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Newsgroup messages used to be archived at Deja.com. If the symbol at the left appears beside any of the messages below it indicates that there once was a link to an archived copy of the message, complete with sender identification information. These links no longer work since the demise of Deja.com.
The symbol at left indicates a link into the Google archives for newsgroup messages.
As Google seem to have irrevocably broken the Usenet archive service, links have been disabled. Maybe they will come back some day.
Wherever possible, I have cited the originating IP address for each message. An analysis of these sources can be found here.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Bowditch down for the count!
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 00:23:11 GMT
seems mr. recidivist-ditch's site is down again!
rumour has it the New South Wales Police Service, as instructed by the Australian Federal Police Service have had enough with mr.hate-ditch, and have read him the riot act......even the prime minister's office has become involved!
hey anus-ditch....for your next trick?
perhaps computer consulting?....
Needless to say, this site was not down, nor have I heard anything from any police force or politician's office. Why Mr O'Neill keeps claiming this sort of thing is a mystery to me. As per the usual policy here, a claim that the site has gone has generated another mirror somewhere on the web.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Bowditch takes the Nixon
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 03:42:20 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
deny, deny, deny.....bowditch takes the nixon...
seems one of your bum buddies has taken in the shorts?....could his name be polevoy?....check the reputable journals.....
don't forget to return all those phone messages....mmmm...what the hell does that mean?
and what the hell is this? "wide circle of....." as if..perhaps at the clinic....
by the way.....how's business?...not what it used to be is it? funny how the word gets around....symantec wasn't impressed...
and when you go to court..plead insanity...it's not much of a stretch....and i'm sure there won't be any objections...
oh...and what is that little something you don't want people to find?....could it be?...
This was Mr O'Neill's response to my pointing out that this site still existed. I don't know why he mentioned Dr Polevoy, but his site is still going strong at www.healthwatcher.net too. Mr O'Neill also seems to have a thing about Symantec. I work with Microsoft software as well, so perhaps he should give Bill Gates or Steve Ballmer a ring and tell them what he thinks of me.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Rindos v Hardwick – a case misread
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 03:48:57 GMT
<snip newsgoup message>
hey imbecile-ditch.......summation?...read the transcipts....logs including detail(specifically ip addresses and email addresses) were ruled inadmissible......it was by testimony alone (admission) that damages were awarded to rindos....
god, you are such a fucking loser!....your family must be proud...
Mr O'Neill really should think before he starts talking about legal cases. This was his response to what I had written about the Rindos v Hardwick case. Briefly, Hardwick did to Rindos on Usenet what Mr O'Neill does to me on Usenet. Hardwick lost. I am not sure how Mr O'Neill can interpret this case as supporting his continued use of hardly-anonymous identities to post drivel about me. And, "imbecile-ditch" takes the count to FORTY-ONE!
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Bowditch takes the Nixon
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 12:29:51 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
sounding a little testy....... no, the defendent's comments were considered "unprovoked and defamatory"....read the transcripts....
could it be you have provoked your detractors?...no...that couldn't be the case....could it?....could it be you can't control your piehole?...could it?.... could it be you're just a nasty disgruntled old fart?....no, couldn't be that either....maybe it's...
and no, it's not the web site....what could it be?
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks, ott.general, alt.support.cancer
Subject: Re: Bowditch takes the Nixon
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 20:42:34 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
mr. filan....you haven't clue what your talking about...you are amongst an elite few who are so utterly and easily bambozzled by the infantile right-wing rantings of a convicted felon whose only strength is his distance from his victims...however, his weaknesses are apparent to those except the feeble-minded.....don't betray yourself...continue to support what you believe in....and help mr. bowditch rid the world of all that you are incapable of understanding.....and, continue to support treatment that quite evidentially didn't/doesn't work...
Mr O'Neill was replying to someone who supported me.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks, ott.general, alt.support.cancer
Subject: Re: Bowditch takes the Nixon
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 23:16:07 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
no not libel, that's civil.......mr. pedo-ditch has been served by the nsw police service.....seems they've found their man......
Forty-two! And I still can't work out why Mr O'Neill keeps telling people that the police have had any contact with me. They have not, and he would have no way of knowing even if they had.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.kids.health, sci.med
Subject: Re: Vaccine maker tries to suppress research
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 23:19:06 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
"....some scientists did some research....."
"Science works like that."
pompous pederast
I think that Mr O'Neill's use of the expression "pompous pederast" might worry his lawyer.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Peter Bowditch
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 23:48:18 GMT
seems as though it was just ysterday that our good friend mr. peter bowditch of gebesse fame decided to take on the world and rid it of eveything he doesn't agree with, understand, or is incapable of tolerating....and thus the birth of australia's premier web presence of fear, loathing, and bigotry, couched in his very own flavour of obession and compulsion.....
in this short period of time what has been the consequence of this great australian's efforts?.....he has but practically ruined his business, developed a reputation that truly reflects the man within, and attracted the interests of the australian federal police services, the new south wales police service, and a number of justifiably pissed- off victims...not to mention the fact that he is now listed and monitored by a number of international hate monitoring groups and alienated his family....
and what has been mr. bowditch's pathetic defence....? it seems he now somehow feels retroactively jusitifed in his behaviour because he finds himself being "attacked" on many many fronts....
what the poor man doesn't get is that he has provoked it.....despite the fact that he has been repeatedly confronted with requests for evidence supporting his claims, he has produced nothing....repeat nothing!
so what's his purpose? his goal?...does he have a well documented clincial history of problems like this?....has he been released from employment because of his problems with authority?...has he been denied insurance because of a rather unusual medical history?...has he been convicted under australia's criminal code?...doe he have a problem with alcohol?...or is he simply damaged goods, having acquired an insatiable need to be abused.....
Shakespeare wrote tragedies. They were works of fiction. This work of fiction is also a tragedy, but in a different sense.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 12:46:57 GMT
<snip newsgroup message where I asked Mr O'Neill for some evidence to support what he had said in the previous message>
"i make no claims......".....what? you slag everyone on your site......you claim without any evidence, fact.....but you're not one to allow facts to get in the way of truth... your sites are coming down...just watch....and yes you're being monitored...by hatewatch and others....
Mr O'Neill obviously did not read the part where I said I was meeting the owner of the Hatewatch site.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks, ott.general,alt.support.cancer
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 16:21:36 GMT
<snip newsgroup message from someone asking Mr O'Neill to substantiate his own claims.>
let's collapse some myths propagated by mr. bowditch.... firstly,i'm not mr. o'neill... secondly if i were mr. o'neill, why would i enage in any type of meaningful discussion with you lunatics... thirdly, bowditch is the slag-meister....he initiates...without fact, proof, evidence...and he goes further...he lies, invents, defames, libels....bowditch throws the first stone....he continues to propagate lies and invention, engineering emails, inventing usenet personae, and he and fart-catchers are feeling a little indignent...
I'm sure there is a word for someone who uses nineteen different names and then accuses someone who always uses the same name of being inventive.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks, ott.general,alt.support.cancer
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 18:30:21 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
hey kolas, if you really are in the ontario veterinary college at the university of guelph.....ask around concerning what group donated over $2m in the devlopment of the animal research laboratory and established a bursary program for cancer research in animals......then c.c. your comments to dr. meek...better yet....we'll do that for you....
keep frothing! (thank god you'll only be treating animals, should you graduate)
Mr O'Neill was replying to someone who supported me. Dr Meek of the University of Guelph has never heard of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and would probably remember a $2 million donation. Mr O'Neill must have been talking about some other group here.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks, ott.general,alt.support.cancer
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 22:25:53 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
"useless treatments"......for example? c'mon filan.....evidence...fact...no rhetoric
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks, ott.general,alt.support.cancer
Subject: Re: Bowditch takes the Nixon
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 01:17:20 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
andrew jerk-off....?....post a photo for us fatbastard!
Mr O'Neill decided to poke fun at someone else's name for a change.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: The "Strategery & Indigntude" of Peter Bush-Ditch
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 21:17:03 GMT
From mildly amusing, often inflammatory, to downright hilarious, Peter Bowditch has taken the Bush. Mr. Bowditch, aka Bankrupt-Ditch of Gebesse is feeling the heat from hate monitoring groups on the web concerning his fetid dung heap know as "The Millenium Project, and he "strategery" in now "indignitude". Seem our good conscience has crossed the line even further than most of thought possible and he's feeling a little indignent and impudent......"......no I'm not apologizing....."
Isn't it great, how the high and mighty, so's he thinks, can sling so much crap before he realize he's lost more ground than he can hope to recover...he has...
nice try Flame-Ditch........nobody beleives you....try court instead of conference.....plead insanity....it's not a stretch.....
tradin' you for cigarettes, they will be!
I had put up a message on the front page of this site saying that it would not be updated for two weeks because I was going to two conferences. Mr O'Neill apparently misconstrued this and thought that I was going away for ever. I'm not. It is hardly necessary to point out that the quoted words "strategery" and "indignitude" have never appeared in anything I have written.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Peter Bowditch down for the count...again
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 04:35:27 GMT
site goes up.....site goes down....site goes up.....site goes down...
new south wales police service in australia have brought good bowditch's site down......
wonder why?.........
mr. rectal-ditch is now busy looking for an offshore isp to host his fetid dung heap......along with all the kiddie porn sites.....congratulations peter........!?
For some reason, Mr O'Neill thought that this site had been closed down. As you can see, it has not. As is the usual practice, another mirror of the site will be created to improve the chances of people finding the valuable information here. The expression "fetid dung heap" was in the very first message that Mr O'Neill ever sent to me.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch down for the count...again
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 22:15:22 GMT
<snip newsgroup message pointing out the continued existence of The Millenium Project>
"...it has information about liars...."?
"....lairs don't want them to find...."?
like what bowditch?......remember facts....
in your cowardly attack on so many, you have yet to produce one single fact.....piece of evidence....anything that might support your lunatic accusations...
here's the deal......one fact.....that's all...one.... and if you can't......
our only regret, you rotting pederast, is that you're not in the office next door.....it would be such a treat to see you soil yourself...
and for your fart catching supporters, dwindling we're sure, your site can and has been shut down by the nsw police service and it is being hosted offshore along with all the kiddie porn sites......funny how feces finds its' own level.....
by the way how's gebesse doing......."....14 invoices in July....."...wow
Mr O'Neill still doesn't understand that saying that this site has been closed down does not make it so. And is he really calling me a "rotting pederast" in the same message that he mentions "cowardly attack"? Is his lawyer aware that he is using such language?
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: The "Strategery & Indigntude" of Peter Bush-Ditch
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 22:29:57 GMT
<snip newsgroup message in which I had asked for information about the inital message under this heading>
translation for stupid-ditch....
go look at hate monitoring sites....you are there...but it'll take you as long to find them as it did rindos vs hardwick...and even then you only found the summation....speaking ofwhich, read the transcript, you hemmroid, it was by admission....logs including email accounts and ip addresses were ruled inadmissible...
however, and recently, in Neilsen vs. Baker, a good justice ruled that baker, owner of a website somewhat toned down when compared to your organ, was responsible for excessive and intended libel, defamation and injury and awarded Neilsen 1.5m plus costs....interesting epilogue....baker blew his brains out shortly after the judgement....we can only hope and pray....
by the way....did we already ask...how's gebesse doing?
your site is up.....photos, you and your lovely appendage (the poor weary thing)....and a few medical records....
keep seething and blow a rod!
I did even better than look at the hate monitoring sites. I went to a conference with the people who run them. We talked a lot and learnt a lot from each other. And I am still waiting to see the mythical web site about me, especially now that I know it has my medical records on it. It will be interesting to hear how Mr O'Neill acquired them without breaking a lot of laws. Not that I think he has broken any laws, of course, because he simply does not have my medical records. Saying it is so doesn't make it so.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch down for the count...again – a_shor9.jpg (0/1)
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 22:32:52 GMT
<snip message from someone who supported me>
wow stone......go wipe the drool off and go return the empties....asshole
Mr O'Neill was responding to someone who supported me.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: The Peter Bowditch Court Case(s)
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 23:16:22 GMT
Happy to report that a quick query and $20.00 latter to the New South Wales Court and we have a "current list" of all actions against Peter Bowditch and Gebesse Computer Consulting.
Seems Mr. Defend-Ditch has been up to his dingos trying to invent excuses for his aberrant behaviour.....mmmm.....what could this all mean?
Finding details of court actions against "Gebesse Computer Consulting" should be an interesting task. As it is neither a real person nor an incorporated body of any kind, the court may not want to play. I asked Mr O'Neill to fax me the response that his $20 obtained from the court. He knows my fax number.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: The Peter Bowditch Court Case(s)
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 18:48:17 GMT
<snip my request for the information from the court>
receiving a fax would be about as likely as you producing one shred of evidence in support of your claims....
speaking of evidence, had a chance to look at the rindos transcripts yet?....not summation....transcripts...you'll be surprised...
Funnily enough, I find myself agreeing with something Mr O'Neill said here. I also thought that my receiving a fax containing my court appearances was unlikely. You can't fax what you haven't got.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Rindos v Hardwick – a case misread
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 18:58:48 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
another unsettling element of this case, like most materials of substance that completely evade what few engrams you have left, was justice's implication was that had the defemdant exhausted all other avenues of recourse with complainant, he would be sympathetic to his libel.......mmmmm.;...what could that mean?
hey bowditch, why don't you have your psycho-therapist, reveiw the transcipts with you.....better yet, ask your lawyer, if you can afford one, about the degree and extent of liability you have for actions on the basis of your being asked, nicely we might add, a number of times to cease and desist, and yet you have chosen to continue.....when you have constructively frustrate options for recourse....get it yet...
didn't think so.....
This was Mr O'Neill's second response to the same message. He still seems to think that a court case in which someone had to pay $40,000 because he had said that someone else was a paedophile and incompetent at his job would encourage a judge to find that Mr O'Neill saying the same things about me is a good thing. I am interested in finding out when I have been asked "nicely" to do anything. Was that when Mr O'Neill was calling me "I-like-to-fuck-dead-rats-ditch" or when he was calling me a "rotting pederast"?
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Cyberspace 'John Does' Lose Another Round
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 19:23:01 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
and your point?.....the issue is not anonymity...the issue is your provocation, your acts of libel, your acts of slander, your acts of defamation....and the fallout of your activites?....what might they be?
help us understand....what part do you not get....you have provoked all of this.....you continually lie, invent, engineer, and fraudulently represent.......anonymity is certainly not the issue....the issue is that you continue to attack those unwitting victims in different jurisdictionsthat have little or no recourse....you have sown the seeds....enjoy...you fucking asshole!!!
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Gastaldo Lawsuit -- Watch What You Say On The Net
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 19:33:51 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
hey wright.....you fatbastard....you haven't, obviously, learned anything....
Mr O'Neill was mistaken about who he was responding to here. The original message came from some anonymous person (not me) who aped Mr O'Neill's style (and his pseudonym).
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Cyberspace 'John Does' Lose Another Round
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 01:13:47 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
".....strange thought processes....."?
tell us...are you affronted at the abuse you provoke?
looks like a fucking asshole.......sounds like a fucking asshole.....
Cyber Watch?...thanks for the tip!
The "Cyber Watch" referred to here is the anonymous idiot who wrote to me pretending to be some hate-monitoring organisation. You can see the nonsense on the Mailbox page.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Cyberspace 'John Does' Lose Another Round
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 15:11:56 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
given that you basically have nothing else to do....we're not surprised there's more....
keep up the great work showcasing your talent, goodwill, and brilliance, and don't forget the whole world is watching....
and by the way, you have been featured in a reputable american medical journal and your site has been compared to hate and kiddie porn sites...........BRAVO.....!!!!your family and clients? must be so proud...........
I have asked Mr O'Neill to tell me which "reputable american medical journal" has shown an interest in me.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, misc.kids,health
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:15:09 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
you are so profoundly ignorant of the facts....
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Cyberspace 'John Does' Lose Another Round
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:19:20 GMT
<snip newsgroup message that Mr O'Neill had already responded to>
have you noticed how failing your "business" is? have you noticed the recent article in an american medical journal comparing your site to kiddie porn and hate? have you noticed the correspondence you recently received from an australian regulator?....which you will undoubtedly deny....
Apparently, this was Mr O'Neill's response to my request for details about the "american medical journal" which had mentioned me. I would have preferred him to have given me a reference rather than just saying it again. Then again, he can't produce what does not exist.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Columbia University ?
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:22:35 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
"....use of false names is counterproductive...."
what is productive is your mind? invention, libel, slander, lies, misrepresentation, hate, fraud.....? fucking asshole!
by the way look up Cyber Watch.....it's not what you think....
I know exactly what "Cyber Watch" is. It's some person who can't spell hiding behind an anonymous email address and issuing empty threats that just make me laugh. It's a familiar scenario.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Bowditch/Gebesse Down Again for the Count
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:27:24 GMT
delighted to report that freak-ditch's site has been flushed again.....seems he's caught the attention of some autralian government regulators who are concerned about bowditch's hate/kiddie-like porn site....aka the millenium project.....
He was wrong again. Just look around you and see the not-closed-down site. This did generate another mirror of the site, though, bringing the number of servers holding this site to eleven in three countries. All in the search engines. All increasing the probability that surfers will find all this stuff.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Cyberspace 'John Does' Lose Another Round
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 20:40:28 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
no scepto-ditch...you'll have to do the work....just like rindos....it took you the better part of a month...and despite your obessive denial of its' existence....you did manage to find it...but only the summation...please do read the transcipt....and do enjoy the journal article....you must be proud of the company you keep....kiddie porn and hate sites!
This is Mr O'Neill's second avoidance of the simple question asking for proof that an article exists in a a medical journal which is critical of me. There can only be one inference drawn from his continual failure to produce evidence. That inference is that such evidence does not exist.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
Subject: Re: Vaccination Part 1
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 20:46:51 GMT
<snip newsgroup message that had nothing to do with Mr O'Neill>
the true irony of bowditch's comments is that he is, in fact, in denial, just like the holocuast deniers, and the creationists.....but like most right-wing unhinged lunatics, bowditch wouldn't let facts get in the way of truth....
and since this is blindingly obvious, one must conclude by bowditch's own test and measure, that he has no brains......
Why Mr O'Neill would think that calling me "right-wing" would make the Holocaust deniers in alt.revisionism think any less of me is a mystery.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Deja.com to censor Peter Bowditch
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 20:57:26 GMT
More exciting news concerning our resident know-it-all lunatic ratbastard Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Computer Consulting of Australia...
Seems Mr. Has_Been_Ditch has now caught the attention of Deja.com Abuse Staff and his account is going to be either closed or his postings reduced to email. What this poor man doesn't get, and likely not just at Deja.com, is that no one is interested in his constant anti-clap- trap. At first amusing, his rantings have crossed many lines, and those who have become unwitting victims of his rants or the filth he posts on his website, have taken to emails and letters of complaint to various proponents who might wish to censor Mr. Anti-Ditch or offer him therapy. Although Mr. Obesseive-Ditch has been warned, he simply can't help himself, and so it come to this.
I have no account at Deja.com. There is nothing to close.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
Subject: Re: Vaccination Part 1
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 20:59:36 GMT
<snip newsgroup message from me introducing Mr O'Neill to the residents of alt.revisionism>
like most things bowditch comments on he is wrong.....again..... residents of alt-revisionism may be pleased to learn that bowditch of gebesse computer consulting,a thrice bankrupt entity that allows bowditch to write-off the costs associated to libeling and defaming innocent victims on the internet, is known to local australian police authorities as a hate mongering right wing lunatic that thrives on cyber-stalking....
bowditch, although he denies it, is the subject of multiple libel actions in australia and abroad......
his actions and internet activities are compared to hate and kiddie porn propagators.....
There is no such entity as "gebesse computer consulting", so it could not have even gone bankrupt once, let alone thrice. If Mr O'Neill is actually talking about my employer, the correct word for the number of bankruptcies is "nonce", but Mr O'Neill knows that. I am, of course, not being sued for libel by anyone, but Mr O'Neill knows that. Perhaps Mr O'Neill might like to offer some evidence to back up his statements. On the other hand, he can't offer what he doesn't have. Making it up is not making it so. Again, Mr O'Neill tells some holocaust deniers and racists that I am a "hate mongering right-wing lunatic", something which can only recommend me to them.
He's back after a long hiatus.
On 7 May, 2001, Mr O'Neill sent a fax to the CEO of the Australian Computer Society. This fax contained the following suggestion:
Perhaps you might wish to rewrite your mission statement to read as:
"To advance professional excellence in information technology by encouraging our members to incite crimes of hate, libel, defamation, slander, and child pornography on the internet."
I await evidence of my inciting of child pornography. As the fax contained other words which could be interpreted as an implied threat to publicly vilify and defame the ACS I will not publish the full document here until the lawyers have finished with it.
From: peterbumditch@hotmail.com (peter bumditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Have all the defendents been served in the Barrett, Polevoy, Grell vs. Clark, Bolen, Rosenthal and Blowditch
Date: 22 May 2001 10:35:17 -0700
Peter Blowditch <peter@ratbags.com> wrote in message news:<ns9cgtgon0sblm251e6tqt25mfk72gco19@4ax.com>...
> ilena@san.rr.com (Ilena Rose) wrote:
> >actually ... the papers from the Judge came in just today ...
> So, you have been served. Q.E.D.
> -------------------------------------
> Peter Blowditch peter@ratbags.com
> Mad – Quintessence of the Loon http://www.acs.org
> Bad – The Millenium Project http://www.acs.org
> Sad – Full Canvas Jacket http://www.acs.org
> Reprehensible – Australian Computer Society
> – Department of Hate & Libel dennis.furini.acs.org.au
It was hardly worth the wait. All Mr O'Neill did was quote something I had said and change some words and letters around. I see I have two more names though, "bumditch" and "blowditch". I am a bit confused by the bit at the end that says "Reprehensible – Australian Computer Society – Department of Hate & Libel dennis.furini.acs.org.au" It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me but maybe the lawyers who act for the ACS and Mr Furini will explain it to me one day.
Send reply to: "Bill O'Neill" <ccrg@cyberus.ca>
From: "Bill O'Neill" <ccrg@cyberus.ca>
Copies to:
Subject: Defamation and Libel
Date sent: Fri, 25 May 2001 15:10:25 -0400
Organization: Canadian Cancer Research Group
May 25, 2001
Logs from our server indicate that you or someone accessing your server has spoofed, and continue to spoof, our ip address and email accounts. Regular downloads from your website https://ratbags.com/rsoles continue to show materials in the form of usenet, email and commentary being attributed to or having originated from email accounts associated to our ip address and/or our group. You are aware, and have been aware for some time, that email and usenet postings have not originated from the sources you have suggested on your site.
We are in communication with the Australian Computer Society, and various regulatory bodies within Australia, in an attempt to remedy this matter before we proceed to civil and criminal complaint.
In the event these materials have not been removed from your website by the close of business on Monday May 28, 2001, we will be taking all necessary steps to have these materials removed from your website. Be further advised that in the event we require assistance or intervention to acquire your cooperation, we will seek costs and punitive damages.
Govern your self accordingly:
William O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
This massage was copied to several people on various boards and committees at the Australian Computer Society, some politicians, and some senior bureaucrats in the NSW public service. These recipients seem to have been chosen at random. 4328* days have passed and you will notice that this site is still here.
* As Mr O'Neill died on March 31, 2013, I don't expect any further communication from him so I stopped the counter.
Send reply to: "William P. O'Neill" <ccrg@cyberus.ca>
From: "William P. O'Neill" <ccrg@cyberus.ca>
Copies to:
Subject: Re: Defamation and Libel
Date sent: Tue, 29 May 2001 17:42:38 -0400
Organization: Canadian Cancer Research Group
<snip copy of previous message>
May 29, 2001.
Thank you for your recent email responses concerning the foregoing matter. As you will note from the website https://ratbags.com/rsoles, the materials in question continue to be published. Neither site owner, nor ISP has taken appropriate action. As we understand from various regulatory bodies within Australia. complaints concerning Mr. Bowditch and his internet activities will be acted upon by New South Wales Police and governmental regulators when the complaint orginates from an Australian. We encourage and seek your assistance in dealing with Mr. Bowditch in ensuring his internet activites are scrutinized and he and his ISP are effectively dealt with.
Thank You
William O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
Four of the email addresses that Mr O'Neill sent both this and his previous email to were not valid, so those people were unlikely to have replied. I have contacted the rest myself (plus two of the people who were addressed incorrectly) and the consensus is that this is no concern of any of them.
From: billoneills@hotmail.com (William P. O'Neill)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 29 May 2001 17:20:47 -0700
May 29, 2001
Mr. Peter Bowditch maintains a website called the Millenium Project at https://ratbags.com/rsoles. On this website Mr. Bowditch has published information concerning the Canadian Cancer Research Group and William P. O'Neill. The information is false.
Logs from the server operated by the Canadian Cancer Research Group show that Mr. Bowditch or someone using his server have spoofed the Ip adress belonging to the Canadian Cancer Research Group, and have hijacked email accounts associated to the same server. Mr. Bowditch, or those using his server, have posted to usenet and various other sites and services, including pornography, via email accounts owned by the Canadian Cancer Research Group. Mr. Bowditch has been aware of this for some time, and rather than cooperating with the Canadian Cancer Research Group and Australian authorities, has acted upon numerous requests for cooperation by stepping up an agressive campaign of abuse and fraud. Australia's governing body of professional conduct in these matters is the Australian Computer Society (ACS). The ACS has been aware, for some time, that one of its' members has been responsible for proliferating libel, defamation, hate, and pronography on the internet has chosen to support same by endorsing their members behavior and activity.
The information contained in the website the Millenium Project operated by Mr. Peter Bowditch is false, libelous, and defamatory. The Canadian Cancer Research Group has sought closure numerous times from Mr. Bowditch, The Australian Computer Society, and the site ISP, and has recieved no cooperation whatsoever. The Canadian Cancer Research Group takes the position that Mr. Bowditch, as a member of the Australian Computer Society, is responsible for a type of internet fraud that has become common place in the world wide web, and that is actively supported by computer societies, such as the Australian Computer Society and government regulators.
Mr O'Neill is obviously disappointed that none of the people he wrote to in the last few days sprang into action on his behalf. I notice, however, that he has reverted to using a Hotmail account. He is still using one of the ISPs he used before.
From: billoneills@hotmail.com (William P. O'Neill)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 31 May 2001 12:48:34 -0700
<snip copy of my response to Mr O'Neill's previous message>
Mr. Bowditch is free to post whatever he likes. However, he is being held accountable and responsible for materials he posts or publishes that he knows to be untrue, or ought to know to be untrue, or uncertain of source. What Mr. Bowditch fails to grasp is the severity of publishing and re-publishing the foregoing, particularly in view of logs that demonstrate that the IP address in question and Email accounts were, in fact, hijacked.
As a member of the Australian Computer Society, whose mission it is "to advance professional excellence in information technology", and given that the Australian Computer Society is aware of Mr. Bowditch's activities, one must conclude that libel, defamation, fraud, misrepsentation, hate and provocation are the underlying principles of this great organization and its members can only achieve this level of "excellence" by following the good example of their oustanding member, Mr. Bowditch.
Further publication by Mr. Bowditch, and the vitriol it elicits, simply demonstrates and documents the degree of intent of injury for which we intend on seeking full recovery of costs and damages.
I am pleased to note that Mr O'Neill finally recognises that "Mr. Bowditch is free to post whatever he likes". An example of "the vitriol it elicits" would be having someone call me "i-like-to-fuck-dead-rats-ditch".
Mr O'Neill tried to subscribe me to a mailing list.
Date sent: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:43:58 -0700
From: Tina Tripoli <tina@sexfiles.com>
Subject: Sex Files Welcomes rsoles@ratbags.com
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Hey Sexy!
Thanks for requesting FREE adult material from Sex Files.
Simply REPLY to this letter by CLICKING my Picture! Then you will become part of my FREE adult daily e-mail service, it's that easy!
Be sure to CLICK my Picture or hit REPLY on your e-mail program now to receive the Sex Files daily!
By REPLYING now, I will also send you a picture of me that shows my perky tits... maybe my girlfriend will cum play too!
Waiting with open arms, and legs...
Kisses, Shawna
PS. This e-mail is never unsolicited. If you DO NOT wish to receive the Sex Files e-mail, simply reply to this email with the word REMOVE in the subject heading, or click this link to go to http://www.sexfiles.com/remove.html to remove your e-mail address via the Internet.
If you did not sign up for the Sex Files hot link letter on Wed Jun 6 14:43:58 2001 PST with the following e-mail address: rsoles@ratbags.com then either your e-mail address was entered by mistake or somebody is pretending to be you. Use the following information to identify the person. They connected from IP: They used this browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) Unique Key: *WeIaNyvz08s049RWVgHLVweXZ7lz5OIXM3XM/ 1bIe1oYZ9yW30kbc/A* We apologize for any inconvenience.
Aren't those IP addresses useful?
Mr O'Neill must have had some time on his hands, so he decided to subscribe me to about 150 mailing lists. Most people who operate lists are careful about who subscribes and they generally ask for confirmation of an address before adding it to the list. This is to stop people from subscribing other people without their consent. Because of this practice, Mr O'Neill's attempts to inconvenience me failed as all I had to do was do nothing for the subscriptions to lapse. It is interesting to note that much of the list management software being used now not only asks for confirmation but also sends the full text of the request, including headers. The IP address (a machine named "host155.ccrg.cust.cyberus.ca") was mentioned in 85 of these requests. Here is just one example. You can see the complete set in this Acrobat .pdf file. (397K)
Date sent: 15 Jun 2001 16:09:23 -0000
To: rsoles@ratbags.com
From: debian-chinese-big5-request@lists.debian.org
Subject: CONFIRM s061511092314636
You have requested that the following address:
be added to the debian-chinese-big5 mailing list.
You have NOT yet been subscribed to the mailing list. To subscribe you need to confirm your subscription request by sending email to the address:
with the Subject string:
CONFIRM s061511092314636
With a reasonable good email program a reply to this message should be sufficient
When your confirm message has been received the above listed address will be (un)subscribed. If the above address is incorrect, please do not send in the confirm message listed above. Instead, send a new (un)subscribe request containing the Subject:
subscribe correct-address@correct-domain
unsubscribe correct-address@correct-domain
and wait for a new confirmation message.
A copy of the (un)subcription request appears below. In the event that you did not send a request to (un)subscribe, the headers of the message may help you discover who sent the request.
If you are unable to subscribe to our lists through this mechanism please don't hesitate to contact listmaster@debian.org directly.
>From listmaster@lists.debian.org Fri Jun 15 11:09:22 2001
>X-Envelope-Sender: www-data@master.debian.org
>Received: (qmail 14465 invoked from network); 15 Jun 2001 16:09:21
>-0000 Received: from master.debian.org (
> by murphy.debian.org with SMTP; 15 Jun 2001 16:09:21 -0000
>Received: from www-data by master.debian.org with local (Exim 3.12 1
>(Debian)) id 15Avor-0004rU-00; Fri, 15 Jun 2001 10:47:33 -0500 From:
>rsoles@ratbags.com To: debian-chinese-big5-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
>Errors-To: listmaster@lists.debian.org Reply-To: rsoles@ratbags.com
>Subject: subscribe rsoles@ratbags.com X-Remote-IP:
>X-Remote-Host: host155.ccrg.cust.cyberus.ca Message-Id:
><E15Avor-0004rU-00@master.debian.org> Sender: www-data
><www-data@master.debian.org> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 10:47:33 -0500
>subscribe rsoles@ratbags.com
From: William P. O'Neill mailto:ccrg@cyberus.ca
Sent: Saturday, 16 June 2001 2:51 AM
To: <CEO of the Australian Computer Society>
Subject: P. Bowditch
June 16, 2001.
Dear Mr. Decemberx:
As you are no doubt aware, we continue to have problems with above member of your group. My previous correspondence to you has been somewhat tempered, in an attempt to elicit your cooperation in dealing with the problem. However, temperance does not appear to appeal to either you or Mr. Bowditch.
Let me reframe my position in this matter. Mr. Bowditch, as a member of the Australian Computer Society, is committing fraud. The information he posts on his website has not originated from myself nor anyone in my group. On a daily basis, Mr. Bowditch posts new information on his website, in usenet groups and a variety other sources concerning myself and my group. The information he publishes is libelous, defamatory, false, fraudulent, untrue, and he does so in full and complete knowledge of the foregoing. Furthermore, Mr. Bowditch or his associates have spoofed our IP address, hijacked our email accounts and breached the firewall of our server.
In the event Mr. Bowditch continues his campaign and/or retains his membership with your group, beyond June 18, 2001, I will make a criminal complaint to the appropriate authorities and I will formally communicate with the press in Australia concerning the criminal activities of Mr. Bowditch as a member of the Australian Computer Society.
Govern yourself accordingly:
William P. O'Neill
Canadian Cancer Research Group
And the next day a few hundred more mailing list subscriptions, from the Sympatico dial-up account:
From listmaster@lists.debian.org Sun Jun 17 08:26:42 2001
X-Envelope-Sender: www-data@master.debian.org
Received: (qmail 7104 invoked from network); 17 Jun 2001 13:26:21 >-0000
Received: from master.debian.org ( by murphy.debian.org with SMTP; 17 Jun 2001 13:26:21 -0000
Received: from www-data by master.debian.org with local (Exim 3.12 1(Debian)) id 15BcZI-0006fg-00; Sun, 17 Jun 2001 08:26:20 -0500
From: rsoles@ratbags.com
To: debian-user-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
Errors-To: listmaster@lists.debian.org
Reply-To: rsoles@ratbags.com
Subject: subscribe rsoles@ratbags.com
X-Remote-Host: hse-ottawa-ppp157786.sympatico.ca
Message-Id: <E15BcZI-0006fg-00@master.debian.org>
Sender: www-data ><www-data@master.debian.org>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 08:26:20 -0500
subscribe rsoles@ratbags.com
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 20 Jun 2001 17:28:26 -0700
<snip Mr O'Neill's message from 29 May – see above>
What Mr. O'Neill fails to grasp is that I can post whatever I want: lies, invention, libel, defamation and there's not a bloody thing he, or anyone else, including the Australian Computer Society, can do about.
Peter Bowditch
Can do about? Mr O'Neill should be aware that a subDIMENSION email address only confers anonymity when posting email through their web site, and not when posting news messages through Google.
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 21 Jun 2001 06:40:25 -0700
Oh, I forgot one other thing. None of you have any capacity, whatsoever, to prove, disprove, argue, or redress any element of anything I have to say at any time about anyone. And if in fact you did, I could not possibly care less.
> -------------------------------------
> Peter Bowditch peter@ratbags.com
> Mad – Quintessence of the Loon https://ratbags.com/loon
> Bad – The Millenium Project https://ratbags.com/rsoles
> Sad – Full Canvas Jacket https://ratbags.com/ranters
Mr O'Neill should take the time to remove the quote indicators from my signature if he is going to pretend that messages come from me.
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 21 Jun 2001 15:59:07 -0700
<snip quote of what Mr O'Neill had said before>
And your point would be what John?
Fuck you and Ilena! I had it with you both.
John and Ilena are people that I disagree with on occasion.
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 21 Jun 2001 09:21:12 -0700
Here's my point:
I haven't a clue what Mr. O'Neill does and frankly I don't care. But you know me. I like to invent and target victims. I like to provoke and taunt by lying, inventing, libeling, and pretending to be whomever I wish to be. If Mr. O'Neill doesn't like it, or in fact, should any of my victims not like it, thay can go straight to hell, because, I repeat, there's not a bloody thing anyone can do about it. So, if you don't like it, go ahead email me. You can be certain you will be my next victim.
> -------------------------------------
> Peter Bowditch peter@ratbags.com
> Mad – Quintessence of the Loon https://ratbags.com/loon
> Bad – The Millenium Project https://ratbags.com/rsoles
> Sad – Full Canvas Jacket https://ratbags.com/ranters
From anonymizer.com this time, but the style and sentiments are the same.
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 21 Jun 2001 17:51:40 -0700
Here's a challenge for Mr O'Neill. He keeps saying that he has experts who are prepared to testify that I have been hijacking his IP addresses. Why doesn't he get one of them to send a message here using my IP address?
Because he can't. And he can't because I have spoofed his IP address and hijacked his email accounts so successfully that he can't post from his IP address or use any of his emails accounts. Better yet, I can pretend to be Mr. O'Neill anywhere and anyway I want. This is the power of the internet! I can be whomever I want to be. I can post whatever I want and there's is no one who can stop me, influence me, or sue me.
So here's the real test. I defy anyone to shut me down, influence the Australian Broadcast Authority, or even the Australian Computer Society, as Mr. O'Neill has attempted so many many times. Here's another word of advice: Mr. O'Neill and his supporters can sue me over and over again and win, over and over again, you will get nothing!
Peter Bowditch peter@ratbags.com
Mad – Quintessence of the Loon https://ratbags.com/loon
Bad – The Millenium Project https://ratbags.com/rsoles
Sad – Full Canvas Jacket https://ratbags.com/ranters
If Mr O'Neill can't send emails, who is it that has been sending emails to the Australian Computer Society demanding that things be done to me? Why doesn't he just use his Sympatico address?
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: News of My Impending Death
Date: 21 Jun 2001 16:09:49 -0700
Here's a funny little ditty:
Yesterday I received a call from an American attorney who told me he was going to "sue my ass" if I didn't refrain from ...blah blah blah blah.
Well let me tell you something, you can sue me all you want! Just try collecting!
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Compiter Consultants?
Okay? Let me get this straight! Ilena doesn't like me, John thinks I'm an asshole, and Todd Gestaldo thinks I'm challenged.....You can all go screw yourselves!
Forty-two more email list subscriptions. All failures.
X-Envelope-Sender: www-data@master.debian.org
Received: (qmail 9314 invoked from network); 22 Jun 2001 23:04:05-0000
Received: from master.debian.org ( by murphy.debian.org with SMTP; 22 Jun 2001 23:04:05 -0000
Received: from www-data by master.debian.org with local (Exim 3.12 1 (Debian)) id 15DZy1-0005N6-00; Fri, 22 Jun 2001 18:03:57 -0500
From: peter@ratbags.com
To: debian-bugs-reports-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
Errors-To: listmaster@lists.debian.org
Reply-To: peter@ratbags.com
Subject: subscribe peter@ratbags.com
X-Remote-Host: hse-ottawa-ppp159047.sympatico.ca
Message-Id: <E15DZy1-0005N6-00@master.debian.org>
Sender: www-data <www-data@master.debian.org>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 18:03:57 -0500
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: An Unbeatable Offer?
Date: 24 Jun 2001 14:47:01 -0700
<snip posting from me that was simply modified by adding the words below>
By the way, I tried it on my lovely wife Virgina and she reprted the biggest orgasm ever.
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 25 Jun 2001 06:40:11 -0700
It seems there haven't been stranger days. With the demise of Healthcare Reality Check, my loss of membership with the Australian Computer Society, and one more libel action to paper my walls with, I say to those who are obsessed with my antics, go screw yourselves.
Let me state my position, once and for all, for those of you who might be somewhat confused. My role on the internet, as webmaster of the Quintessence of the Loon, The Millenium Project and Full Canvas Jacket, and as the proprietor of Gebesse Computer Consultants, is simple. It's to demosntrate a point. The point is I can say, publish, libel, invent, misrepresent anything I want, about anyone, any organization, any institution, any practice, or any idea, and there is nothing anyone, anywhere can do about it. Repeat nothing! I don't care should my victims feel offended. I don't care should they threaten or in fact sue me. I particularly don't care should their feelings be hurt. I don't care should they want my site shut down. I do care, though, that I continue to exercise my right to speak and publish what's on my mind, regardless of whether or not it has any basis in fact or reality. That's for me to decide and not anyone else.
So, for those of you for whom the point is still murky, allow me put it this way: If you don't like what I have to say, if you don't agree with it, and/or should you become one of my unwitting victims, too bad!
And oh, John and & Ilena, I meant what I said: go screw both of you!
Healthcare Reality Check is at http://www.hcrc.org and appears to be not demised. For those of you for whom the point is still murky:
NeoTrace Version 3.2 Trace Results Target: Date: Tue Jun 26 00:13:50 2001 Nodes: 21 Node Data Packet Data Network Data Netname: CCRG-NET-1 Coordinator: Record last updated on 30-Sep-2000. |
Update: The Healthcare Reality Check site disappeared sometime in 2002 or 2003. Mr O'Neill had nothing to do with its closure. The owner of the site decided that she wanted to do something different with her life.
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: An Unbeatable Offer?
Date: 26 Jun 2001 05:25:58 -0700
Here it is!
If anyone can prove that anything I say is true or untrue, I'll share my Lithium with them. By the way, that lawyer that called me the other day, has followed up on his threat. I've been served!. Apparently he represents the good Dr Stephen Barrett. Can anyone shed any any light on this for me?
From: peterbowditch@subdimension.com (Peter Bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch & the Millenium Project
Date: 26 Jun 2001 05:28:52 -0700
As a matter of setting the record straight, I am posting from subdimension.com. A small problem, soon to be fixed, has gotten in the way of my IP address.
Peter Bowditch peter@ratbags.com
Mad – Quintessence of the Loon https://ratbags.com/loon
Bad – The Millenium Project https://ratbags.com/rsoles
Sad – Full Canvas Jacket https://ratbags.com/ranters
Subdimension.com is not an ISP and has nothing to do with IP addresses. In fact, it passes on the IP address of anybody using it to send messages. The IP address on Mr O'Neill's message was, which belongs to Sympatico/Lycos in Ottawa.
From: billoneills@hotmail.com (William P. O'Neill)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Peter Bowditch, Libel, Fraud and the Australian Computer Society
Date: 26 Jun 2001 16:51:08 -0700
Mr. Peter Bowditch of the Millenium Project, https://ratbags.com, and Gebesse Computer Consulting, http://www.gebesse.com.au, and as a member of the Australian Computer Society has, for the better part of a year, been posting fraudulent, libelous, and defamatory information concerning the Canadian Cancer Research Group, Mr. William P. O'Neill, and the O'Neill family. Mr. Bowditch has been advised that his continued publication of information and absence of retraction and apology will percipitate legal action.
Legal action commenced on June 26, 2001, where Statements of Claim have been filed in relevant jursidictions naming Mr. Bowditch as defendant and claiming that Mr. Bowditch has knowingly published and re-published information that is libelous and defamatory. Server logs demonstrating that Mr. Bowditch, or someone accessing his server/computer, has repeatedly spoofed IP addresses and hijacked email accounts, belonging to the Canadian Cancer Research Group, have been turned over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, where, in turn, logs have been given to Interpol, where a criminal investigation have been initiated.
All information published by Mr. Bowditch concerning the Canadian Cancer Research Group, Mr. William P. O'Neill, and the O'Neill family has no basis in fact, is absolutely false, intentionally misleading, libelous, defamatory and as such, is subject to civil litigation in both Canada and Australia and litigation has been intitiated. Matters concerning computer fraud, as allegedly committed by Mr. Bowditch, are now the subject of criminal investigations.
The Canadian Cancer Research Group has repeatedly attempted to gain cooperation from Mr. Bowditch and the Australian Computer Society. Both have intentionally ignored and intensified their respective campaigns of abuse and fraud. As it concerns the Australian Computer Society, the Canadian Cancer Research Group has made respresentation to the Canadian Computer Society in seeking sanctions against the Australian Computer Society in its' support and encouragement of member and society activity that is in conflict with society ethics.
In the event you are exposed to materials concerning the foregoing matters, please email the Canadian Cancer Research Group at info@ccrg.com.
It is now 4296* days since this message was posted. I am still waiting for the paperwork.
* As Mr O'Neill died on March 31, 2013, I don't expect any further communication from him so I stopped the counter.
From: billoneills@hotmail.com (William P. O'Neill)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch, Libel, Fraud and the Australian Computer Society
Date: 27 Jun 2001 04:49:05 -0700
<snip my response to Mr O'Neill's previous load of threats>
Mr. Bowditch claims have no basis in fact. He continues to assert and attribute materials, communications, emails and usenet postings to the Canadian Cancer Research Group and Mr. William P. O'Neill, even as recently as his foregoing response. None have orignated from the Canadian Cancer Research Group or Mr. O'Neill. This is the basis of the civil action. In libel law in both Canada and Australia, it is Mr. Bowditch's responsibility to prove that the materials originated from Mr. O'Neill and that the materials are true and correct.
As it concerns the criminal elements, Mr. Bowditch, or someone using his computer, has entered into to the private computing infrastructure of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and used resources within the infrastructure to email, post on usenet, attempt entry into unauthorized sites and/or servers and fruadulently represent the Canadian Cancer Research Group. Given the multi-jurisdictional issues, Interpol has become involved.
It is apparent that this is a public personal vendetta of Mr. Bowditch. We have never met Mr. Bowditch, are uncertain of his motives, and have communicated twice by facsimile to demand his cooperation in ceasing his campaign. Otherwise, there has been no communication with Mr. Bowditch, nor will there be any communication other than through our counsel and/or authorities.
If Mr O'Neill has been aware for some months of a severe security hole in his office network, one must ask why it was not fixed.
The following message was submitted through a form on a web site belonging to a business organisation of which I am a member. It was forwarded to me because the office staff there were not interested. To avoid the possibility of people sending anonymous messages, the software on the site has now been modified to record the IP address of the writer.
From: "William P. O'Neill" <william@ccrg.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 3:30 AM
We are writing to you as a matter of information.
For the better part of a year, we have been the subject of a personal vigilante vendetta intiated by one of your members; Mr. Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Computer Consultants. Mr. Bowditch's campaign has consisted of inetrenet libel, defamation and fraud. We have sought Mr. Bowditch's cooperation in resolving these matters and having received nothing but threats and abuse. We have initiated both civil and criminal action naming Mr. Bowditch.
From: penilebowditch@hotmail.com (peter bowditch)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Belittling
Date: 3 Jul 2001 17:00:37 -0700
Peter Bowditch <peter@ratbags.com> wrote in message news:<n17tjtobld6hjntjv725p11gbevugfoj9g@4ax.com>
... I see that accusations of belittling are flying around again.
I would like to categorically state here that when I think of Hulda Clark, the word that springs to my mind is not "belittle", it is "I can't fucking think straight since my stroke".
Look it up and blow it out your shorts!
This is Mr O'Neill's attempt to edit my words (he simply reposted something I had said a few days earlier and changed some of the words). Why he thinks anyone would think that this came from me is a mystery, as I post under my own name and email address and do not dial in to an Ottawa ISP to connect to the Internet.
From: penilebowditch@hotmail.com (peter bowditch)
Newsgroups: sci.med
Subject: Re: Measles Vaccine WORKS
Date: 3 Jul 2001 16:58:49 -0700
Peter Bowditch <peter@ratbags.com> wrote in message news:<8is2kt0l4lqt96ngi6c905rs78a0pldk7i@4ax.com>...
D. C. Sessions <dcs@lumbercartel.com> wrote:
Keep telling us how harmless measles is, Scudamore.
I put up a comment about the harmlessness of measles at https://ratbags.com/rsoles/vaxliars/measlesdeaths.htm
And, if you and your vaccine injured kiddies don't like it, you can all go screw yourselves.
I don't think anyone is fooled by these messages into thinking that it is me writing them. Why would I keep replying to myself?
From: penilebowditch@hotmail.com (peter bowditch)
Newsgroups: sci.med
Subject: Re: Measles Vaccine WORKS but the parasite Bowditch is resistant.
Date: 4 Jul 2001 17:43:08 -0700
Oh Peter, you are a worry. The benefit for me is when you take it out on those unsuspecting victims on the internet, there are fewer beatings for me and Belinda. The dog is much happier, too! Post away, my love!
Virginia Bowditch virginiab@ratbags.com
Now Mr O'Neill wants to be my wife. Sorry, the job's taken.
Mr O'Neill has created another tribute site for me.
Date sent: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:00:36 -0400
From: stephenbarrett <stephenbarrett@wannabe.com>
Subject: Check out this site!
stephenbarrett came across this great site and thought you might want to check it out. We hope you enjoy it!
stephenbarrett wrote:
hey bowditch, you useless piece of shit......glad to see you're being sued again and again and again....
poor dim bulb, you are.....
Experience suggests that the original may be removed at any time, but you can see what it looked like by clicking here.
And one last thing … (4/5/2013)
I hoped it wasn't someone playing a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw this news in the Ottawa Citizen on April 1.
Yes, folks, the beloved William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and its descendants has gone to the great cesspit in the sky, taking the Gutless Anonymous Liar with him. Sadly, he died quickly and not of cancer. I posted a message to his memorial guest book, but unfortunately some technical glitch prevented it from being published.
I will maintain my own memorial to him here by archiving his correspondence with me and also the wonderful messages he sent wearing his Gutless Anonymous Liar mask. It would be a tragedy for this valuable collection of literature to disappear.
The rest of the CCRG Correspondence File
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
(Part 12 is the main CCRG Correspondence File page)
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