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Attempting the Impossible - Magritte 1928Commentaries 51 to 100

The illustration is "Attempting the Impossible" by René Magritte
(click on the picture to see a larger version.)

There are sites in the collection which have comments associated with them.

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The Bolen Report – Tim Bolen
Boyd E. Graves
BoyLove Forum
Brunner Professional Services – Health Coach and Nutritional Consultant
Burzynski Patient Group
Burzynski Research Institute – Stanislaw Burzynski
Buyers Group
Canadian Cancer Research Group
The Canary Party
Cancer Monthly : The Source for Cancer Treatment Results – Michael Horwin
Canine Health Concern – Catherine O'Driscoll
Cansurvive Centre Malaysia
Careline Australia
Childhood Shots Vaccine Education – Mary Tocco
Chiropractic Board of Australia
Chiropractic Ierano – Dr Joseph Ierano, Doctor of Chiropractic
Chiropractors' Association of Australia
Chris Everard™
Christian City Church
The Chronicle of Chiropractic
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Citizens Commission on Human Rights (Australia, New Zealand, Oceania)
CLONAID – the first human cloning company
Coalition for Safe Minds
Coherence Through Chiropractic
Complementary and Ecological Medicine – Pauline Rose
Complementary Medicines Australia
Conservapedia – The trusted encyclopedia – Andy Schlafly
Conspiracy – And suppressed and hidden information – Carole Hubbard
Constancy of the Velocity of Light
Contact Reflex Analysis
Contact Reflex Analysis – CRA – Dawn R. Hoezee
Crazy Mothers
Creation Research – John Mackay
Creation Research Society
Creation Science Evangelism – Kent Hovind
Cry Shame! – Martin Walker
Curacel International
Cure Zone
Darryl Jones Health Resolution Centre
David Corbett
Dead Doctors Don't Lie! – Joel Wallach
Debbie Malone – Psychic Medium – Debbie Malone
DeMoss Chiropractic – Billy DeMoss
Diaper Free Baby
Dinosaur and Human Footprints Together

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