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Home >CCRG Correspondence File > Part 5
5 September 2000 to 14 September 2000
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Newsgroup messages used to be archived at Deja.com. If the symbol at the left appears beside any of the messages below it indicates that there once was a link to an archived copy of the message, complete with sender identification information. These links no longer work since the demise of Deja.com.
The symbol at left indicates a link into the Google archives for newsgroup messages.
As Google seem to have irrevocably broken the Usenet archive service, links have been disabled. Maybe they will come back some day.
Wherever possible, I have cited the originating IP address for each message. An analysis of these sources can be found here.
Date sent: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 17:10:30 -0700
From: "You Nutbar" <quackpolevoy@anonymous.to>
Subject: ACS has promised Action!
Seems it's just a matter of time.....tone down your site or it will be toned down for you.......
(Here's a little tip)......ACS....
From: healthwatcher@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch of Gebesse is not HAPPY?
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 02:13:20 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
mr. o'neil's probably just a little fed up with being unfairly targetted by "stunned-ditch"..... speaking of which, we understand, has been up to arse in shit of late....and shit of his own making....
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: sterilised australian honey
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 21:43:07 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
clearly mr. moron-ditch has too much time on his hands.... by the way, blight-ditch, had a great chat with a mr. sexton at symantec today, in sydney...can you imagine........seems he's not too pleased with your site!....mmmm....what could that mean........you really don't sell much of their product...but...he's not happy to have a VAR of your ilk...he was bound to find out sooner or later anyways.... .....one call a day that all it takes from our busy schedule....you know how to make it all stop.... take a much closer look at ACS policy and ethics......ridge thinks you've crossed the line........just a few key strokes and it's all over....
I assume that the "ridge" referred to so impolitely is Mr John Ridge, who is the National President of the Australian Computer Society. I hope that when Mr O'Neill spoke to Mr Ridge and Mr Sexton (of Symantec) he remembered to refer to me as "moron-ditch" or "blight-ditch" or even "i like to fuck dead rats-ditch" so that they would get a good impression of him.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack – by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 21:46:48 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
> ........................................................
> Peter Bowditch peter@ratbags.com
> Who, despite threats, STILL has a web site and buttfucks rats
> The Millenium Project – The fundaments of the 'net
> https://ratbags.com/rsoles
> (and at five other places on the 'web)
oh the irony of it.....if you had to do any of this face to face you'd be doubling your depends.......
Notice how Mr O'Neill changed my signature when he quoted a message from me.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack – by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 22:51:25 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
false? gibberish?.....polevoy's site went down july 3,2000, complaints have been filed and he's being investigated.....barrett, who is not a dr, but pretends to be, has lost most of his links, including "oncolink" and was declared not an "expert" at the schachter trial, disgraced and thrown out......what a surprise that one was.....and mr. "i like to fuck dead rats-ditch", of gebesse largesse.....has been order to tone it down, or have it shut down by the ACS.....and wright, you're still a fat bastard......so fuck off!
by the way bowditch....your site is up and nothing, repeat nothing is sacred.......and all of your suppliers are being contacted and given copies of your site.....sexton at symantec loved it!!!! >
slipped my brain bowditch, but i thought you should know, attacking me and my business is personal and if i'm not off your fucking site by the end of the day tomorrow i'm going to expand my campaign...and it will get very very personal.....
"it will get very very personal"? More personal than calling me "i like to fuck dead rats-ditch"? I'd like to see that.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack - by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 12:39:35 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
you know what you have to do......if i'm not off your site i will send copies of your site to your suppliers, clients, and ABA......
you've attacked me and my business and i will do the same......play time is over.....
The web page to complain to the Australian Communications and Media Authority is at http://www.aba.gov.au/internet/complaints/complaints.htm.
From: "william o'neill" <williamoneillccrg@hotmail.com>
To: rsoles@ratbags.com
Date sent: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 14:17:10 EDT
i have assembled eveything i need, and positioned all of the people, to ensure that if any and all references to myself or my group are not immediately removed from your website, i will intiate a campaign to destroy your company and your reputation....
i have your client, supplier, and regulatory, jurisdictional and media lists prepared and i have been reassured of cooperation by all......
act accordingly......and it can all quietly go away....if not....
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack - by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 18:01:38 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
remember, bowditch, playtime is over......i will destroy your fucking business and impale you in your local media.....take everything off your fucking site..........
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: sterilised australian honey
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 22:57:53 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
keep it up mother-fuckerditch
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine,
sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack - by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 22:59:02 GMT
<snip quoted message where someone had said ...>
> Same threats as always. Empty, as always. How tedious.
hey wright....post you photo for the group you fat fuck...geek!
A second response to the same message:
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine,
sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack - by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 23:03:52 GMT
<snip quoted message>
> Same threats as always. Empty, as always. How tedious.
no threat wright......you're a fat fuck!...that's not a threat...it's a fact...
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine,
sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Peter Bowditch has been listed on Pedophile.com
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 23:02:50 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
you're listed mr. enema-ditch..........
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack – by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 23:05:43 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
gutless?, anonymous?, liar?..........bowditch=dogfucker :)!
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack - by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 23:38:29 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
a big thank you mr. "aboutassmartasabagofhammers" ditch.... as much as your obession needs to have these postings originate from mr. o'neill, they did not......but a again, you have ascribed them to mr. o'neill....that's what we wanted and that's what you've done, and you've published them on your site....
your "vanity" always gets in the way doesn't it?.... here's one for you....."willfully publishing materials that are trademarked and/or copyrighted, and/or materials for which either trademark or copyright has been misappropriated is considered............this includes materials such as electronic communications by telephone, facsimile or internet...."
thank you for the ride and remember child abuse is a crime even in australia.....
If someone wants to claim that I have breached their copyright, they will have to say who they really are. Are you ready for that, "healthwatcher2" (and 17 other email names)? Is "peterbowditch666" going to claim I have breached copyright? How about "peter_arse_ditch"? (By the way, both of them sent messages from as well.) And I see that the tired old tactic of "he's a child abuser, prove he's not" is being suggested. How unoriginal.
From: "william o'neill" <williamoneillccrg@hotmail.com>
Subject: thank you!
Date sent: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 19:47:27 EDT
no mr. bowditch.......you think you have your man....but you don't...you have been set up......just like mr. barrett and soon to be mr. polevoy....both set up for a magazine interview this week....barrett complied....but polevoy was to busy scratching his balls and his head....but as usual you have risen to the challenge/bait...
a big thank you......you have done mr. o'neill well and proven his point to us all....the next phase if the really fun part...stay tuned....
Mr O'Neill needs to get the locks on his office changed. Both "healthwatcher2@my-deja.com" and "williamoneillccrg@hotmail.com" have previously posted messages from, which, as we all know, is part of a set of IP addresses assigned to a customer of Cyberus Online Inc of Canada using the name CCRG-NET-1.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: 'Quackbuster' Barrett *is* a quack - by his own definition not to mention a right wing fringe lunatic
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 18:05:20 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
what you pathologically fail to grasp, is that you can, and have been "set up"......ip addresses can be forged, altered.......you continue to obsessively publish and ascribe ownership to wrong the source............ although you know this....you continue to do it....and it's not the first time.....remember?.....that's why big pond flushed you....the fun and exciting part is that your regulators have "p-o-l-i-c-i-e-s" in place to deal with these sorts of problems....and they include NSW authorities....we just had to trun up the volume to get everyone's attention.....and that's all 'cause we don't want to give everything away....
incidentally, why is it the NSW Police know you?
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Peter Bowditch's IQ is like Gebesse's Income-PLUNGING
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 20:54:47 GMT
thank you........for the information......sucked in again "frigger-ditch"....
by the way it's not because of the phone book......c'mon be honest with us....share....
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Peter Bowditch – Does he have a criminal record?
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 20:57:42 GMT
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Peter Bowditch sured for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 21:09:23 GMT
you are correct.....a statement of claimed has been filed with the general division of the nsw court....naming you, and your isp......for copyright and trademark infringement, libel slander and defamation...this despite the fact you are judgement proof.....code of worhtless.....
The NSW Government web page at http://www.courts.justice.nsw.gov.au does not appear to have an entry for "general division of the nsw court".
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 13:36:04 GMT
<snip newsgroup message from me querying the existence of a "general division of the nsw court">
your operating assumption is that the claimant is the author of the communication.....but the claimant is not.....get it....
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 01:10:19 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
you miss the point mr. "sharp as a marble-ditch"....the claimant and the author are two different people....the issue, and we are certain it has escaped you, again, you dim bulb, is that you are publishing information from one source and ascribing it to another....do you get it yet!!!!.....if we said "you are a lunatic ratbastard" and you said that bill clintstone said it, you would be slandering bill clintstone....that's what's happened and that's the fun part...you don't get it........it's not the claimant that has to account for "i like to fuck dead rats", it's you, you stupid bastard, 'cause you published it,.......but it' too late.......now.........?
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 16:59:33 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
you missed it....again....i'll write slowly 'cause i know you can't read that quickly....
you have published who you alledge to be the source of the comments and postings.........and, you are incorrect....the claimant is not the author.....
in effect, you have libelled the claimant by publishing that he is the author.......you know this and/or ought to have known this....and, we understand, you have been previously advised by the claimant to this effect, yet you persist.......
the burden of proof is yours.....you have have to prove who the author is.....ip addresses are not admissible in your courts.......and you have to prove your representation was not libelous......you probably still don't get it, but that's to be expected....
over and out!
This was a response to my question about how I could libel someone by saying that they wrote something that they did not write and, at the same time, infringe their copyright by quoting the words.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:13:11 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
no...the burden of proof is bowditch's...he's the one who has made the claims....this is common is all libel action....this applies to his publication of communications and his nonsense claims on his site.....
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:19:27 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
"you called me a ridiculous, vulgar name in a Usenet posting which went to a potential audience of millions....."
let me get this straight, you publish whatever the hell you want, on your web site, to untold audiences around the world....you lie, invent, slander, defame.....but should be called "names" you're affronted?...your only recourse is to tell the principal and your mommy 'cause name calling is not considered libel......moron....
I'm not the least bit "affronted". I was just pointing out the apparent hypocrisy of calling someone a criminal and child abuser and "i like to fuck dead rats-ditch" while simultaneously claiming that that person had committed some form of defamation.
Date sent: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:27:44 -0700
From: "You Nutbar" <quackpolevoy@anonymous.to>
Subject: Your Impending Implosion
Have been delighted to see you beaten about the brow in Usenet! You really do deserve everything you get. Let's only hope that your victims actually do take you to court. Incidentally, I'm surprised you have only 17 pseudonoms! Here's a new one your list: Mr. "What a fucking moron-Ditch".
Trust you're rotting and fermenting in your hell!
"anonymous.to" is not an anonymizer service. It is a free email service and passes the IP address of the originating machine through to the recipient. Do I have to point out that the IP address that this came from has been used by my "victims" on Usenet? Now there's a coincidence.
Date sent: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:28:40 -0700
From: "You Nutbar" <quackpolevoy@anonymous.to>
Subject: Your Impending Implosion
I forgot to mention, check out "hatewatch". That's where I first learned of your site.
I assume the reference to "hatewatch" means the site at http://www.hatewatch.org. (The Hatewatch site no longer exists. PB 3/3/2001) There is no reason to believe that The Millenium Project would be listed there, and searching the site using the keywords "bowditch", "ratbags", "millenium" and even "millennium" doesn't turn up any evidence.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 20:25:53 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
here's your pointer........"Rindo vs. Harwicke" NSW Court.....judge ruled....."........ip addresses do neither confirm nor deny author and can not be admissible.......burden of proof is the defendant's to demonstrate to the court the indentity of the author and the evidence supporting the author's claim......"
in all cases, the claimant is presumed innocent......and the onus is the defendant's to prove his or her representation is based on fact...
god bless mr. bowditch............he has no facts....he has no evidence...
if mr. o'neill, has authored the alledged communications, he might be charged with "name-calling"...if there were such a charge....we understand that mr. bowditch pulled the first punch by listing mr. o'neill and/or his group as quackery........be delighted to see mr. bowditch publish a singular fact that would suggest mr. o'neill or his group of physicians, scientists, and researchers are quacks....
so mr. bowditch...here's the challenge....one fact...that's all.... one! now we will see who the gutless liar is..........
Mr O'Neill managed to get the court, the state and the names of the parties wrong, but that wasn't all he was wrong about.
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 22:14:21 GMT
<snip newsgroup message>
the Rindo vs. Harwicke yielded a $40,000.00 punitive damage award to the claimaint plus costs which exceeded $100,000.00..............
the defendant was also ordered to cease communication on the internet or any activities which invovlved the use or operation of a computer for no less than five years.......and the best part was the defendant was an australian!.......
seems the australian courts don't take behavior like that of mr. bowditch's that lightly........
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 22:17:20 GMT
so let's not forget, bowditch.....one fact, one tiny piece of substantiated evidence................you can't do it, can you?
i didn't think so....
From: healthwatcher2@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative, talk.politics.medicine, sci.med, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch sued for Copyright/trademark Infringment, Libel, Slander & Defamation
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 00:43:45 GMT
<snip newsgroup message where I asked for a proper citation of the "Rindo vs Harwicke" court case>
that is a valid point......
the problem is this, however.... we are prepared to support mr. o'neill in his action...in ensuring that he and his group are not subjected to unjustified criticism and/or "scepticism"......in the case of peter bowditch and the millenium project, we have acquired the appropriate certified documentation with his signature and this has been verified.....this documentation further reveals that he is the owner of the site....none the less, the burden of proof is mr. bowditch's...on all issues....
the judgement is available....you're not looking in the right place...
I have never signed anything to create this web site, so I would be very interested to see this documentation with my signature on it.
And one last thing … (4/5/2013)
I hoped it wasn't someone playing a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw this news in the Ottawa Citizen on April 1.
Yes, folks, the beloved William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and its descendants has gone to the great cesspit in the sky, taking the Gutless Anonymous Liar with him. Sadly, he died quickly and not of cancer. I posted a message to his memorial guest book, but unfortunately some technical glitch prevented it from being published.
I will maintain my own memorial to him here by archiving his correspondence with me and also the wonderful messages he sent wearing his Gutless Anonymous Liar mask. It would be a tragedy for this valuable collection of literature to disappear.
The rest of the CCRG Correspondence File
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