O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group has now invented 20 different versions of my name (really it's only 18, because one had three different spellings). If he can get it up to 30, I think I will put the list out on souvenir t-shirts, mugs and mouse mats. He has also used 17 (or is it now 18?) different identities (including my mother and several versions of me) and made at least six announcements that someone had closed this site down (one of the announcements even signed by me!). To find out what this is all about, see the CCRG Correspondence File.

July 15, 2000

Censorship time (15/7/2000)
Some religious bigots are objecting to the Harry Potter books which have seized the imaginations of our children. Anything that gets them imagining and reading looks good to me, but it seems that these books contain dangerous ideas. So dangerous, in fact, that the books have been banned from schools in Kansas and Colorado (and some other states in the USA are still thinking about it). As my way of assisting the bans and making it easy to get fuel for book-burnings, you can buy the books by clicking on the names:

July 18, 2000

Dateline 18 July, 2000.
News Flash!! You are reading this!
On 4th July, the gutless anonymous liar said, in an email to me:
14 days and counting......
Fourteen days have now passed and I am still here.

July 22, 2000

Another contest (22/7/2000)
The Australian Skeptics are hosting the World Skeptics Convention in Sydney in November 2000. The Millenium Project will be there, paying particular attention to the sessions dealing with medical fraud and the lies told about vaccination. I am offering a prize of one free ticket to the full three days of the convention for the best piece of hate mail I receive about this site before 30 September, 2000. The winner will have to pay their own travel, food and accommodation expenses, but I will buy him or her (or it?) a beer. Normal conditions apply: the decision is completely up to me, employees and family not eligible, not valid where not legal, yada yada yada.

The gutless anonymous liar's prediction fails ... (22/7/2000)
No truth. No courage. No value.I have created a special page, The GAL Chronicles, to collect together the work of the gutless anonymous liar who keeps sending me ridiculous email. Any resemblance to any person mentioned elsewhere on this site is a coincidence. On 4th July, the anonymous liar said, in an email to me: "14 days and counting......". Checking the count shows that more than fourteen days have now passed and I am still here, this site (with its four clones) is still here, and nothing has happened. I was able to predict all three things, so perhaps I should go into the psychic business.

Speaking of 14 days … (22/7/2000)

The 99 names of …

has been heard recently from Mr William O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group, who has invented 20 different versions of my name (really it's only 18, because one had three different spellings). If he can get it up to 30, I think I will put the list out on souvenir t-shirts, mugs and mouse mats. He has also used 17 (or is it now 18?) different identities (including my mother and several versions of me) and made at least six announcements that someone had closed this site down (one of the announcements even signed by me!). To find out what this is all about, see the CCRG Correspondence File. (Note: Mr O'Neill is not eligible for the free ticket to the Skeptics Convention, because he has had too much practice.)

July 29, 2000

New commentaries (29/7/2000)
I have had time once more to start writing commentaries about the various sites listed here. This week I have added a general commentary about Multi-Level Marketing. (This is derived from the content of the Multi-Level Mirage site which used to be part of Ratbags.Com. Other people have sites devoted to this and I decided there was no need for me to duplicate their work.) I have also added a commentary about cancer-curer Dr Stanislaw Burzynski. I hope Dr Burzynski can find time out from his busy schedule to take part in the Cancer 100 Challenge.


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