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The illustration is "Attempting the Impossible" by René Magritte
(click on the picture to see a larger version.)

These are sites where the idiocy is supported by an appeal to science. The madness of the Recovered Memory and Satanic Ritual Abuse campaigners is included here.

The Green LightSee some answers to scientific nonsense here and here.

You can go here to see  articles I have written about pseudoscience, and here to see  articles by other people.

The Millenium Bookshop has  books about pseudoscience (and real science).

There are sites listed in this category.

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(The symbol Comment shows that there are some comments here about the site.)

National Wind Watch
Natural Society
New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society
Nexus Magazine
No Milk – Don Wiss
Non Pharmaceutical Health Care and Unique Water – Russell Beckett
North Coast Organic
Not Milk – Robert Cohen
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab: Orgonomy and Wilhelm Reich
Ormus Alchemy
Ozganics Australia Pty Ltd – Pete Evans
PAP Ion Magnetic Inductor comprehensive site for professional users – Panos Pappas
Pentagon Space Aliens – William Lyne
PETA :: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Pete Evans – Healthy Everyday
Power Balance Bracelet – Tom O'Dowd
Psychic Challenge and Proof for Homeopathy – John Benneth
Quadrabloc – Amway
Randi Index
Rethinking AIDS
Reverse Speech – Voices From The Unconscious – David Oates
RICHPLANET.NET – The Truth is Here, UFO Truth, Crimes of Government Truth – Richard Hall
Ritual Abuse
Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing
Royal Rife – Richard Loyd
Science of Homeopathy – John Benneth
The Scientific Proof of God – George Hammond
Shaken Babies or Vaccine Damage? – Viera Scheibner
Shuzi Qi – nano Vibration Technology
Silver Lungs
Silver Well Colloidal Silver Generator
Sirius Disclosure – Steven Greer
SOTA products
Spectrum Bioscience
Spinifex Press – Angels of Power
Stardrive – Jack Sarfatti
Stop World Control
System for Controlling a Rotary Device – John Christie & Lou Brits
Tachyons For sale
Tax Meat | PETA Org
Tay's Way Movement – Taylor Winterstein
Transformation Technologies
True Blue Healer
The Truth Library – Bernie Smith
Tyrannical Times
Unique Water
Uri Geller's Webpage
Vaccinations Harm Psychic Abilities – Stephanie Relfe
Victor Zammit -- A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife
The Vitamin C Foundation
Water Fluoridation in Pennsylvania
Well Within – Sheri Nakken
Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country
Wind Turbine Syndrome – Nina Pierpont
World Doctors Alliance

1-50 | 51-100 | 101-
(The symbol Comment shows that there are some comments here about the site.)


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