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The GAL Chronicles
Chapter 1
June 16, 2000 to December 10, 2000
A story of a gutless anonymous liar

See the rest of The GAL Chronicles
Chapter 1| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
(Chapter 7 is the current page)

Date sent: 16 Jun 2000 04:19:23 -0000
From: Secret Squirrel <>
Subject: You have got to be Kidding!

I have seen a lot freaky sites on my travels....yours is incredible!
I am emialing every group you've listed encouraging action against you.....
You are a psycho!!!!!

Subject: Your site is an insult and an assault!
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 09:06 -0700

Was searching medical stuff on the web and accidentally clicked on your site.

I am disturbed by the content and tone of your site. My reaction to it is similar to that when I inadvertantly stumble upon a hate or porn site. I think, though, your's is worse. It seems you prey upon the consumer and the provider in an unjust way and decidedly prejudicial fashion.

I am writing your service provider and your government. I think what you do, and likely who you are, is criminal.

"accidentally clicked on your site"? Really? Are those pigs I see flying past the window? The laughs just keep coming, as people too gutless to say who they are write in with complaints. Here's a bit of free advice for "anonymous" – get your mum to sharpen the pencil for you before you write to my government, and ask dad before you send a fax to my Internet supplier (it's an expensive call from where you are). They will take as much notice as they did last time. Oh, was that someone else? He wrote like you do.

Subject: The Peter Bowditch Deathwatch
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 12:58 -0700

14 days and counting......

It seems, Mr. Bowditch, your days are numbered in more ways than one. Not only is that grand icon of commerce, "gebeese", on the skids, but we understand you've had a spot of heart trouble. And heres the fun part: although, you thought you had your ISP in your back pocket, you might want to give Jason a call. Apparently even Jason is just a little fed up with you and your rather silly and intolerable antics.

And, remember Peter, (we're sure it's not the first time you've heard this one)....."you make your own bed".

Now, there's a familiar writing style. A little voice keeps saying in my ear: "I've seen something like that before". I think I have made known my views on the cowardice and worthlessness of anonymous posters before, but I suppose you have to hide who you are if you just want to tell lies. For the record, I have had no heart trouble, my company is not "on the skids", nobody has contacted the only Jason I can think of and he wouldn't be doing anything if anyone did. And, Mr O'Nonymous, when you start telling people that I wrote this myself, remember that I know how to spell the name of my employer.

Subject: mmmmm....whose site was just shut down?
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 13:09 -0700

soon to come.....

why dr. barrett is not a "doctor"...and...

why peter bowditch has to pack so much in, in such a short period of time!!!!

stay tuned......

first there was where's it's where's terry...and soon where's bowditch?

And where's the coward who posted this anonymous message?

Subject: News Flash!!!!
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 13:18 -0700

Just Imagine:

Mr. Peter Bowditch, of New South Wales, eKingpin of that soaring intellectual eProperty known as the Millenium Project, has lost his final appeal in a desperate attempt to save the only thing in life that gives him joy. The Millenium Project has been cited in numerous legal claims and proceedings, and Mr. Bowditch has been charged with criminal lunacy.

It seems, in Mr. Bowditch's journey to save the world from what he doesn't/can't understand, he inadvertantly shot himself in his ass and foot. Not only has Mr. Bowditch been found guilty of being a reprehensible son-of-a-bitch, but also a downright imbecile and nasty little prick.

Mr. Bowditch has been sentenced to live out the rest of his pathetic useless life pacing the halls of his corporate giantess, gebeese consulting, aka his basement, whilst staring at his dull and lifeless image in unplugged video monitor.

Supporters of Bowditch cried injustice. Even his wife came to his support saying..."Peter may be a useless turd, but he's still my Peter", (whatever the hell that means.)

I am watching my fax machine closely for the stream of "numerous legal claims and proceedings".

Subject: Say hi to terry for us....
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 14:32 -0700

We're sure it's not news to you, but Polevoy's site was taken down on Tuesday, July 4, 2000,and will not be supported by any Canadian ISP. It's content and intent has been deemed as hate.

We have received confirmation that, despite your mindless objections, yours is coming down too!

Bye Bye

Mr O'Nonymous might like to click on, where he will find the site he says has been closed down. It was a lie, of course, like everything else this spineless piece of filth has said. After all, if he was going to tell the truth, he would use his own name, wouldn't he?

Subject: Gutless? Liar?
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:55 -0700

Dear Mr. Bowditch:


You sit in your filthy little tenment, that plays double time to you and your empire, thousands of miles away from your victims, and accuse me of being gutless! You, sir, are a gutless/spineless and hateful little man.


You wouldn't know truth if it bit you in the ass. Here's some truth for are worth nothing....your "empire" gebeese is worth nothing...According to our investigation, you haven't rendered an invoice in a long long time; your income tax filings are hilarious; and you essentially live off your wife's modest income...

We can only hope that the pressue is simply to0 much for your heart....

Keep up the great work in the pursuit of justice and have an aneurysm.......

Don't you just love the irony. This clown abuses me for being a long way away, but won't put its name to what it writes. By the way, I live in a house, not a "tenment", my company issued fourteen invoices during July 2000 (it is a consulting business so we don't necessarily invoice every day) and sales are well up compared to the same month last year, nobody other than me, my accountant or the Australian Taxation Office knows anything about my tax "filings" (which are called "returns" in Australia, a fact known to anyone with any knowledge of such things), and my wife works for the same company that I do.

Subject: You go for the bait each stupid fuck
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 15:02 -0700

Is there anyhting you won't react to or anything you won't publish? My
god, man, do get a grip.

We've been monitoring your site for quite awhile, and, frankly, with
every new pixel, you give yourself away.

Here's some free advice:


Monitor away, nameless. And, no, there's nothing I won't publish. After all, I am only reproducing your words.

Subject: paranoid.....?
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 06:21 -0700

Please don't confuse us with one of your poor unsuspecting victims. We monitor hate groups, like yours. We do this anonymously simply because psychos like you are unpredicatable and unstable.

Besides, we know it makes you nuts.

And remember, there is very little in this life that is private, including skeletons.

Who's paranoid? I don't have to hide my name because I am frightened by the "psychos".

Subject: You have made the Top Ten List
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 11:06 -0700


You made it into the Top Ten List of 2, count 'em, 2 Hate Watch sites.

And by the way, one of your compadres was just charged, and soon to be convicted (we're sure)of a HATE CRIME.

Ta Ta.......Mr. Peter K.K.K. Bowditch?

Wow, two awards on the one day. I would be even more excited if I had been told about the awards by someone who was less gutless, less anonymous, and less of a liar. So, come on GAL, give us the links.

Subject: You need counselling?
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 11:20 -0700

From an objective observer, Mr. Bowditch, you take pot shots at people, create victims, you gotta expect this sort of stuff. Your postion is quite indefensible. Perhaps if you backed off and demonstrated a little jurisprudence, you might cease to suffer the consequence of your own behavior.

(Just a little free advice)

"Demonstrate a bit of jurisprudence"? What, become a professor in a law school? You will notice that this message was sent to my company's legal representative who is ROTFLHAO even as we speak.

Subject: email.....
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 06:59 -0700

Thought it might be time to let one of the cats out of the bag: All of your email has been intercepted....i.e. "i'm bad to the bone...."

And yes, good "dr" pole-a-boy's site is coming down, again...........

Now he's intercepting mail to a publicly-archived mailing list. Several hundred other people intercepted it as well. Lots of people will intercept his mail by reading it here, too. By the way, is the mention of Dr Polevoy's site (still at a threat to close The Millenium Project? If it is, this site will be cloned again at another mirror site, increasing the probability that people can find the rantings of Mr A'Nonymous and his friends.

Sharing the interception
Here is the message that Mr O'Nonymous intercepted. It was posted to the Healthfraud discussion list on 2 August, 2000, with the subject line "I'm bad to the bone ...".

I have heard today that, due to my intransigent (some would say incalcitrant) dislike of medical quackery, The Millenium Project has been placed on not one but TWO lists of hate sites. I am waiting for the person who told me about this (who seems to dislike my calling him "the gutless anonymous liar") to give me the locations of these hate lists so I can put a link to them on my site.

See the fun at

In one of those remarkable coincidences which test even my skepticism, both William O'Neill of CCRG and The Gutless Anonymous Liar resumed their correspondences with me on the same day after a hiatus of about three weeks for both, and their messages to me and various newsgroups were interleaved. I don't know what to make of this. Maybe they know each other.

Subject: Your liability increases with each Mirror\
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:19 -0700

What is Criminal Libel?

Just asking....

By the way, how's that heart problem? Perhaps you might heed your doctor's advice and stop that filthy habit.....smoking..

It wants to know what "criminal libel" is. Perhaps it should ask the person who suggested using the word "jurisprudence" in the earlier email. I suppose continually calling someone names and threatening to contact their clients with lies could come close. Oh, and for someone who knows so much about me, how come it doesn't know that I gave up smoking in 1975? Maybe it does, but just lies out of habit.

Subject: 14 days was a dummy
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:53 -0700

but the heart stuff wasn't.... put your lovely wife and your very unfortunate child out of their misery...blow a head gasket!

Again, it shows its great knowledge of me. The word "child" is wrong. Perhaps it just can't help lying.

The following was posted to the Healthfraud discussion list introduction page. This page, at, is for members of that list to introduce themselves to other members. I seem to remember someone else pretending to be me on the same introduction page ...

This group is a hoax!

Posted by Peter Bowditch on August 14, 2000 at 15:56:58 ( []):

For the past number of months, I have worked dilegently in exposing a variety of medical fraud and hoax with great support of many members of this group. I recently learned, however, that many of you have turned on me and, in fact, had been, in the first instance,plants, and in the second,opponents.

I am withdrawing my support to this group, and caution all members to exercise due dilegence in what or with whom one shares ideas and/or information.

As if anyone would think I wrote this. For a start, it comes from an anonymizer service, so it couldn't be me. I tell people who I am, unlike the nematode who wrote this. On second thoughts, I owe an apology to nematodes. They might not have spines, but they certainly have guts and never pretend to be other than who they are.

Subject: Rang your ISP?
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 09:14 -0700

Seems your fan list is growing with each day!

Why is it you constantly have these problems? What is about you that brings out the best in people?

On the front page here I had said that "some fool rang my ISP today and said that they were a client of mine and I had told them to change ISPs because this one was going broke. What the idiot hadn't figured out was that he had to be their client as well as mine for the story to be true. He wasn't, and we all had a good laugh". My ISP does in fact receive the occasional complaint about this site, and I suppose I would be disappointed if this were not so. Anonymous complaints are ridiculed, laughed at, mocked and thrown away. Complaints from real people are read, filed and ignored. Letters from lawyers (there have been none so far) are photocopied, read, filed and ignored. We could not ignore a court order, just as we could not ignore winning $20 million in the lottery (a much more likely event). Of course, anyone initiating court action would not want to have have called me a "righteous fucking psycho", a "fetid dung heap", "pond scum" and "an incredibly stupid fuck", used twenty different identities, pretended to be me or threatened to harass my clients, otherwise they might look a bit foolish to the judge. (Not that I am suggesting that GAL has done any of these things, but other people have so I am using them as an example.)

Subject: What this we hear of Investigations?
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:50 -0700

MMMMMM....Mr. Bowditch have you gotten yourself into a spot of trouble?

Wht not consider toning it down?

Sorry, we forgot.....obessive compulsive :)

"Wht" not consider that I have nothing to tone down. It's you putting out the insults and lies, not me.

Subject: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 12:19 -0700\


This came three times. Sad, isn't it? On a positive note, there are no lies in it.

Subject: you are going to love it!
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 10:44 -0700

over 100 search engines are spidering and over 8000 links.....all for you!

query?....Ratbastard, Bowditch, Gebesse, Lunatic......

Whatever could this mean?

Subject: Gutless? Anonymous? Liar?
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 11:58 -0700

Bad case of tranference.....rogerian? For the record we're not offended. Call us what you like!

Remember, you're the one who's offended. You're offended that we continue to piss you off. You're offended and sick and tired of having to read this crap. You're offended that we've emailed people about you and your sick site. You're going to be very offended when your new web site comes up!

You also seem quite offended by email you post your many many victims. Truth? It hurts.

And by the way, do post EVERY BIT of email you receive.

Me? I'm not offended, just highly amused. And I intend to post EVERY BIT of email.

Subject: And another Gutless anonymous liar
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 14:31 -0700 are one sick bastard. Clicked thru your site and my god! Decided to do the anonymous thing 'cause it seem to really rile you. What the hell have these people done to deserve the sort of garbage you dish out.

I appreciate the links. Thank you! I'm emailing everyone on the links to encourage them to use

By the way, it would be great to see you meet just one of your victims....then we'd see who the gutless one is.

See you soon.

Is this really another one? I've heard of Multiple Personality Disorder, but could this be a case of Multiple Disordered Personalities? It doesn't rile me that people post from anonymous accounts. It just confirms my opinion of the posters.

Another on the Healthfraud discussion list introduction page:

You Can All Fuck Off Including Polevoy & Barrett

Posted by The Real Peter Bowditch on August 20, 2000 at 15:21:09 ( []):


Yes, and they all really thought it was me saying that! Imagine – this thing has no name so it wants to use mine.

Subject: itS beeN SPIDERED
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 15:21 -0700

iT's BEen sPIDerED sTINkY!!!!!!

qUEry....hATe, geBEssE, bOwDItch....fRaUD, fUCkEd, .........aND iT's gONNa gET eVen bETteR

Wow! How could it possibly get "bETteR"?

Subject: Your new site has been spidered!
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 15:49 -0700

Give it a query -you asshole!

Oh, I see. It's made a site for me. I must look it up as soon as it has had a chance to get "sPIDerED". Then I'll put a link to it on this site somewhere.

Subject: Who are those people phoning you?
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 18:40 -0700

Please share. We know you've had phone calls from those who are disturbed by your behavior and your web site.

Post those on your site you coward.

I'm a coward? You could laugh if it wasn't so pathetic. I have received two phone calls today (it's still early in Sydney). One was from a client asking about a delivery. I assume the other was a wrong number because the caller hung up as soon as they reached my voice mail. Then again, it could have been someone so gutless that they just didn't want to leave their name.

Subject: You are a HIT
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 18:42 -0700

Our work is done here. When querying Bowditch, Gebesse..........a rightful little meta tag is viewed......god save the queen!

Come on, GAL. Give us the URL of this famous web site about me. It hasn't made it into the search engines yet.

And the Healthfraud introduction page again:

You're all a bunch of fucking IMBECILES

Posted by The Real Peter Bowditch on August 20, 2000 at 21:26:02 ( []):


Evolution at work. All in lower case, then a mixture, now all in capitals. Will it evolve gills or roots next? How long before intelligence appears?

Subject: Your are our easiest mark
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:00 -0700

Stand back for moment and look what's going on. Your site is a joke! You are a joke! You can't possible believe anyone would take you seriously, particularly as a compueter consultant? Your life must be absolutle shit. It is so apparent that you are completely fucked up!

Do keep posting and making things up!...and cyber-emulate.

And by the way, your buut fuck partners in the western hemisphere are down..Fuck a boy has more ongoing investigations than you have engrams and bare-rats has just been diagnosed with colorectal w/liver mets....god does work in mysterious ways. And, how's your health pedo-ditch

"pedo-ditch"? Someone else makes up names like that for me. Could it be that the two people know each other, or maybe one just cyber-emulates the other. And what's this about "engrams"? I don't have any of those – I'm clear.

Subject: it is time to share
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 14:38 -0700

seems you're having a spot of trouble.....why not on your web site you GFL (Gutless Fucking Liar)....

have you ever considered stepping back for moment and surveying your work? you come off a being such an incredibly dense asshole....

This message was sent to me twice. It seems GAL had noticed a spelling mistake in the subject line. I share everything. That is why this message has been reproduced here.

Subject: seething.......mmmmm
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 14:45 -0700

the most delightful part of this exchange is that you read each and every word, chew and svaour the post, what you consider, to rather sharp and witty insights and responses....but between each line the apoplexia jumps off the page!'re seething and just plan pissed-off....too fucking bad you useless carbuncle.....

and your new site is up and the meta tags are a tribute!

When are you going to give us the URL for this fabled web site, or are you just lying about that too?

Subject: try a real response
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 18:13 -0700

what in god's name do think you might be accomplishing?

Subject: do your family and friends know
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 18:14 -0700

let's let them comment....we've emailed your site to those who care!

It's emailed my site to my friends?

Subject: you are so wonderfully paranoid
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 18:34 -0700

it really is hilarious to watch you

you were extremely paranoid to begin with

and this new pathology has raised it to a frenzied level

you'll soon explode

Subject: News
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 12:50 -0700

I noted many of your fans have pseudo-ized your name, so in keeping with this ever so enchanting fad, we shall engage.

Hey Mr. Fucked-In-The-Head-Ditch:

We've reached agreement with many search engine proponents to de-spider your site. What this means, you fucking asshole, is that your site(s) will only be available by direct address (this includes that aptly named icon of commerce of your gebesse...)

Future submissions by you or to your sites will be rejected. We're sure you'll want to register new domain names, so we'll just keep monitoring and advising.....

Hey peter!!!!......fuck off....

OK, GAL, it's put up or shut up time. You have 24 hours from now to email me the messages from the search engine operators saying that they are delisting my sites. You must include all headers. While you're at it, you could email me the confirmations from the places that host the mirrors of this site telling you that they are closing the sites down. Again include all email headers. Can't do it? I didn't think so.

Subject: had enough yet
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:56 -0700

by the way, in the event you'd like to call it quits, just delete the GAL file and we're gone..

tah tah

Mr ONonymous obviously doesn't understand the rules of the game here. The first rule is that I make the rules. Why should I call it quits? I don't even know who GAL is. I carefully checked this email message for attachments in case GAL had sent me the emails from the search engine people. There was nothing there. I was not surprised.

Subject: 24 hours or what
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:49 -0700

you GPOS (Gutless Piece of Shit)...

go buy a shovel while you can still walk...

24 hours or GAL will be proven to be an even bigger liar. Actually, it's only 12 hours now. So let's have it, GAL. Where are the emails? And what's the URL for that web page about me? I need it for a big splash on the front page in the next update of this site (and its growing number of mirror sites).

The 24 hours has passed and no evidence of the truth of this statement has turned up:

We've reached agreement with many search engine proponents to de-spider your site. What this means, you fucking asshole, is that your site(s) will only be available by direct address (this includes that aptly named icon of commerce of your gebesse...)

Future submissions by you or to your sites will be rejected. We're sure you'll want to register new domain names, so we'll just keep monitoring and advising.....

All the Gutless Anonymous Liar had to do was to send me copies of the emails it must have received from the search engine operators agreeing to its request to delist my sites. It has not done that, so such emails must not exist. It was lying again.

The people who run the Healthfraud introduction page (mentioned above) have told me that they have changed the software that runs the page so that it now ignores anonymous postings. This was done because they were sick of continually having to clean up the lies and filth appearing there. They are much less patient than I am. I have decided to emulate them temporarily and for the next week at least, as a penalty for Mr O'Nonymous lying again and not meeting the deadline to provide me with evidence, any mail from "" to any of my email addresses will be deleted, unread, before it even gets to my inbox. If Mr O'Nonymous wants to write to me (to give me the URL of the mythical web site about me, say), it will have to use a real email address.

The Gutless Anonymous Liar went away for a few weeks after this and returned using a different anonymous remailer. This seemed a good place to split this file into more manageable pieces.

And one last thing … (4/5/2013)
I hoped it wasn't someone playing a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw this news in the Ottawa Citizen on April 1.

Yes, folks, the beloved William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and its descendants has gone to the great cesspit in the sky, taking the Gutless Anonymous Liar with him. Sadly, he died quickly and not of cancer. I posted a message to his memorial guest book, but unfortunately some technical glitch prevented it from being published.

I will maintain my own memorial to him here by archiving his correspondence with me and also the wonderful messages he sent wearing his Gutless Anonymous Liar mask. It would be a tragedy for this valuable collection of literature to disappear.

See the rest of The GAL Chronicles
Chapter 1| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
(Chapter 7 is the current page)


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