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Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid Schemes, Scams and Frauds

The illustration is "There they go plucked" – Plate 20 from Los Caprichos, Goya 1799

Get rich quick, just forget about things like mathematics, the population of the world, and how many friends you would like to still have at the end of the year. A pyramid scheme is a pyramid scheme, even if black-letter law pretends it is not.

Pyramid schemes aren't the only way fraudsters try to empty wallets. The sites listed here include many methods of making you poorer.

The Green LightSee some answers to MLM scams here

Participants in Multi-level Marketing Schemes who try to recruit me were given a collective Encouragement Award in the 2000 Millenium Awards. The citation read:

I have decided to give a general Encouragement Award to all those fools who keep emailing me with offers of fabulous wealth through pyramid schemes. I know they are called "network marketing" or "multi-level marketing" or some such euphemism to get around the law, but calling a duck "a dog" doesn't make it bark. Many of these people have web sites (some of which are listed here), and some even have pyramids of web sites. The reason they need encouragement is that if everything works out as it should and they sign up five people in the first month and each of them repeats the performance, and then the next level does it and so on (at least two Amway salesmen have told me that five per month easy to achieve), then they will be looking for only 244 million people to join their downline next December. Easy, isn't it?

See more Close To Home here

The Freethunk web site disappeared in January 2020.
It went to Facebook and then disappeared from there also

See more from Brian Kent here

.You can go here to see  articles I have written about pyramid schemes and frauds, and here to see  articles by other people.

The Millenium Bookshop has  books about pyramid schemes and frauds.

Books relating to other categories can be found here.

There are sites listed in this category.

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Adrian Mathews Secrets of Creating a Home Business in Health Products
Amway Australia
Arbonne International
Australian Longevity 1 – Joel Wallach
Australian Longevity 2 – Joel Wallach
Authentic Tahitian Noni Juice expands your health naturally.
Body Wise
Changes International
Dead Doctors Don't Lie! – Joel Wallach
Direct Selling Association
Direct Selling Association stealing someone else's name
E. Excel International
For More International
Forever Living Products
FreeLife International
Greenwood Health Systems
Herbalife International
Home Business Opportunity
InterNET Services Corporation
Lametco International
Life Force International
Life Plus
Life Sciences Technologies
Market America
Metabolife International
Morinda Tahitian Noni® Juice and Noni Products Information
MXI – Home of Xocai
Natural Connections
Nature's Sunshine
Network 21 Australia
Network Marketing Power – Tim Sales
New Image International
Nikken Industries

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