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The Saga of Mr William P O'Neill – Part 1

The 99 names of …

In February 2000 I received the following email, apparently coming from me. It originated at an IP address assigned to the network at the office of the Canadian Cancer Research Group.

From: "peter bowditch" <>
Subject: fetid dung heap
Date sent: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 01:34:47 GMT

you are such an incredibly dumb fuck...........and your wife's a real babe..........

you deserve all the lawsuits you fetid dung heap

It was the work of Mr William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and nonsense like this persisted until Mr O'Neill died in March 2013, with email messages to me, rants on Usenet, comments on blogs and forums where my name was mentioned, and contact with organisations that I could be connected with. You can see a collection of communications from Mr O'Neill to or about me here, and another collection where he posted anonymously as the Gutless Anonymous Liar here.

Set out on this and the following pages is a collection of editorial pieces which have appeared on The Millenium Project during the duration of Mr O'Neill's obsessive project of stalking me. While happy that his death prevented him carrying on his work of lying to desperate people in order to steal their money I have to say that he provided an enormous amount of amusement over the years. I miss him sometimes.

The Saga of Mr William P O'Neill and CCRG
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

The Bleat Goes On ... (10/6/2000)
Sixteen different identities (including my mother and several versions of me). At least six announcements that someone had closed this site down (one of the announcements even signed by me!). To find out what this is all about, see the CCRG Correspondence File.

Laugh of the Week (17/6/2000)
I just love the courage of someone who writes using an anonymiser service so that not only is it impossible to find out the name of the idiot, but it is even impossible to reply to them. Frightened to give his name. Frightened to get a reply. Go on, clown, "emial" whoever you like.

Date sent: 16 Jun 2000 04:19:23 -0000
From: Secret Squirrel <>
Subject: You have got to be Kidding!

I have seen a lot freaky sites on my travels....yours is incredible!
I am emialing every group you've listed encouraging action against you.....
You are a psycho!!!!!

Joke of the week (30/6/2000)
The laughs just keep coming, as people too gutless to say who they are write in with complaints. Here's a bit of free advice for "anonymous" – get your mum to sharpen the pencil for you before you write to my government, and ask dad before you send a fax to my Internet supplier (it's an expensive call from where you are). They will take as much notice as they did last time. Oh, was that someone else? He wrote like you do.

Subject: Your site is an insult and an assault!
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 09:06 -0700

Was searching medical stuff on the web and accidentally clicked on your site.

I am disturbed by the content and tone of your site. My reaction to it is similar to that when I inadvertantly stumble upon a hate or porn site. I think, though, your's is worse. It seems you prey upon the consumer and the provider in an unjust way and decidedly prejudicial fashion.

I am writing your service provider and your government. I think what you do, and likely who you are, is criminal.

Jerk of the week (30/6/2000)
I thought the style was familiar in the anonymous message I received on 29 June (see below). I have received another one and a little voice keeps saying in my ear: "I've seen something like that before". I think I have made known my views on the cowardice and worthlessness of anonymous posters before, but I suppose you have to hide who you are if you just want to tell lies. For the record, I have had no heart trouble, my company is not "on the skids", and nobody has contacted the only Jason I can think of and he wouldn't be doing anything if anyone did. And, Mr O'Nonymous, when you start telling people that I wrote this myself, remember that I know how to spell the name of my employer. I don't know what "14 days and counting" means, but if it's some kind of threat ...

Oh, and another thing. Every time I get threatened and told that this site is being closed down, I am going to replicate it elsewhere on the web. The first mirror site went up today and is already working its way into the indexes of the major search engines. So the harder Mr O'Nonymous and his friends work to silence me, the easier it will get for people to see this site.

Subject: The Peter Bowditch Deathwatch
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 12:58 -0700

14 days and counting......

It seems, Mr. Bowditch, your days are numbered in more ways than one. Not only is that grand icon of commerce, "gebeese", on the skids, but we understand you've had a spot of heart trouble. And heres the fun part: although, you thought you had your ISP in your back pocket, you might want to give Jason a call. Apparently even Jason is just a little fed up with you and your rather silly and intolerable antics.

And, remember Peter, (we're sure it's not the first time you've heard this one)....."you make your own bed".

Harassment update (17/8/2000)
No truth! No courage! No value!Showing a fine grasp of reality, the Gutless Anonymous Liar told me to give up smoking and miscounted my children. Perhaps it knew me back in 1975. For an additional dose of fun, it (or a close approximation) even pretended to be me and issued a statement on my behalf. The foolishness builds at The GAL Chronicles. In a totally-unrelated incident, some fool rang my ISP and said that they were a client of mine and I had told them to change ISPs because this one was going broke. What the idiot hadn't figured out was that he had to be their client as well as mine for the story to be true. He wasn't, and we all had a good laugh.

Dateline 18 July, 2000.
News Flash!! You are reading this!
On 4th July, the gutless anonymous liar said, in an email to me:
14 days and counting......
Fourteen days have now passed and I am still here.

The gutless anonymous liar's prediction fails ... (22/7/2000)
No truth. No courage. No value.I have created a special page, The GAL Chronicles, to collect together the work of the gutless anonymous liar who keeps sending me ridiculous email. Any resemblance to any person mentioned elsewhere on this site is a coincidence. On 4th July, the anonymous liar said, in an email to me: "14 days and counting......". Checking the count shows that more than fourteen days have now passed and I am still here, this site (with its four clones) is still here, and nothing has happened. I was able to predict all three things, so perhaps I should go into the psychic business.

Speaking of 14 days … (22/7/2000)

The 99 names of …

has been heard recently from Mr William O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group, who has invented 20 different versions of my name (really it's only 18, because one had three different spellings). If he can get it up to 30, I think I will put the list out on souvenir t-shirts, mugs and mouse mats. He has also used 17 (or is it now 18?) different identities (including my mother and several versions of me) and made at least six announcements that someone had closed this site down (one of the announcements even signed by me!). To find out what this is all about, see the CCRG Correspondence File. (Note: Mr O'Neill is not eligible for the free ticket to the Skeptics Convention, because he has had too much practice.)

The Millenium Project gets recognition … (1/8/2000)
I just No truth. No courage. No value.had to share this with you. The Millenium Project has been included in the Top Ten of Hate. Twice! The notification of these honours appears below. Of, course I would be even more excited if I had been told about the awards by someone who was less gutless, less anonymous, and less of a liar. So, come on GAL, give us the links.

Subject: You have made the Top Ten List
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 11:06 -0700


You made it into the Top Ten List of 2, count 'em, 2 Hate Watch sites.

And by the way, one of your compadres was just charged, and soon to be convicted (we're sure)of a HATE CRIME.

Ta Ta.......Mr. Peter K.K.K. Bowditch?

It's been a busy week … (5/8/2000)
On 4th July, the Gutless Anonymous Liar said, in an email to me: "14 days and counting......". Well, more than fourteen days have now passed and I am still here, this site (with its four clones) is still here, and nothing has happened. However, by remarkable coincidence and after a hiatus and detumescence of a few weeks, both Mr William O'Neill and the Gutless Anonymous Liar wrote to me on the same day. I was really pleased to hear that The Millenium Project has been included in the Top Ten of Hate. Twice! (See the CCRG Correspondence File and The GAL Chronicles for the latest updates.)

Harassment update (11/8/2000)
It's been a quiet week and the only activity has been a postcard from Mr O'Neill. One of the forms of harassment has been to suggest that this site is being closed down. Every time this happens now, I create another copy of the site somewhere and register it with the major search engines. I won't say where these mirror sites are, but each one increases the probability that people will come across whatever it is that the critics don't want them to see. If you have found this site at anywhere other than, you can click on the link to get to the real thing. (See the CCRG Correspondence File and The GAL Chronicles for some background.)

Mr O'Neill sends me a card

Harassment update (25/8/2000)
The Gutless Anonymous Liar really produced a whopper this week. It told me that search engine operators had agreed to delist The Millenium Project. When I asked it for proof of this ridiculous statement it was unable to provide it. Of course. It also claimed to have made a web site about me, full of rude words and silliness. I want to put a link to it from here but it won't tell me where it is, which probably means that it doesn't exist. To punish its lying, I have told my email program to delete its finger-paintings unread for the next week.

Saying that the search engines are going to deregister this site is the same as saying the site is closing down, so I have created another mirror of the site to add to the four which existed before.

Subject: News
From: Anonymous <>
Date sent: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 12:50 -0700

I noted many of your fans have pseudo-ized your name, so in keeping with this ever so enchanting fad, we shall engage.

Hey Mr. Fucked-In-The-Head-Ditch:

We've reached agreement with many search engine proponents to de-spider your site. What this means, you fucking asshole, is that your site(s) will only be available by direct address (this includes that aptly named icon of commerce of your gebesse...)

Future submissions by you or to your sites will be rejected. We're sure you'll want to register new domain names, so we'll just keep monitoring and advising.....

Hey peter!!!!......fuck off....

Harassment update (9/9/2000)
Despite lifting the ban from the Gutless Anonymous Liar, I have heard no more from it. It had been banned from talking to me for a particularly stupid and transparent piece of lying, but I do wish it would tell me where the web site about me is. A few messages appeared on newsgroups that I thought might have come from it, but it turned out that Mr William O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group, had picked up the baton. He informed me that I had been listed No truth! No courage! No value!on a site called "". I went there (it's actually a conventional porn site) and while it was vaguely interesting and I was surprised at what you can do with two ostrich feathers, a harmonica and a walrus, I didn't see my name. Another disappointment. It's a pity Mr O'Neill is disqualified from winning the free ticket to the Skeptics Convention, because the following would make him front-runner for the prize.

From: "william o'neill" <>
Date sent: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 14:17:10 EDT

i have assembled eveything i need, and positioned all of the people, to ensure that if any and all references to myself or my group are not immediately removed from your website, i will intiate a campaign to destroy your company and your reputation....

i have your client, supplier, and regulatory, jurisdictional and media lists prepared and i have been reassured of cooperation by all......

act accordingly......and it can all quietly go away....if not....

Harassment update (16/9/2000)
Much has been happening on the harassment front in the last week. It looks like the Gutless Anonymous Liar has retired, but someone has arrived to take its place. This new person will not say who he is although he has said who he is not. He said he is not Mr William O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group, even though he posts messages from Mr O'Neill's computer. A court case has been mentioned where a judge ruled that identifiable computers could not be identified, but minor details (such as proof that such a judgement exists) still need to be ironed out. In other harassment news, Mr O'Neill has now made up 28 versions of my name (only two to go before the t-shirts, mouse mats and coffee mugs) and I am being sued in something called the "general division of the nsw court" for libel, slander, defamation, breach of copyright and trademark infringement. This was announced a week ago but there seems to have been some delay in serving the court papers on me. This could be because the Olympic Games are slowing bureaucracy in Sydney or perhaps because there is no such court. An interesting aspect of this putative court action is that the plaintiff is simultaneously claiming that I breached his copyright by republishing his words and that I libelled him by saying that he wrote those words. The case is also highlighting some new tactics which are intriguing lawyers. One tactic is to sue for the trifecta of libel, slander and defamation all at the same time, an idea which someone suggested came from "taking LSD". The other tactic is for the plaintiff in a defamation suit to reinforce his case by calling the defendant stupid names, pretending to be other people, and suggesting that the defendant is bankrupt, a criminal and pervert. Full story, as usual, at the CCRG Correspondence File.

Communication breakdown (20/9/2000)
Some worker put a backhoe through the power cables at the Ratbags ISP today, so this site was off the air for a short period, but not short enough for its absence to go unnoticed, resulting in the following Usenet message. You will notice that the site is back on the air (and at an additional mirror site because someone announced that it had shut down).

Subject: The Millenium Proejct & peter Bowditch down for the Count
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 01:16:31 GMT

Deligthed to advise that anal retentive nay-sayer Bowditch & his Millenium Project website have achieved their goal!

Shut down!........No more.....what a sad day!


Court Activity (22/9/2000)
Following some announcements which you can read in the CCRG Correspondence File, I am still waiting to receive the paperwork from the "general division of the nsw court" related to the legal action which was started there against me two weeks ago for libel, slander, defamation, breach of copyright and trademark infringement. The traffic has been good in Sydney despite the Olympic Games, so the courier should have been able to make the delivery. The fact that no such court exists should not have been a deterrent. Also, I am still waiting for the details of a case called "Rindo vs Harwicke" in which a NSW court brought down a decision about Internet use. In news about real courts and real cases, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has ruled that anonymous Canadians can no longer hide. (Irwin Toy Ltd. v. Doe [2000] O.J. No. 3318)

Harassment update (22/9/2000)
Things have gone remarkably quiet. It looks like the Gutless Anonymous Liar has retired, and, apart from the premature announcement of this site's demise, I have heard nothing from the GAL replacement (who has said that he is not Mr William O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group, even though he posts messages from Mr O'Neill's computer). There are still some outstanding matters, however, and the box below contains a list of things that people claim to have in their possession but which I have yet to see.

Things I would like to see:
  1. Evidence of the existence of the "general division of the nsw court"
  2. Evidence that an action has been commenced in said court against me and my ISP for libel, slander, defamation, breach of copyright and trademark infringement
  3. A correct citation of a court judgement, "Rindo vs Harwicke", which banned someone from using a computer for five years
  4. A faxed copy of a certified, verified document containing my signature and showing that I own a web site at
  5. Details of my criminal record
  6. Information supporting the suggestion that I am a child abuser
  7. A list of my clients
  8. A list of my suppliers
  9. Evidence that I have at some time been "flushed" by the ISP Telstra Big Pond (or any other ISP)
  10. Evidence that any Australian government department or authority, either state or federal, is concerned in any way with what I do on the Internet

Harassment Outbreak (26/9/2000)
I Fax from CCRGhave received a fax from Mr William P O'Neill demanding that I remove certain content from this site by the close of business tomorrow. Business here never closes, and even if it did, I won't be removing anything unless a judge tells me to. You can see the fax and my comments about it here. I predict that this site will still be here after 27 September, my time (or anybody else's time).

The Saga of Mr William P O'Neill and CCRG
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4


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