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Winners each receive a tube of haemorrhoid cream and a wire brush applicator. Prize recipients must come to where I live at their own expense to collect their prizes, which will be awarded (including the haemorrhoid cream application) at public ceremonies in a busy commercial district at lunchtime. I will arrange press and television coverage.
Award winners are invited to mention the award on their sites and to display the award graphics.
First Place – The Anus Maximus Award
Fran Sheffield – Homeopathy Plus!
There was again fierce competition for the top award, with very strong showings by Mike Adams and Gary Null, but by unanimous decision of the judges the 2010 Anus Maximus award went to Fran Sheffield, proprietor of the Homeopathy Plus! and Homeopathy for Autism web sites. Just suggesting that the ludicrous homeopathy could have any effect on autism would almost be enough to win the award in any year, but when this is added to absurd claims such as that homeopathy can be of benefit to people with breast cancer or that it is reasonable to charge fifteen cents each for sweets that retail for one hundredth of that cost or that homeopathy can be a substitute for vaccination then the decision became much easier.
What got Homeopathy Plus! across the line in first place wasn't the ridiculous health claims or the financial fraud, however, but the colossal arrogance shown when the Therapeutic Goods Administration requested that certain information be displayed on the Homeopathy Plus! web site. Ms Sheffield simply refused to comply, on the basis that by saying such patently false things as that homeopathy could replace vaccination or treat breast cancer she was not doing anything wrong.
A worthy winner.
Dear Ms Sheffield,
Congratulations. You and Homeopathy Plus! have won the Anus Maximus Award for 2010, the highest award presented annually by The Millenium Project. You are in excellent company, as previous winners include Dr Joe Mercola, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights and the Australian Vaccination Network. The judges were particularly impressed by your refusal to comply with a request from the TGA to correct "inaccuracies" on your web site. The award citation read:
[see above]
Please feel free to publicise your award and display the award logo on your web site. If you wish to collect the physical prize (a tube of haemorrhoid cream and a wire brush applicator) you can do so at your own expense, but please give me sufficient notice so that I can organise the location for the public application of the cream and the accompanying media coverage.
You can see the other award winners at https://ratbags.com/rsoles/history/2010/2010awards.htm
Quote of the Year
Carole is the owner of one of the best resources on the Internet for people doing research into the murky world of conspiracy theory – www.conspiracee.com. It contains a vast repository of links to sites so kooky that you might think that many are parodies, but Carole believes them all. In her universe anything said by a government, a corporation or an educated individual (universities and schools are parts of a plot to "dumb down" society) is immediately suspect. Experts say what they do because they are either part of the conspiracy or just regurgitating dumbed-down science or logic. Everything is assumed to be part of the conspiracy until proven otherwise, and as Carole said in response to an accusation of relying totally on preconceived ideas: "Another interpretation is preconceived, meaning opinion formed beforehand WITH adequate thought and evidence". It is hard to argue with logic like that.
Carole makes Quote of the Year statements on almost a daily basis, so choosing the best was always going to be a problem. I finally selected one which I believe is representative of the genre. Explaining how someone she was conversing with was completely under the influence of the orthodoxy, she said:
And one day they might find a cause for your lack of cognitive ability in putting 2+2 together and coming up with 4 instead of 3 or 5.
Arithmetic is part of a mind-control conspiracy! Is there anything we can believe any more?
Highly Commended
Bridesmaid again. For the second year in a row Mike Adams missed out on the top award, but the winner was always going to be hard to beat. Mike tried hard with his idiotic cartoons suggesting that doctors deliberately cause cancer so they can make money not curing it but killing patients instead, but what took him up to the wire was cheating in the Shorty Awards. Imagine being so bereft of morals and integrity that you had to cheat in a meaningless Internet competition. Still, when dishonesty and lying are the principle tools of your trade there probably isn't any reason not to cheat in a popularity poll. It's just being consistent in behaviour.
Maybe next year, Mike.
Dear Mr Adams,
Congratulations. Natural News was Highly Commended for the second time in the 2010 Millenium Awards presented by The Millenium Project. I know it must be disappointing to come second two years in a row, but as I said last year, if you decide to cheat like you did in the Shorty Awards you could always send me money. The award citation read:
[see above]
Please feel free to publicise your award and display the award logo on your web site. If you wish to collect the physical prize (a tube of haemorrhoid cream and a wire brush applicator) you can do so at your own expense, but please give me sufficient notice so that I can organise the location for the public application of the cream and the accompanying media coverage.
You can see the other award winners at https://ratbags.com/rsoles/history/2010/2010awards.htm
Gary Null's Natural Living
(Now Gary's Vitamin Closet)
There's something charming about a peddler of supplements nearly poisoning himself with a massive overdose of his own products. This would be enough by itself to win an award, but Gary made sure by not only continuing to sell the faulty products even while they were almost killing him but simultaneously running a story on the front page of his site with the headline "Overdose Death Rate Surges, Legal Drugs Are Mostly To Blame". That's right, folks – while selling supplements with massively incorrect amounts of active ingredient he had the hide to criticise real medicine. Chutzpah like that should not go unrewarded.
Dear Mr Null,
Congratulations. Your web site was Highly Commended in the 2010 Millenium Awards presented by The Millenium Project. The judges felt that the award was a suitable recognition of the way you managed to overdose yourself on vitamins because your own products were poorly manufactured while simultaneously attacking real medicine for its mistakes.
[see above]
Please feel free to publicise your award and display the award logo on your web site. If you wish to collect the physical prize (a tube of haemorrhoid cream and a wire brush applicator) you can do so at your own expense, but please give me sufficient notice so that I can organise the location for the public application of the cream and the accompanying media coverage.
You can see the other award winners at https://ratbags.com/rsoles/history/2010/2010awards.htm
Encouragement Awards
Power Balance was Highly Commended in the 2009 Millenium Awards, but this year they need some encouragement. Attacked on all sides by television programs, skeptic web sites, the Therapeutic Goods Administration and finally the ACCC, the Australian operation ended the year in tatters. You might even say "out of business". I am sure however that the promoters will bounce back, not with rubber bands bought for cents and sold for $60 but with some other product that doesn't quite do what they don't quite say it does. Burnt once, they will be more careful next time.
Dear Mr O'Dowd,
Congratulations. Power Balance might have been Highly Commended in the 2009 Millenium Awards presented by The Millenium Project, but has only received an Encouragement Award for 2010. The judges felt that you might need encouragement after the TGA and ACCC finished with you. The award citation read:
[see above]
Please feel free to publicise your award and display the award logo on your web site. If you wish to collect the physical prize (a tube of haemorrhoid cream and a wire brush applicator) you can do so at your own expense, but please give me sufficient notice so that I can organise the location for the public application of the cream and the accompanying media coverage.
You can see the other award winners at https://ratbags.com/rsoles/history/2010/2010awards.htm
Fountain Of Beauty Cosmetics
This is the cosmetic and beauty products company run by Meryl Dorey, once the President of the Australian Vaccination Network but now just some sort of media spokesperson for the organisation. It is getting an Encouragement Award because it suffered some customer relations problems through the year with people whining to eBay and on "report bad service here" web sites.
Dear Ms Dorey,
Congratulations. Fountain of Beauty Cosmetics has received an Encouragement Award in the 2009 Millenium Awards presented by The Millenium Project. The judges recognised that it was a difficult year for you personally and the beauty business might have been neglected, so they felt that you might need some encouragement to get back on track. The award citation read:
[see above]
Please feel free to publicise your award and display the award logo on your web site. If you wish to collect the physical prize (a tube of haemorrhoid cream and a wire brush applicator) you can do so at your own expense, but please give me sufficient notice so that I can organise the location for the public application of the cream and the accompanying media coverage.
You can see the other award winners at https://ratbags.com/rsoles/history/2010/2010awards.htm
Allergy Pathway (formerly Advanced Allergy Elimination)
Even a change in name in 2009 couldn't turn around the fortunes of this scam operator, and in August 2009 they were ordered by a court to do and say certain things. They are receiving an Encouragement Award in 2010 because they forgot to do what the court said and in October 2010 proceedings for contempt of court were initiated. The award is to encourage the operators to remember to put things in their to-do lists, especially things that courts want them to do.
Dear Mr Keir,
Congratulations. Allergy Pathway won an Encouragement Award in the 2010 Millenium Awards presented by The Millenium Project. The judges felt that you needed some encouragement after forgetting to do what the Court told you to do. Also, with some time still left to run on the three years of inactivity ordered by the Court in 2009 they thought that you might need to know that people haven't forgotten you. The award citation read:
[see above]
Please feel free to publicise your award and display the award logo on your web site. If you wish to collect the physical prize (a tube of haemorrhoid cream and a wire brush applicator) you can do so at your own expense, but please give me sufficient notice so that I can organise the location for the public application of the cream and the accompanying media coverage.
You can see the other award winners at https://ratbags.com/rsoles/history/2010/2010awards.htm
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