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Loon alert!! You can buy this image at Badgerworks.Buffoonery 51 to 100

These sites are included because of general stupidity. Expect to see a few of the Pseudoscience sites included here also.

The Green LightSee some answers to Buffoonery here

There are sites listed in this category.

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Eagle Forum – Phyllis Schlafly
Earth Healer Academy – Antonia Ruhl
Ecstatic Trance Postures – Laura Lee
Educate Yourself – Ken Adachi
Educate Yourself – Ken Adachi
EMR Australia
End Times News & Bible Teaching – Now The End Begins
The Enigma Channel – Christopher Everard
The Enterprise Mission – Richard Hoagland
Eric Hufschmid
Exposing feminism and the new world order – Henry Makow
Fair Dinkum Radio – Resistance Radio – Leon Pittard
Family Radio – Harold Camping
Freedom Investigative Reporting in the Public Interest
Ganeshjii – Sai Baba
Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums – Gary North
Gene Ray's Time Cube
Gentlebirth – Jock Doubleday
Geoengineering Watch – Dane Wigington
God Hates Fags (Westboro Baptist Church) – Fred Phelps
Goop – Gwyneth Paltrow
Hal Turner Show
Healing Broom
Health and Wisdom – Leo Rebello
Healthy Food Doesn't Have To Taste NASTY!
Heretical Press
Humans Are Free
Ilena Rosenthal's QuackWatchWatch
Infowars – Alex Jones
The Institute of Noetic Sciences
International Advocates for Health Freedom (IAHF) – John Hammell
The International Association of Past Life Therapists – Carole Carbone
International Medical Veritas Association – Mark Sircus
Jasmuheen's Cosmic Internet Academy – C.I.A.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
John Ellis
Know Your Rights
Liberty Nation
The Light Party
MADGE – Mothers Are Demystifying Genetic Engineering
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Make Australia Healthy Again – Solihin Millin
Matrix Energetics Healing Seminars – Dr. Richard Bartlett D.C., N.D.
Mercy Seat Christian Church
Metatech: Top class information on aliens, mind control etc. – Stephanie Relfe
Milo Yiannopoulos
NASA Moon Landin (sic) Hoax – Aulis Publsihers (sic) – David Percy
National Rifle Association
Natural News – Mike Adams

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