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The bottom of the slippery slope


Racism takes many forms and points in many directions. Sites are included here because they derogate someone simply because of where they were born or who their parents happened to be.

The Green LightSee some answers to racism here.

You can go here to see articles I have written about racism, and here to see articles by other people.

The Millenium Bookshop has  books about racism.

Books relating to other categories can be found here.

There are sites listed in this category.

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Adelaide Institute – Frederick Toben
Afrikaner Resistance Movement
American Freedom Union
American Nazi Party
American Renaissance
Annwn Publications – Gnosticism, Evil, Aliens, Ufos, Prophecy, Conspiracy
Australian Christian Lobby – Jim Wallace
Bobby Seale's Homepage, Black Panther Party Founder
British National Party
Campaign for Radical Truth in History
Carlos Whitlock Porter
CODOH – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust – Bradley R. Smith
Council of Conservative Citizens
David Duke's Official Web Site
David Irving welcomes you to the World of Real History – David Irving
Denmark's First Patriotic Homepage
Eagle Forum – Phyllis Schlafly
Eric Hufschmid
Exposing feminism and the new world order – Henry Makow
Fair Dinkum Radio – Resistance Radio – Leon Pittard
First Amendment Exercise Machine
Fred Leuchter
Future Generations
Hal Turner Show
Heretical Press
The Heretical Press
Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek
Institute for Historical Review
The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
Jewish Defense League
Kevin Alfred Strom
Kingdom Identity Ministries
KKK Art Gallery
Lesbian Studies Institute – Steve Lashuk
Martin Luther King Jr. – A True Historical Examination
Milo Yiannopoulos
Nation of Islam Online
National Alliance
National Socialist Movement
New Nation News
New Order
The Occidental Observer
Our Legacy of Truth
Posse Comitatus, USA – James Wickstrom
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Q Society of Australia
Race Traitor
Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews
Stormfront White Nationalist Community – Don Black

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