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Liars 1 to 50

The Millenium Project receives more mail about why sites are listed on the Liars category page than on almost any subject. The first point to be made is that, like everything on this site, anything on this page represents my opinion. I just don't like people who do not tell the truth, so sites will be included here if I feel that they are deceitful or contain information which the owners of the sites know to be untrue. As I don't go out looking for liars, any site on this page will appear in some other category as well (the lying has to go beyond what is necessary to get into, for example, the racist or health fraud lists). The sorts of things which may be listed here might include:

Sites change over time (and even my opinions can change), so everything on this page will be under constant review. I hope to eventually have a commentary for every listing here to explain why that site is on this page.

There are sites listed in this category.

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(The symbol Comment shows that there are some comments here about the site.)

The Budwig Protocol The Budwig Diet – Johanna Budwig
9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out
Abha Light Foundation
Access Research Network
Age of Autism
Alive and Well AIDS Alternatives – Christine Maggiore
Alternatives to Conventional Wisdom for Inquisitive Minds – Helen Tucker
ARD Labs – Magnetic Therapy Research
Aspartame Disease : An Ignored Epidemic – Hyman J. Roberts
Astrafund Pty Ltd and Foxtab
Australian Longevity 1 – Joel Wallach
Australian Longevity 2 – Joel Wallach
Authentic Tahitian Noni Juice expands your health naturally.
Benny Hinn Ministries
Bestearth – Homeopathic answers to today's problems.
Beyond Conformity – Hilary Butler
BioNutritionalCare – Renee Tocco
The Bolen Report – Tim Bolen
BoyLove Forum
Bridge Publications (Scientology)
Burzynski Patient Group
Burzynski Research Institute – Stanislaw Burzynski
Cancer Truth – Ty Bollinger
CLONAID – the first human cloning company
Complementary and Ecological Medicine – Pauline Rose
Contact Reflex Analysis – CRA – Dawn R. Hoezee
Crazy Mothers
Creation Science Evangelism – Kent Hovind
Curacel International
Dead Doctors Don't Lie! – Joel Wallach
Dinosaur and Human Footprints Together
Direct Selling Association stealing someone else's name
The Doctor Within – Tim O'Shea
Doctor's Data
Dr Bruce Goldberg the hypnotherapist
Dr Clark Information Center – Hulda Clark
Dr Philpott Approved Magnetic Therapy Products – Thomas-John Strizak
Dr Tenpenny – The ultimate guide to vaccine information, anti-pharma news, and more – Sherri Tenpenny
Eagle Forum – Phyllis Schlafly
Educate Yourself – Ken Adachi
Educate Yourself – Ken Adachi
Eisenstein Medical Centers – Mayer Eisenstein
Fair Dinkum Radio – Resistance Radio – Leon Pittard
Fishing |
Fluorides and Fluoridation – Darlene Sherrell
Free Alan Yurko
Friends of Freedom

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(The symbol Comment shows that there are some comments here about the site.)


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