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Mr William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group does not like me. He is perfectly entitled to hold any opinion about me that he wishes and there is nothing I either want to or can do about that. As I have a web site devoted to my opinions about things and people that I do not like I can hardly object if others wish to exercise their rights to freedom of speech.
Set out on these pages is a collection of communications from Mr O'Neill which were either addressed to me or mentioned me. My contribution to Mr O'Neill's free speech rights is to bring these views and opinions to a wider audience and to show that I do not hide from criticism.
The messages are in approximately chronological order and Mr O'Neill's words are unedited. Many of the messages to Usenet newsgroups were in response to messages sent by others, and in some of these cases the original quoted material has been removed because the reply had nothing to do with what had originally been said.
I have not responded directly to Mr O'Neill, because there seemed to be no point in doing so. My comments on his communications are in italics.
The symbol at left indicates a link into the Google archive.
As Google seem to have irrevocably broken the Usenet archive service, links have been disabled. Maybe they will come back some day.
Wherever possible, I have cited the originating IP address for each message. An analysis of these sources can be found here. There are also statistics for the number of times Mr O'Neill has said that this site has been closed down, the number of times he has said that someone is taking some kind of legal action against me, the number of times he has commented on my non-existent bankruptcy and the number of names he has invented for me. See all the statistics here.
Mr O'Neill occasionally uses anonymiser services to write to me or to post messages to Usenet newsgroups. The method of transmission of these messages hides the originator and makes it impossible to reply to the messages. For a long time I pretended that I didn't know where these messages came from and maintained a separate collection in the GAL Chronicles. When Mr O'Neill commented on the birth of my grandson with the words "kill it quick and kill it good before it multiplies", I decided that it was time to stop pretending. I will still maintain the two collections – the CCRG Correspondence File for identifiable messages and the GAL Chronicles for anonymous, cowardly attacks – but nobody needs to be in any doubt about the source of the messages.
The volume of correspondence became too great for just one page. Please use these links to read what went before.
The rest of the CCRG Correspondence File
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
(Part 12 is the main CCRG Correspondence File page)
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Questions for Jan and Others: How could Bowditch be oturaged?
Date: 5 May 2002 08:56:25 -0700
<snip message from me to another newsgroup>
Could it be that Mr. Bowditch thinks the site referred to by one his admirers could possibly offend his unfortunate spouse and offspring given what they have become accustomed to in having to co-habitate with a "man" who produces such vile trash as ratbags.com? I doubt hearing and seeing the URL would awaken their collective sense of outrage or deadened souls. Any offence would surely pale to rising for another beating after a refusal to read Bowditch's lastest ratbags installment. What poor Bowditch fails to understand is that he is unliked by usenet groups and his family.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
From: silverstein_lawrence@hotmail.com (Lawrence Silverstein)
Newsgroups: alt.paranormal, misc.health.alternative, alt.astrology.metapsych
Subject: Re: Homeopathy -- other anti-aging substances -- RANDI -- evidence for the intolerance and bigotry of PSEUDO-SKEPTIC-FANATICS (PSF) ON and OFF the NET <was> Re: The Fraudulent Health Claims of Bruce Daniel Kettler
Date: 8 May 2002 17:09:51 -0700
<snip message from me that had nothing to do with Mr O'Neill>
What unfortunate Mr. Bowditch fails to graps is that his web site reads more like an annex to his medical chart or an exhibit from a civil action for libel and defamation. Perhaps, once the Serzone kicks in and his liver shuts down, he might realize what fucking imbecile he is. If not, surely his deary wife, Virginia, and his "fail-to-thrive" daugther, Belinda, will be thankful the good man is no more.
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Ilena's logic?
Date: 10 May 2002 16:01:44 -0700
And who pays Mr. Bowditch? No one. He has no income.
I note that Mr O'Neill is no longer pretending that "Annie McNaughton" is someone else.
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: sci.med.dentistry
Subject: Re: Re; The History of Mercury Amalgam
Date: 10 May 2002 16:02:46 -0700
And Bowditch cares about truth?
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: sci.med.dentistry
Subject: Re: Re; The History of Mercury Amalgam
Date: 11 May 2002 15:39:21 -0700
<snip my introduction of Mr O'Neill to the people who read sci.med.dentistry>
And Mr. Bowditch's proof would be.....? Oh, he has no proof. Mr. Bowditch's obsession with Mr. O'Neill has gone beyond even his limited ability to discern reality and truth. Perhaps poor Virginia, Bowditch's unfortunate and dreary spouse, is forced to dress up like Mr. O'Neill before he buggers her. After all he does publish these things on his web site.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
From: "kwackwatch" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: The Bowditch File?
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 15:31:43 -0400
Those of you who might be remotely interested, of which we're sure are few, our infamous Australian reprobate, Peter Bowditch, has once more stepped over the line. It appears the great and dull man has posted a photograph of an allegedly vaccine-injured child on his magnificent web site. As it turns out, since Brain-Dead-Ditch is incapable of exercising due diligence, the child's photograph is that of an esteemed Australian politico. Further injury to his greatness has been sustained by the fact that Fucked-Ditch has been stalking, harassing, and menacing the child's mother on his web site, discussion groups and mailing lists for months. The hilarious part of this new mess is Over-And-Out-Ditch has no escape. The phones have been ringing off the hook at the Australian Computer Society with threats of drying up government funding and support, while the NSW Police "look into" allegations of stalking and harassment. Another interesting FACT is the child in question is not "vaccine-injured". The child is developmentally delayed. Liar-Ditch made up the "vaccine-injured" lies to suit his cause of lies, deception, myth, invention, libel, defamation and slander. And, as with his usual and expected grace and expertise, he lies again to satisfy his painful useless existence.
Those who are investigating this mess have been logging into Disgusting-Ditch's web site, downloading copies of various pages and contacting other victims of Bowditch's unprovoked campaign of hate and lies. Contacts have ranged from informal email contacts to telephone calls requesting cooperation in joining the fray. Seems all are prepared to deal with Scum-Ditch once and for all!
There are no pictures of any "vaccine-injured child" anywhere on this web site. There are pictures here and here of children with injuries that could have been prevented by vaccination.
Mr O'Neill's history was submitted to the Kook Appraisal Test. Here is his test score.
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: The Bowditch File?
Date: 23 May 2002 15:33:27 -0700
Hello group!
II've been watching this post, and of course the many, many others, for some time, pondering Mr. Bowditch's obsession with Mr. O'Neill. I've also reveiwed the content of Mr. Bowditch's site and, indeed, he has posted photos of children who have evidence of viral infection. However, there is one child's photo he has posted whom asserts is a child who would have benefited from vaccination. The photo in question has gained quite a bit of attention of late since it is, in fact, a photo of a child who was vaccinated. The child in question is that of an Australian politician. The mother of the child is a well known Australian anti-vaccination activist.
Unfortunately for Bowditch, he was not aware of this fact! He has published the photo and hounded and harassed the poor mother for months on the internet. Now to Mr. O'Neill.
Judging from the emails I received from so many of you, I must conclude that Bowditch seems to have developed an unhealthy obsession with the invention and victimization of Mr. O'Neill. Bowditch doesn't like Mr. O'Neill and I have some facts that might shed some light on this. Here is a direct quote from an email I received:
"Some years ago, Bowditch called O'Neill for assistance in determining the best options for a family member in defining a pathway of treatment for an agressive cancer. Bowditch didn't like or agree with O'Neill's advice. O'Neill in effect advised Bowditch that the course of treatment the family member was persuing, although conventional, simply did not have merit. O'Neill further suggested the proposed treatment was of greater risk than benefit to the patient. O'Neill did, however, define a course of treatment, that although considered questionable at the time, has now become the gold standard for that particular form of cancer. The patient died shortly after initiating the treatment."
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences/kbd>
FFrom: william o'neill mailto:williamponeill@hotmail.com
Sent: Saturday, 25 May 2002 6:10 AMbr> To: <a whole lot of email addresses at the Australian Computer Society, eight of which were non-existent>
Subject: Peter Bowditch
Please refer to https://ratbags.com/rsoles.
For the past two years I have been the victim of a sustained and unprovoked internet assault by an ACS member who owns the above website. The nature of this assault has included libel, defamation, misrepresentation, fraud, identity theft, multiple internet security breaches, and variety of demeaning and menacing activities occurring on the internet and through other communication media, including death threats received by telephone. I have recently been in discussion with the Australian Broadcasting Authority who have advised that I communicate with the Australian Computer Society, the New South Wales and Australian Federal Police.
I am writing to you for two reasons. The first is to raise awareness of this
ACS members activities. The second to request your assistance and/or advice on resolving this matter.
I look forward to your responses.
William P. O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
Information about how to complain to the Australian Communications and Media Authority about Internet content can be found here. Details about the Australian Federal Police interests in the Internet can be found here. The New South Wales Police are mainly concerned with the dangers that the Internet poses for children, and you read about it here. To complete the picture, you can go here to see what Interpol have to say about the Internet.
On July 29, 2002, the ISP hosting the ratbags.com domain disappeared and I had to find somewhere else to hold the site. It did not take Mr O'Neill long to notice and start complaining.
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, misc.kids.health, sci.skeptic
Subject: Re: Where's ratbags.com?
Date: 1 Aug 2002 07:14:28 -0700
<snip message from me>
The fact is Connect.com.au pulled the plug on Bowditch's ISP, Netaus.com (Webmail.com.au) because they failed to provide a complaint mechanism as per ABA regulation. Bowditch wouldn't admit this, because Bowditch is a pathological liar.
In the unfortunate event Bowditch finds another portal for his audience to watch him masturbate in front of his dog, he will find himself, once again, without a home. What a pity!
This was sent to the new ISP.
From: william@ccrg.com
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 11:07 PM
To: Andrew
Subject: Internet Libel, Defamation and Stlaking
Title: CEO
Name: William P. O'Neill
Company: Canadian Cancer Research Group
Phone: 1.613.239.0220
Fax: 1.613.239.0222
Postal Address: Suite 22 99 Fifth Avenue,
Post Code: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Website Address:
Message: Your organization recently began hosting the website https://ratbags.com, owned by a Peter Bowditch. The site had been pulled by Connect.com.au on July 30, 2002.
The site publishes information concerning myself and my medical practice that is libellous and defamatory. Further, I have been stalked on the internet by Bowditch for over two years. I am demanding this site be removed immediately.
William P. O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, misc.kids.health, sci.skeptic
Subject: Re: Where's ratbags.com?
Date: 2 Aug 2002 14:42:06 -0700
> Do not hold your breath. Annie is a sock puppet of a guy who has stalked
> Peter for years. Visit Peter's site and look up Bill O'Neill.
Interesting? The stalker becomes the stalked? Bowditch is "renowned" for his stalking, lying, defamation, fraud, and having been blown off by BigPond, Netaus, Connect and soon by Enet21. Perhaps he should consider hosting his wonderful and factual site by one of the pedophile ISP's. If the shoe fits.......
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: PeterPhile Bowditch bites the dust? Again?
Date: 8 Aug 2002 17:20:53 -0700
For the few and remote who share an interest in resident arsehole PeterPhile Bowditch, the "facts" concerning his most recent crash and burn might be of interest:
1. His most recent ISP was summarily judged and shut down by their service provider, Connect.com au, because of Bowditch and his breach of acceptable use policy.
2. His new ISP, Enet21.com.au owned by the infamous Andy "gimme a trud – i'll host it" Jennings, is about to be shut down by Optus.net.au for, again, breach of acceptable use policy.
Here's some free and usefull advice for PeterPhile:
take an empty soup can....poke a hole in the bottom...tie a string through the hole and attach the string to the closest telephone pole.....'cause that's the only way you're ever gonna get back on the internet
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
From: walterburnett@hotmail.com (Walter Burnett)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: I have a question for Mr. Bowditch......
Date: 15 Aug 2002 16:03:33 -0700
I'm new to mha and I have a question for Mr. Bowditch.
In 1972 I received an mmr vaccine. Within 20 minutes I suffered anafalaxsis that led to coma. I was in the coma for about 6 months. Since then, I have been wheelchair bound and I present with symptoms of cerebral palsy and I'm considered developmentally handicapped. (By the way I'm typing with wand on a headpiece. So please excuse any typo's.)
My parents took me to ahospital in Houston where the doctors proved through an analysis of my dna that there was an adduct or signature showing that the mmr vaccine caused my problems. My parents sucessfully sued the vaccine manufacturer and doctors who adminstered it.
I have seen your wbesite, Mr. Bowditch and I am disgusted by it. I can appreciate that vaccine may save lives, but my life and that of my parents have been ruined. Your position in vaccination ignores the facts. I am a fact. If I wanted to become less than I was born, I will make that decision or my parents can make it for me. I was not told and my parents were not told that vaccine could ruin my life. We were all misled. And you, in your willful ignorance are misleading parents and are party to the needless injury of children around the world. You should be proud of yourself!
Here's my question for you Mr. Bowditch:
If you had children, would you allow them to be exposed to a medical procedure that you know will injure them and if they were injured what would you do? Do you think you'd be so pro-vaccination if you had to wipe your adult child's arse every time they had a crap?
I've read your past postings and know it's almost impossible for you to directly answer a question, or tell the truth, so my expectations are low. Maybe you'll surprise me and actually answer the question.
Walter Burnett
From: "*" <*@*.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: I have a question for Mr. Bowditch......
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 21:31:39 -0400
Thank you Mr. Bowditch. You have responded in the fashion mha has become accustomed to: lies, deflection and blame. I note that you also own a pornography site. Perhaps you'd like to lie to group about that, too. Or perhaps about you'd prefer to lie about who killed Ben Kolb. Or perhaps you'd like to lie about me and pretend I'm your obsession. Or, better yet, you'd like to lie about how many times your web site has been closed down. Or, even better yet, how the NSW Police have charged you with stalking a lady named Christine, in Australia, who has a daughter that has been vaccine-injured and your obsession with the invention that all vaccines are safe and no child anywhere anytime has vere been injured led to an obsession for which you were unable to self-monitor your actions necessitating police intervention. Or perhaps you'd like to lie how you have been corut-ordered to stay away from Christine and not to publsih anyhting about Christine and her daughter.
You are a vile and disgusting man! Anyone who pays heed to the hate and filth you publish deserves my fate. In fact, you deserve my fate, but even worse. But I trust you are living the useless existence you deserve.
By the way, the fact that you pretend to be someone else on the internet and post and email to yourself doesn't fool anyone. The writing style is clearly yours and anyone can fake an ip address.
And, the population of Ottawa is now officially more than 1.
Walter Burnett
From: walterburnett@hotmail.com (Walter Burnett)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: I have a question for Mr. Bowditch......
Date: 17 Aug 2002 15:32:40 -0700
<snip someone questioning Mr O'Neill about the improbability of his story about MMR, DNA and 1972>
Thanks white girl, impersonating enlightment. When I read your repsonse, why do I think "dumb cunt"?
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Cyberstalking (Was Re: Thorson vs Drew – End in Sight? 'Fraid not.)
Date: 11 Oct 2002 14:59:45 -0700
<snip quoted message that had nothing to do with either me or Mr O'Neill>
Notice to reader:
Where the foregoing reads Jan, the name Peter Bowditch or Peter Criminal-Ditch may be inserted and where the foregoing reads She the word It can inserted. And finally, where name Rich is found, the word Dick must be inserted.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Fluoride defamation case dismissed
Date: 7 Nov 2002 16:56:15 -0800
Peter Bowditch <peter@ratbags.com> wrote in message news:<hrjksukht3475581rnsadsr3h39jd4ujf2@4ax.com>... > rodney_victor@yahoo.com (rodney_victor) wrote: > > >Many, many CONGRATULATIONS to Darlene Sherrell for standing up to Dr > >Stephen Barrett, of "Quackbusters", whose defamatory attacks are > >legendary. Barrett has brought (and lost) a number of charges against > >campaigners and alternative practitioners – notably against Dr Hulda > >Clark. > > That would be the quack, liar band fraud Hulda Clark who sued me and > Barrett and LOST.
But later managed to have Peter Bowditch criminally charged with fraud,forgery and harassment by the NSW Police and......
Managed to have Stephen Barrett charged with perjury.....
And (let's not forget)having Terry Polevoy investigated by the CPSO...
Oh, one other matter that needs some clarification:
Over the past couple of months Peter Bowditch was visited by the NSW Police, described in their reports as being "not quite right" and then served by a uniformed officer while other officers stood by with hands on their pistols....?
Seems Bowditch presents as such an unhinged lunatic that he even managed to freak out the cops.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
It's good of the police to keep Mr O'Neill informed. I would ask him to send me copies of the letters in which they tell him what they are doing, except that he can't send what he doesn't have.
From: williamponeill@hotmail.com (William P. O'Neill)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Fluoride defamation case dismissed
Date: 12 Nov 2002 10:22:34 -0800
<snip quote of previous message>
Mr. Bowditch:
My lawyer is Mr. Timothy Grieve at Merovitz.Potechin. His facsimile number is 1.613.563.xxxx. I encourage you to facsimile any and all comments you have to him.
William P. O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
I see that Mr O'Neill is using his Rogers cable account. The IP address here is the same as the machine hosting the CCRG web site, so I guess this must really be from Mr O'Neill.
Date: 27 Nov 2002 01:53:17 -0000
From: Yahoo! Groups Notification
To: acsnsw-l-owner@yahoogroups.com
Subject: APPROVE -- williamponeill@hotmail.com wants to join acsnsw-l
The following user would like to subscribe to the acsnsw-l group:
This subscription request requires your approval because the acsnsw-l group is configured to restrict membership. This means that a moderator must approve each new member. This user will not become a member of the acsnsw-l group unless you approve.
I am the moderator of the mailing list for members of the New South Wales Branch of the Australian Computer Society. I get to approve all applications for membership of the list. I actually approved this one.
From: williamponeill@hotmail.com (William P. O'Neill)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Fluoride defamation case dismissed
Date: 29 Nov 2002 07:36:50 -0800
<snip repeated stuff>
Mr. Bowditch:
My lawyer is anxiously awaiting your facsimile. Today is November 29, 2002, and he has yet to receive anything.
William P. O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
Hmm? Back to Sympatico, I see.
I received 112 email messages on 1 December, 2002, all asking me to confirm subscriptions that I had not asked for to mailing lists that I had never heard of. I replied to none of them, and therefore I was subscribed to no lists. I forwarded all 112 messages to Mr O'Neill's lawyer. Here is just one of the requests for confirmation.
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 15:04:00 GMT
Subject: HTK-CVS -- confirmation of subscription -- request Decemberx
From: htk-cvs-request@eng.cam.ac.uk
To: peterb@gebesse.com.au
HTK-CVS -- confirmation of subscription -- request Decemberx
We have received a request from for subscription of your email address, <peterb@gebesse.com.au>, to the htk-cvs@eng.cam.ac.uk mailing list. To confirm the request, please send a message to htk-cvs-request@eng.cam.ac.uk, and either:
- maintain the subject line as is (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok),
- or include the following line – and only the following line – in the message body:
One of the "various government, regulatory, and communication entities" that received a copy of this letter must have forwarded it to me. As you can see, this site is still here. Mr Jennings is the CEO of Enet21, the host for this site.
Dear Mr. Jennings:
As you may recall from previous conversations, I am the CEO of the Canadian Cancer Research Group in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Your client, Peter Bowditch, owns the website http://ww.ratbags.com. We consider information on that site, as it concerns the Canadian Cancer Research Group and myself to be fraudulent, libelous and defamatory. Further, we also consider many of Bowditch's actions to be criminal and have made formal complaints to various police authorities in Canada and Australia which has resulted in a criminal investigation by the NSW Police of Bowditch. We have referred matters to our counsel who is drafting a statement of claim and various affidavits as it concerns the criminal matter of our complaint. We will be proceeding with all action and activity in next the few days.
Be advised that in the event Enet21.com.au continues to host/broadcast the materials in question after January 08,2003, that all complaint, civil and criminal will be expanded to include http://www.enet21.com.au and Andrew Jennings. Further, all services providers as from various registry sources that provide any form of service or support to Enet21.com.au will be noticed and included.
Your action or inaction, as in previous conversations, will be noted and will determine the direction and intensity of our actions.
Courtesy copies of this communication has been circulated to various government, regulatory, and communication entities (service providers to enet21.com.au) within Australia to assess and evaluate your role and response to our complaint.
Govern yourself accordingly;
William P. O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
To: acsnsw-l@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: acsnsw-l Peter Bowditch investigated by NSW Police
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 22:47:30 +0000
From: "william o'neill" <williamponeill@hotmail.com>
For some unknown reason, Bowditch has registered my personal email account to the Australian Computer Society's NSW Branch's news group. For those of you who belong to this group and are unaware of Bowditch's internet activities, you may be intrigued to learn that he is the subject of a criminal investigation by the NSW Police.
As convenor or chair of The NSW Branch of the Australian Computer Society, Bowditch has conducted unprovoked and sustained attacks that have warranted criminal investigation. The nature of these attacks is best described as stalking, libel, defamation, identity theft, fraud, misrepresentation, propagation of hate, ip spoofing, email hijacking and copyright and trademark infringement.
For those of you interested in verifying the facts, please call Det. Steve Peroni at the Parramatta Unit of the NSW Police.
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Where's Peter Bowditch?
Date: 22 Mar 2003 15:32:59 -0800
Seems MHA's resident criminal, Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Computer Consultants, has been missing in action. The scoop is he's been busy putting out fires on the home front. (Although we're sure he'll invent some other "believable" reason.) Members of the NSW branch of the Australian Computer Society recently found themselves downwind of the great man, his websites and usenet postings and noticed the stench of criminal charges. An email campaign to have Bowditch "de-stooled" as a member and head of the NSW branch has sent the poor and dull-witted man into a bit of a stupor.
Despite his great reparte and diplomacy, he has been unable to save "hisself" and is really really pissed that someone blew the whistle and pointed his ACS members to his tolerant, helpful and "fisher-price-like websites".
Hopefully the usual cadre of fart-catchers (you know who you are) will come to his defence. And, hopefully, Bowditch will rise to the bait with such rigour that perhaps this may cause his next and final ER visit.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
Mr O'Neill made a couple of attempts to add something about my employer to a business listing site. And how do I know that this happened? Because the site owner told me after he deleted the entries. And how do I know who did it? Those IP addresses ...
Site Name: Peter Bopwditch/Gebesse Computer Consultants: Experts in Internet fraud
Site Description: Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Computer Consultants & member of the Australian Computer Society providing day and evening courses in how to conduct campaigns of internet libel, defamation & fraud.
Summary Category Health
Main Cat: Health and Fitness
Second Cat: Health and Fitness
Name: Peter Bowditch
Email: bob@aol.com
Company: Gebesse Computer Consultants
Phone: 62345554
Address: 6 Caprera Road
Northmead 234 NSW
Site Name: Gebesse Computer Consultants & Liars
Site Description: Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Computer Consultanlts & Liars, disgraced member of the Australian Computer Society is being investigated for criminal charges associated to his internet activities: fraud, identity theft, criminal harassment.......
Keywords: Peter Bowditch; gebesse; australian computer society
Summary Category Health
Main Cat: Health and Fitness
Second Cat:
Name: Peter Bowditch
Email: quackbusters@hotmailc.om
Company: Gebesse Computer Consultants & Liars
Phone: 564564564
Address: 6 Caprera Road
Northmead 4343 NSW
The following email arrived at the office of the ISP which hosts the ratbags.com domain.
From: dixonhill@canada.com
Sent: Monday, 23 June 2003 12:51 PM
To: innocent party
Subject: Illegal Usage – Colocation
You currently host a colocation client named "Gebesse Holdings". owned by one Peter Bowditch. Mr. Bowditch is allegedly operating a website that appears to be involved in extensive Haven Spamming activities. The content of the site actively violates the right to privacy of innumerable persons, and clearly seems to be in violation of the US Patriot Act in that he actively appears to engage in the commission of cyberterrorism. After careful considertion, I'm forced to conclude he is also likely in violation of similar statues in Canada, Germany, England, the Russian Republic and France. If same continues within your colocation site, such could result in prosecution. Clearly it will require my client to obtain appropropriate legal remedies from your company and from "ratbags.com", his apparent company.
Kindly be advised you have 5 business days to commence proceedings to terminate "ratbags.com" and the associated colocation license, after which this matter will be turned over to the Authorities in each nation in question and after which my client may be obligated to seek remedy in the form of monetary damages from you and your client.
Dixon Neville Hill
Senior Investigator
The name "Dixon Hill" rang a bell somewhere, and, sure enough, I had heard of an investigator by that name. In several episodes of the television show Star Trek: The Next Generation Captain Jean Luc Picard relieved his boredom by entering a fantasy world where he took on the role of Dixon Hill, Private Investigator. When asked for a comment about his complaint, Commander Picard replied "I am not Dixon Hill. I just look like Dixon Hill". You can hear this confession by clicking on the player below. Perhaps Canadian harassers are not aware that there is television in Australia and we even get some popular shows.
On December 14, 2003, Mr O'Neill attempted to add this site and my commercial site to the Antiquackery Webring. He failed, of course.
In November 2003 I mentioned the strange phone calls I had been receiving at home from young men responding to an advertisement on the Internet in which I was supposedly looking for actors for a pornographic movie I was making. The callers were understandably embarrassed when told the truth, but one did mumble that he thought he saw it on the Penthouse site. I couldn't get into Penthouse without paying money, so I thought no more about it.
The calls started up again in September, 2004, and I managed to get one man to tell me the address of the site where he saw the advertisement. It contained the following words (and, yes, it really was my home telephone number):
Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Computer Consultants & Pornographers is looking for amateur porn stars to act in hardcore videos to be broadcast over the internet. Any and all ages! Looks unimportant. Please call me at (02) xxxx 8954. We will pay up to $150.00/hr.
The style and sentiments reminded me very strongly of Mr William P O'Neill of the recently-resuscitated but still gasping Canadian Cancer Research Group. I know that Mr O'Neill knows my home phone number because he rang it earlier this year. As it was public knowledge that I was out of the country at the time he probably just wanted to sweet-talk my wife, although she did say that his language was a little salty. I assume he wasn't applying for the acting role, because some of his recent messages to me when wearing his GAL disguise have suggested that he needs prosthetic assistance due to some inadequacy in, how shall I put this, the equipment department, thus rendering him unsuitable for an active part in porn movies.
For a couple of years, Mr O'Neill only "communicated" with me anonymously, but suddenly he's threatening someone else about me!! A friend of mine runs an excellent blog called "Respectful Insolence". Apparently he mentioned my name somewhere, resulting in the following threat:
From: William Oneill
Date: Mar 15, 2006 3:53 PM
Follows is a copy of your website and reference to me through Bowditch's site. Immediately remove all materials and reference, direct or indirect, concerning me and my clinical practice. I want to reassure you that should I log onto any site after the close of business on Wednesday March 15, 2006, that has reference to and/or including, but not limited to your sites as it concerns my interests, I will initiate a very public action and ensure everyone you work with at every level is aware of your internet activities including your remarkably infantile and juvenile activities.
Do not respond to this email. Simply take the action demanded.
William P. O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
And one last thing … (4/5/2013)
I hoped it wasn't someone playing a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw this news in the Ottawa Citizen on April 1.
Yes, folks, the beloved William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and its descendants has gone to the great cesspit in the sky, taking the Gutless Anonymous Liar with him. Sadly, he died quickly and not of cancer. I posted a message to his memorial guest book, but unfortunately some technical glitch prevented it from being published.
I will maintain my own memorial to him here by archiving his correspondence with me and also the wonderful messages he sent wearing his Gutless Anonymous Liar mask. It would be a tragedy for this valuable collection of literature to disappear.
The rest of the CCRG Correspondence File
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
(Part 12 is the main CCRG Correspondence File page)
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